Chapter 9

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The next day was pretty normal. You did all cute lovey-dovey things couples do.

But as for Jackson, he was uneasy due to so many things. He had planned the whole museum thing so that he could study this Jungkook guy in detail. And now he was scared. Not only for you but for himself. He didn't want to lose you and Ji-eun.

He wanted to talk to you. But he was scared. What if you would think that he was possessive about you? But some part of him told him that you wouldn't take it that way. Even when you both were in a relationship you would understand him and what he actually meant. That was one thing he loved about you. The way you could understand things from everyone's perspective.

That's why he pulled you aside after class and said, “Y/N-ah I wanted to talk to you about something.” He was worried, you could tell. When Jackson was worried, you knew shit was about to go down.

“Yeah. What is it?” You asked already knowing what it was.

“Are you sure about this Jungkook dude? I mean I find it a bit weird with all the things going on between you two.”

“Weird why Jackson? Weird because I found someone else even though you cheated on me. Weird because maybe for once in life, I might have someone who didn't leave me after meeting my sister. Weird because someone might actually love me for once. I can't believe you. You. Are. So. Selfish. You don't have to be the ‘oh so protective’ boyfriend now because guess what I already got one and I like him very much already so mind your goddamn business for once and let me be.”

Jackson didn't expect you to burst out like that. You never did something like that. That wasn't you. You'd always think about things first and then respond. Did him leaving you change that much?


When Jungkook saw Jackson this morning, he knew some thing was up. So when he heard Jackson talking about him to you, he knew for sure that today could be marked as the end day of his plan.

But he didnt expect you to say all that to Jackson. Wow. He thought you still had tiny weeny bit feelings for Jackson and you were just using him to show-off to Jackson. But when you said all that he didn't quite know what to think.

'......guess what I already got one and I like him very much ………’

His plan was going easier than expected actually. ‘How naive could this girl be’ he thought. Anybody in the right mind would have their guard up high especially after a break-up and here you were waiting for somebody to come use you again. He thought you were such a stupid girl. You were going to definitely get hurt over and over again in life, that too very easily. You shouldn't trust people so easily.


“Joon- ah,  how could you do this to me?” You said as tears rolled down your eyes.

Namjoon muttered an ‘I'm sorry.’ He couldn't look at you.

You hugged him harder and held him tight hoping he won't leave.

“I wanted tell you sooner but you were so busy. I'm so-” He couldn't continue as he felt his eyes stinging.

“No. You can't leave for America. I won't let you.” You wanted to be stubborn but your voice sounded so weak.
“Why didn't you tell me? Do I mean nothing to you?”

‘It's because you mean everything to me. That's why you should date a guy you like and be happy. There's no point in me staying here. I would never have the courage to ask you out nor do I have strength to see you with someone.’  He wanted to tell you all these but he just replied with a simple “Non sense”.

He had decided to move to America back in the vacation itself. Back then you were dating Jackson and he thought it would be better for you and him if he stayed away from you. After preparing everything there, he came back to tell you but what he didn't expect to hear was that you had broken up with Jackson. He couldn't break you again by telling this. For one second he regretted whatever he did but when he saw you with Jungkook he was reassured that you will be fine.

“Y/N- ie look at me.” He said looking down at you.

You looked up at him with teary eyes.

“You'll be fine. We will bond over Skype still. Hmm? America is not that far away.”

“Then why do you have to go there? You could have gone and stayed in Antarctica or.. or… Mars or some stupid place far away.. You could have just left me here, you asshole.”

“You dont mean that, baby. I will still visit you.”

You looked up at him and sighed. You knew there was no turning back when Namjoon decides to do something.

“I hate you.” You snuggled into his chest.

“I love you tho.” Namjoon said and let that tear roll down from his eyes.


At the airport Namjoon bid everyone farewell. He even hugged Jackson. You did feel Jackson felt a bit sad about Namjoon's leaving but if you asked him he would definitely deny it, so why bother.

If anyone was happy about Namjoon's farewell that would be Jungkook. He always thought there was something going on between you and Namjoon. Or at least Namjoon had a little crush on you. Not that he cared. But it was a hindrance to his plan. Now he could have you all to himself. The ‘naive and trusting’ you. He was gonna smirk when Namjoon came and hugged him.

“Please take good care of her. She's weak so protect her, man.” He whispered before parting from the hug.

Namjoon waved at everyone and started walking the other way. He hoped he had made the right decision of leaving you behind. He was too afraid to be close to you. He would only hurt himself and you. He didn't know if he was selfish or selfless. Maybe you would cry for a few days after he left but he did all these so that you will be happy later.

He remembered he had a picture of you in his wallet. He took it. It was an old one. He kissed it and then threw it in the trash. Cliche! But it did break his heart. He should let you go.

‘Bye Y/N…..’

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