Chapter 10

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For the past couple of days you were in depression mode. You felt like it was your fault for some weird reason. Namjoon was the last person you felt was on your side and now that he left, you felt lonely and sad.

“I feel cold….” You said sentimentally staring blankly at the ceiling of your bedroom while lying on your bed.

“Cold? Do you want me to turn on the heater?” Jungkook said uninterested swiping through his phone.

You glared at him. Jungkook was with you through out the 'depression' phase which kind of irritated you because you felt he was only there physically and not mentally. Guess that's what boyfriends do. You sighed. Atleast he was there, you would have to do something for him.

You got up from bed and tied up your hair.“Jungkook what do you want to eat?”

Jungkook looked at you surprised.“You're not sad anymore?Are you back to normal?”

You rolled your eyes and muttered a ‘yes’.

“That's a relief!” he smiled to himself. It really was a relief to Jungkook, not because he cared for you but because he was tired of babysitting your gloomy-ass.

“I would like to eat some thing light thanks.” Then his face light up “Pancakes.” He squealed.

“You like pancakes?”

“Yup and anyone who makes them.” He smirked.

“Uh-huh” You nodded thinking about something and then headed towards the kitchen.

He came up to you who was in the kitchen.

“I didn't know you cook.” Jungkook was amazed you actually cook. He never saw you cook before.

“Of course I do. I can pretty much do anything as long as it's related to food and me eating it.” You put on a proud expression on your face before continuing “But I can't assure you whether it's good though.”

Jungkook chuckled. It was genuine. But he didn't want to be genuine with you. He felt like he was losing his purpose. So he asked you “Is your mother a good cook?” He hoped that the conversation would lead to what he wanted to know.

“Oh yeah she is. But my sister got her skills. Actually my sister is the best cook among all of us. She can practically make anything. You name it. She makes it.” You smiled while saying that.

Jungkook was happy that you fell into his trap. The fact that your sister was a good cook made him happy and excited all of sudden. Oh how he loves a woman who could cook well. He started daydreaming about cold mornings when your sister would make him sweet, warm breakfasts and how he would back-hug her while she was making it. Oh sweet noona…

“Umm Jungkook?” You waved at him.

He got startled and looked at you. You pointed at the plate before him. He looked down at the food. It looked decent.

He took a bite. Jungkook regretted his entire plan of getting close to you in that one bite. He felt like he was just eating the ingredients as it is.

He looked at you and smiled “It's delicious.” You could feel his eyes getting teary. You giggled mentally.

And all Jungkook could think was how you had made him cry from just eating pancakes. You were definitely one of the worst cooks he had met. Actually that's not true you were the worst. One more reason for him to hate you.

“Will you be fine alone?” Jungkook asked trying to get out of your house in a hurry. He just wanted to bid you adieu quickly and leave. He had spent way too much time for this shit with you.

“Oh come on. As if I'm not used to it.” You said and shut the door. Jungkook stood there for a couple of seconds whether you meant it in a sad way. ‘Nah, she doesn't have that much of brains’. He shrugged and went home happily.


At 12 am that night Jungkook got a call. He groaned and mentally cursed the person who invented mobile phones in the first place.

He picked up only to hear you on the other end, screaming his name in an annoyingly high pitch.

“Jungkookie.... what kkindd of a boooooyfriend are. you. bro?”

Jungkook was confused at first but then he understood what exactly was happening.

“You. Are. A. Bad. Boyfriend. Bro. You leeft your girrlfriend in a baaar all alloone. Like who does thhatt Bro? ” your words were slurring because you were drunk.

Jungkook facepalmed himself. He wished he hadn't taken the call. Now he had to come pick you up. Not because he cared but because he didn't want you asking him tomorrow as to why he didn't come pick you up.

“Okay Y/N tell me where you are?” He tried to remain calm because his blood sure was boiling.

“Me? I'm in a bar.”

“Okay where is the bar?”

“Where I am” He heard your drunk giggles  “See what I did there brrrro.”

Jungkook mentally facepalmed himself. “Okay, listen Y/N-ah. Can you give the phone to someone else? Maybe the bartender.”

“What's a bartender?” You asked innocently. He heard some kind of muffled words.

Jungkook was about to lose his shit when you said again, “Oh Jungkook, do yoou wanna talk to this handsooome gguy here?”

Jungkook heard someone speak on the line.

“Hello” He heard a calm and gentle voice.

“Hey dude. Can you tell me where the bar is?”

“Sure it's_____”

“Thanks. Hey one more favour can you look over her until I come. I'll just take a few minutes, I promise.”

“Yeah, that's no problem.”

“Thanks. I'm trusting you, man”

Jungkook reached the bar in no time. He wanted to come in, pull you out of the bar, dump you in your house and then go sleep.

He found you sitting by with another man who he guessed was the guy he spoke on the phone with. You were right, he was really handsome.

Jungkook saw that you were having a good time with that guy. He got pissed. “Y/N…”

You looked at his direction and saw him and got excited “It's Jungkoooook yay.”

The man looked at Jungkook and gave him a smile.
“Hey, I'm Jin. You must be Jungkook.”

Jungkook replied “Yeah Jungkook, her boyfriend.”

You pulled Jungkook's hand and slowly tried to whisper to him. “Jungkook, he's ggaayyy.” Well you tried to whisper, failing miserably as people around you, looked at you.
Jungkook didn't know as to why you were telling him this. He couldn't care less. Not that he would feel relieved or anything. Pfft.

“Okay Y/N let's leave then.”

“Waiiiit…. I have to tell Jin something.” You said and ran up to Jin before whispering something in his ear and later writing down something on his hand. It looked like a phone number. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.

“Y/N-ah” Jungkook asked you while you were in the car.

“Hmm?” You were slowly falling asleep.

“How do you know that guy… Jin?”

“He's Joonie's friend.”

Jungkook got pissed again. You were always Joonie this. Joonie that. Why couldn't you just go date Namjoon? Jungkook was sick of Namjoon and you.

He hated you and all but he realized he had to give you a piggyback to your doorstep.

On the way to your doorstep he heard you call him “Jungkook?”

“What do you want now?” Jungkook finally snapped.

“Kookie.... love me please…….”

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