Chapter 8

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Jungkook rolled his eyes for the nth time. He was driving you to the museum. For him this was a really good chance to get close to you if not for Namjoon who was sitting in the backseat and talking about philosophical things. You were only sitting in the front seat physically. You were so engrossed in Namjoon's words. Jungkook felt like he was a third wheel in his own date. He sighed.
Pfft. He wasn't jealous or anything. He just wanted to get you to believe that he was sincere. Anyway he was still happy he was going to see Ji-eun noona.

You noticed him sighing and asked him if he was okay. He assured you he was fine with a smile. Namjoon realized he was talking way too much so he too stopped.

The rest of the trip was just an awkward journey for all three of you.


Even though the ‘inner independent goddess’ in you actually thought this was all a cool idea, now you were nervous.  What if they think you still hate them? Will you be able to pull it off well?

You saw them, Jackson and your sister waving at you from a distance. You quickly held on to Jungkook's hand because you were scared. It's a thing you usually did. You thought it was Namjoon who was standing beside you but when you saw yourself holding Jungkook's hand, you quickly let go and mumbled a 'sorry'.

Jungkook was a bit taken aback. Even though it was just for a second he thought he knew you and could understand what kind of a person you are. You were vulnerable?

You hugged your sister like the old times. Or atleast you both tried to make it look like the old times. Jackson nodded at Jungkook acknowledging his existence and and also ignoring Namjoon's.

“Hello, Namjoon....” Your sister briefly glanced at Namjoon. Namjoon smiled in acknowledgement.

But when Jieun looked at Jungkook, she felt her heart stop. “Wait Jungkook-ah?”

“Noona? Wait you are Y/N's sister. Daebak?” Jungkook said surprised but two people there could tell how fake that was.

“Wait you know my sister? How?” You too say, surprised.

“We used to go to the same music class. You still go there?” Your sister asked Jungkook

“Nah. I stopped after some time.”  He replied.

‘Of course you would Jeon Jungkook,  I wasn't there anymore.’ Ji-eun thought. She always knew how Jungkook had a sweet little crush on her. But she pretended not to know anything because Jungkook wasn't her type. But she was surprised as to why he was dating you all of a sudden.

While Jungkook and your sister was talking, you kept looking at Jackson. He was staring at them. He was scared? Huh!

You all went into the museum. More like you went in with Namjoon, Ji-eun went in with Jungkook and Jackson went in with nobody.

Jackson got bored halfway and pulled Ji-eun to his side. Now Jungkook was left all alone.
He looked towards you. You were chattering with Namjoon yet again and he got pissed for some unknown reason. Oh maybe it was because his original plan was to come to the museum and act all lovey-dovey with you and make Ji-eun noona jealous. But he couldn't do that because of a 'certain someone'.

He quickly barged in on your quality time with Namjoon. “Hey…..” He trailed off.

You felt how awkward the situation was so you tried to save it “Hey Jungkook, we were talking about this art piece. What do you think?”

“It's dope.” He simply said.

Namjoon could hardly stop himself from snorting.

“Yup, it's dope.” You said and giggled.
Both Namjoon and Jungkook couldn't stop themselves from smiling after hearing you giggle.

You observed silently for quite sometime and then excused yourself to go to the washroom.

When you came out of the washroom, you saw Jungkook standing there.

“Oh hey…  I had nothing to do there anyway so I was waiting for you.”

“Oh okay let's go back then.” You started walking away.

Jungkook suddenly pulled you backwards by your hand.

“Um.. I just you know wanted to talk about something too.”

“About what?”

“About…Namjoon. I feel kinda left out you know. You just keep talking to him.” he saw your expression change. The last thing he wanted in this fake relationship was for you to be mad and leave him. So he continued “I mean I understand he's your close friend and everything but I just wanted to be close to you.”
‘and also show-off in front of Ji-eun noona’ he thought.

You saw this coming but you didn't expect him to be so straightforward. Also why was your ears getting hot?

“No I understand. It's my fault, sorry.” You said and then realized he was still holding your hands. You quickly tried to take it back but he held on to it stronger.

“Why? I want to.” He pouted.

‘How stupid and fickle am I that I'm falling for this’ you thought.

The rest of the time was all rosy for you. You were always stuck with Jungkook. He was extra sweet and you both giggled for silly reasons. He was sticking way too close for a second date but you didn't give much thought about it because you too had much to gain from it.

The two couples were enjoying the date and Namjoon was beginning to feel like a third wheel. He didn't even want to come on this date and deal with this torture. To see you with Jungkook was pretty painful for him. That guy didn't know shit about art.

When Namjoon first met you, he thought he finally met a person who shared similar interests with him. But he didn't know that when he met you, he also met the person who would become his best friend, the person whom he would admire so much... love so much.

He did have his own conflict initially. He didn't know if it was just a crush on you. Because it lasted much more longer than a crush should. So it's not a crush right? But if it's love then how come whenever he saw you with other guys, he didn't have the courage to pull you in his embrace and kiss you even though he wanted to.

Namjoon also knew that you didn't see him as anything more than a friend. He understood that clearly when you told him about the little butterflies you had in your stomach when you met some guy. Jackson was his name. He could see how your face glowed, how your eyes shined, how your lips curled up when you talked about Jackson.

When you started dating Jackson he couldn't get used to the fact that he had to see you with another man. For the first few times he met Jackson he used to scrutinize him. Maybe that's why Jackson hated Namjoon. Maybe because one man knows what another thinks.

When Jackson tried to separate Namjoon from you he had no other choice but to act gay. It was one of your crazy ideas. And since he wanted to see more of you he had to agree. But after that, no matter how many times he told you he wasn't, you just wouldn't understand. He never understood why you thought he was gay.

But as your relationship started to progress, Namjoon knew it was wrong. You were toxic to him. The worst part about all of this was that you didn't even know what you were doing to him. You were hurting him unintentionally. That why he decided to take a break. He thought that you should be with someone who makes you happy. That's why he took a break from you in the name of a 'vacation'. He made plans as to how to be far away from you.

But if he had known what would happen to you, he wouldn't. If he knew Jackson would have left you, he would have stayed by your side and protected and loved you. But yet again he was a bit too late… you already had Jungkook.

The visit to museum was over and you reached your house. It was one where everything went as planned.

But that night when you went to sleep. You were still nervous about what you were doing. Were you doing the right thing? Is it okay to do this?
Will other people get hurt?
Will you get hurt?....

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