Chapter 5

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You did say ‘yes’ to Jungkook but now you were regretting it. In the spur of the moment you just blurted out something and now you had to face the consequence in the name of a ‘date’ at 7pm tomorrow.

I mean you didn't know why anybody in the right mind would ask you out. The fact that he did made you think of all the weird possibilities. What if he was a serial killer or a rapist? What if he targeted Seoul based independent woman? What if he kidnapped you and tried to sell off your organs?

You were freaked out and you had no way to escape. He knew where you lived and said that he will pick you up at 7. You thought of shifting your house.

“Wait why are you freaking out so much? It's just a date, Y/N-ah. It's not like your allergic to men or anything.” Namjoon said looking at your wardrobe like a crime scene. “Your sense of fashion is murderous.”

“Ouch but that's why I have you, Joonie.” You went up to him and started squishing him. Namjoon and you were great friends. He was studying in your university and had gone away for vacation to America. He was a really good rapper and a producer. That's how you met him. He worked with your sister to make a song as a project for her music class.

Even though your sister met him first,  you were the one who hit it off with him. Something you were proud and glad to this day. You both could talk for hours and hours about something and still not get bored with each other. You remember Jackson used to be so protective of you when he saw you with Joon, even though you told him there was nothing to worry about. You were happy about that in a weird. Maybe because it showed you that Jackson really cared. Thinking about your past you kept smiling at Namjoon like a little kid so he got insecure and asked “What?”

“Nothing.” You shrugged. “By the way, how are things with Jin, Rap Monster?”
You knew he hated you calling him 'Rap monster'.

Namjoon didn't know what exactly he should be offended with. You calling him Rap monster or you pairing him up with Jin.

“Stop that.” He said chuckling.

“Stop what?” You asked innocently.

“Everything. First of all, don't call me Rap monster. I was only eleven.”

“What? It is a great name. Why'd you change it?”

He paused before continuing. “Second of all, I'm not gay.”

“Of course, you are. Atleast for Jin.” After saying this you stood upon the bed and started cheering for Namjin.

“Hey stop right there missy. I only told that I am gay so that your Mr.Protective boyfriend wouldn't break my jaw everytime I talked to you.” He realised he touched a sensitive topic when he saw your expression change. He felt sad.

So he quickly changed the subject.“So don't you wanna look ravishing tomorrow?”

“Meh” you simply said and fell back on the bed.

“How about this one?”


“Atleast just look at it.”

You lifted your head to see Namjoon holding a pretty decent dress. You smiled at Namjoon and mouthed a ‘no’ again.

“Do you not wanna go on the date that much?” He said jumping into the bed beside you. You thought he would break it.


“Then don't go.” He said a bit hesitant and slowly.

“Hmm? What did you say?”

“I said don't go.”


“What? Really?”  He looked at you with his eyebrows raised.

“Obviously not, moron. I have to go. This Jungkook kid doesn't look like the type to give upon things easily. He'll keep pestering me until I agree. So just get it done once and for all. I'll tell him in a nice way that I found the date really boring and that we are different kinds of individuals blah blah blah.”

“Oh okay.” Namjoon said. Somehow he wasn't as nervous as he was when he came to your house today morning.

“So movie marathon then?” You suggested a smile creeping upon your face.

“First one who reaches the hall gets to choose the movie.” You said this to Namjoon who was lying on the bed but the thing is you said it after you got off the bed and reached the door. So much for fair games.

“Yah, that's not fair.” He said trying to get out of the bed fast.

You went to the tv and started checking out movies to watch. “Hey Joon, could you make some popcorn?”

You heard a weird ‘sure’ and then something breaking.

“Uh, Y/N-ah the bowls kinda bro-” You heard him saying from the kitchen.

“How many?” You rolled your eyes. Why did you even ask him to do it?

“Tw-three” He said. You could hear how sorry he was. You felt bad for him. He was just clumsy and you actually found that a bit cute.

“Dude it's fine. They were old anyway. There are some more in the other cupboard.”

“Uh… Y/N-ah what about your bed? Was that old too? Cuz you know I kinda bro-”

“Kim Namjoon YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!!!”


You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked same. You looked like you would kill your reflection if you had the chance. You tried to smile and when you looked creepy you stopped.

You heard the doorbell ring. You opened the door after sighing heavily and fixing your smile. 'Gotta look interested, right?'

Jungkook stood there leaning on the wall with a smug smile. “Hey....”
‘Boyfriend material’ screamed your heart.
‘Fuckboy material’ screamed your brain.
You listened to your brain because you knew the choices of your heart actually sucked.

“Hey, I'm ready, let's go.” You said pushing him out and locking your door.

Jungkook took you to a nice restaurant. Not very expensive and not too crowded.

“So tell me about yourself.” He said wiping the corner of his mouth with the napkin.

“Me? I thought you knew everything about me, stalker.”

“Oh come on. The only thing I knew was your name and how different and nice you are from others.”
'Wow boy can lie' you thought.

“Okay so I'm originally from Busan. I came to Seoul for college.”

“So you live here alone.” He said. He wanted you to tell more because he wanted to know about 'someone else'.

You paused a few seconds before speaking. In those few seconds you thought about a lot of things. “Nope, not alone obviously.” You paused again. “Even my sister is here in Seoul.”

You looked into Jungkook's eyes and smiled. So did he. What a nice smile!

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