Chapter 4

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“Hey, you got change?” you got startled by an airy voice.

“What?” you said before looking at the guy behind you.

“I asked whether you got some change?” he said signalling towards the vending machine and his hand which had a note.

You examined his features and expressions. Wow. He's hot.…….

“No” You outrightly refused and walked away.

Jungkook must admit he was amazed at your response. He thought you were even ready to share your bank account number considering the way you were gawking at him. He just prayed that everything would go the way he planned it.

That day when you went out of the college, you 'unknowingly' went to Jackson's locker. You would always wait for him there after classes. You realized your mistake when you saw Jackson there. He didn't see you.

You immediately turned on your heels to avoid the potential awkward situation that was to follow.

“Hey, baby” He said.

You turned towards his direction out of habit. You were so used to hearing that coming out of his mouth.

But you wished you didn't turn, because he wasn't calling you that. He was speaking on the phone with someone(guess who). He still didn't know that you were there.

You could feel a sharp pain in your heart and a lump in the back of your throat.

You turned away and tried to walk as quickly as possible. Why is everybody so mean?


You were on the way to your house when you heard somebody yell, “Hey, no change girl!!!”

You turned back around and saw that handsome guy you refused earlier. What! No matter how handsome he was, you didn't have change and you couldn't give something you didn't have.

“You!” you said a bit surprised. You were surprised he remembered you. Nobody does until they want to.

He walked up to you. “It really is you.”

“As if, I won't be me.”

“You go to my college right?”

“First of all, it isn't ‘your’ college. Second, nah I just came to your college to use the vending machine duh.”

“Yah stop being so sarcastic.”

“Stop asking stupid questions. Your house is near-by?” You actually wanted to ask him whether he was following you. But you didn't because he would deny it and say that you are too full of yourself.

“Nope, my house is on the other side.”

“Then why are you here?”

“I'm following you. Y/N”

“What?” Okay now you were scared. You looked around and realized that you were not in a really nice neighbourhood. But if you run you could reach your house.

“Don't worry I'm not a creep.” He said, smiling creepily.

“O-okay” you said walking quickly.

You heard him chuckle from behind.

“Yah,yah I'm kidding. Stop running away from me.”

You ran quickly but thanks to your malfunctioned brain you tripped on your own foot and fell down.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at how clumsy you were. He was too tired today to deal with this kind of shit.

“Oh, you okay?” He quickly came over to you and helped you stand up pretending to be concerned.

You looked at him suspiciously. He saw this “Hey, I was just kidding. I'm not that messed up.”

“So your house is on this side then?” You said feeling relieved. Besides why would he stalk you?

“Nope. It's on the other side. I was actually following you.”

You stared at him blankly. Then you slowly asked “Why?”

“I wanted to ask you out for a date.”

You stared at him blankly. You were waiting for him to burst out laughing so that you could do the same. He didn't. And that's when it clicked you. He was serious.

You put your head out giving him a ‘wtf’ look.

He gave you an ‘imeanwhatisaid’ look.

You gave him a ‘thenwtfdidumeanbecauseisureafdidnotunderstandwhatumeant’ look.

“I mean what I said. I found you really cute so just give me a chance.” Jungkook also wanted to say ‘You won't regret it.’  but he stopped himself from saying that because he wasn't sure about it.

Actually his intention was never to use you. He initially wanted to talk to you about his situation and then you both could make a plan to break up your sister and Jackson's relationship.

It was a win-win situation for both of you. He thought that you could get back Jackson cause duh you obviously still had feelings for him and Jungkook could get your sister.

He thought this plan was great until he heard what you said to Jackson near the fire exit ……..

“I understand you fell in love with her. I guess we can't do much about it. But I would have appreciated it if you would have told me earlier. But good that I found out about it earlier.”

“I realized I won't die without you or anything. I'm over it. You could date my sister now for all I care.”………

With that, he knew that talking to you about this plan would be a really bad idea. He initially thought you cared about Jackson but clearly you didn't considering your attitude back there. There was no win in this situation for you. The last thing Jungkook wanted was for you to go and tell your sister about it. Then Jungkook would never have a chance with your sister.

That's why Jungkook did what he did…..

“I- I don't know.” You said. You were so confused. Was it the right thing? Was it okay to do this? You've never done this before.

Jungkook, who zoned out was brought back by you. He sensed hesitation in your voice. That was the last thing he wanted. He had to get a ‘yes’ from you. An idea came to him. He hesitated and tried to push back the idea. ‘Should I do it?’ he thought. ‘Are you crazy, Jungkook?’ He replied to himself. He looked at the doubt and hesitation in your face. ‘Oh screw it’ he finally thought before saying,

“Y/N-ah pwetty pwease with cherry on top, pwease give jungkookie a chance, hmm?”. And best part yet, he said all that with 'bboing bboing' actions and pouted lips.

And that's how you made the ‘Jeon Jungkook’ do aegyo……

Oh and you said ‘Yes’ btw because who wouldn't.

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