Chapter 21

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“Hey Y/N, congrats. You aced this exam as well."

“Thanks.” You replied to another one of those people you knew by face, but didn't know the name of.

You slowly walked towards the board. You smiled seeing your name at the top. Studies was something you could do well. Because there was always applied rules in it. Nobody could just break the rules and make it difficult. And as long as you knew the rules you could do well. Only if relationships had rules.

You searched for Jungkook's name and found it at the last third. You couldn't help but smile. Aish this guy.

You also looked at Jackson's name. It was fifth. You frowned. Jackson was always second or third. What happened?

“Y/N, congrats.” You looked at one of your classmates. She was a popular one. Anyone could tell by looking at her. Clothes that were put to minimum use. And makeup that was put to maximum use.

Most people avoided her because they judged her character. But you believed that nobody should judge others by the choice of the clothes they use. That's why you talked to her like a friend. But that was only when she approached you for notes. Sometimes she would ignore you right out which bothered you but you didn't care about it much. Everybody is the same.

You didn't know exactly why she was talking to you right now. You were enlightened in a couple of seconds.

“So I was thinking whether you had done that assignment? I completed mine. I just wanted to refer yours to check if everything is correct, you know? Don't wanna be losing out on anything.”

You know very well, how complete her assignment was. Parasites. But you could never say no. It's not that you were very nice. You did never have the courage to say no.

You took out the assignment and gave it to her.

“Thanks. I'll return it you by tomorrow.”


The next day, you saw her by the lockers and walked towards her to ask the assignment. Of course it was her responsibilty to give it back. But if she wasn't then it was your responsibility to get it back.

“Hey, Soora” she was with her group of friends. She looked at you blankly like you were asking her a favour.

“My assignment…..” You trailed off suggesting the ‘not so’ obvious.

“Oh. I didn't bring it. Ask me tomorrow.”

“Okay…” the hell.


“You know you should just ask her directly right? Instead of whining about it to me.” Jungkook looked at you then went back to his phone.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean like ‘hey can you give me back my assignment?’ ” He gave you a duh look.

“That's not how it works, Jungkook.”

“Then how does it work? Y/N, you are such a pushover.”

You were triggered and Jungkook knew that. He intended to. He knew how you were when it comes to these things and he wanted to change that about you. Not that he wanted to change you as a person. You were naive and innocent and sweet. Just the way he liked it. But there are so many things in this world that could hurt you and he didn't even want to imagine something like that. So he wanted to change that one thing because he wanted you to be stronger.

“Did you just call me a pushover. I.Am.Not.A.Pushover. Jeon Jungkook, you wait.” You stomped away. He had triggered you successfully.


“Soora, my assignment.” You looked at the girl trying to apply a lip gloss that definitely did not match her complexion.

“Hmm?” She feigned a blank look, then realized you weren't buying it. “Oh, the assignment. Can I give it to you tomorrow?”

The worst kind of problems are always the subtle ones. They are too bothering to ignore but too subtle to confront.

You were always used to your classmates doing this to you. Always expecting things from you like it was your obligation to fulfil their requests.
And the worst part is, you actually felt like it was your obligation to make them happy
‘Maybe Jungkook's right. I am a pushover.’

“Actually I needed it back. I needed to work on some details and tomorrow is the last date for submission right?”

“But your assignment is already great. I don't think it needs any work. Just one more day. I promise pwease… pwease.”

“But…” you trailed off weakly.

By now you were getting glances from the people around. They didn't know about the fact that you gave your assignment two days ago. All they will consider is what they see: that you were too snobby to help your classmate.

‘Y/N, you are such a pushover.’

“Pretty pwease with cherry on top. Just one more day.”

‘No, I am not Jungkook.’

“No Soora. I need it now. I have given you two days already. You said you had already completed it. So what's taking you so long?” You said firmly and you realized that the firmness in your voice had solved the problem.

Soora understood you weren't in the mood for her shit. She grumbled silently and took out your assignment. She felt like she was losing out on some thing and found satisfaction by trying to diss you.

“You and Jungkook are dating right? ”

“None of your business.” You replied uninterested.

“I asked because it doesn't look like you two are, you know.” she continued.

You had nothing to say. What she said was true. You and Jungkook did not look like a couple. Yes you went on a lot of dates but you kept your distance from him. You both did not do couple things. You couldn't just go pounce on him to do couple things with you either.

You kept silent at her diss. You couldn't tell her ‘Yeah bitch, we are a couple. But that doesn't mean we don't respect each other's privacy.’ You couldn't tell her that because society unfortunately taught you to be decent.

You kept looking at her hands that was holding your assignment as a way to avoid conversation but bitch didn't let you.

“Ask Jungkook how he is doing. We know each other. We dated some time ago.” She winked.

You wanted to slap her so much right now. You knew whatever came out of her mouth right now was just lies to provoke you. But you didn't know what to say or what to do. You wanted to be sassy but how. You were not used to this kind of a pressure. No matter how ever much stronger you wanted to be, you couldn't ignore the lump that was forming in the back of your throat. ‘You're stronger than this, Y/N……’

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped you from behind. You were just going to turn around and cry but you didn't for the better.
Jungkook slowly snuggled his face into the crook of your neck.

“Babe… ” he slowly but clearly whispered. “Let's skip the remaining classes.” He snuggled into your neck more. You couldn't stop the blush from creeping up on your face because you were too busy trying to shush your heart.

You remembered that all this was happening in front of a certain someone and other people whose existence you both forgot for a moment.

“I can't wait any longer. Let's just go. Hmm...” Jungkook whisper-yelled trailing his lips on your cheek.

“Here's your assignment.” Soora quickly threw the assignment to you and walked(ran) away.

Jungkook stayed like that for a moment, then straightened up and took you by the hand to the car, making sure that nobody had a doubt about his or your relationship status.

While getting in the car, he said in a low yet audible voice
“You did great, babe.”

You silently thought.
'Thanks....... Jungkook.'

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