Chapter 24

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Dinner in your house was, let's say, good. Except for the occasional disses your sister took at you. ‘Who bit her ass?’

Your father seemed to be getting along pretty well with the two boys. ‘Getting along well’ means your father talking to the two boys in such a manner that it is clear that he likes them but if they so much as to touch a hair on your bodies, he would have their arms hung up in his study. Yeah 'getting along very well'.

You were avoiding Jungkook. You had no excuse to tell him as to why you suddenly ran away. You'll make up something.

Since you were too scared to look at his face, you didn't know that he was also trying to avoid you. He was more than ashamed. What was he thinking? You were some one he found too annoying, still do. And he tried to kiss you. He shared his vulnerable side with you. He told you all the things about him that he didn't want anybody to know about. Why? Maybe the fact that you weren't gonna stay much longer with him was the reason. Or maybe he trusted you. He didn't know the reason why and he didn't want to think about it either because nothing can be changed now.

You were all spread out in the living room. Jackson and Jungkook were on the couch and your father was in between them. Your sister and you were on the floor. You all were watching ‘Train to Busan’ and even though both Jackson and Jungkook hated watching it, they suddenly found the movie interesting because your father said so.

Your mother called your sister from the kitchen to take the desserts. Your sister asked you to go.

“Why should I go? She called you. Don't be so lazy.”

Your sister rolled her eyes and got up. She came back with the dessert but before setting it down she let a snarky remark
“No respect for elders.”

You didn't know why. This triggered you. Maybe the fact your sister kept dissing you the entire evening was the fuel. It's funny how sometimes you bear the most roughest hardships but the smallest prick actually ends up triggering you.

“If I didn't have any respect for elders, you wouldn't be living in my apartment.” Everybody in the room was alarmed. You were too. You didn't mean to say that...  Okay you did want to say that. But you didn't expect the seriousness of the words until it came out of your mouth.

“Wait. Jieun lives with you?” Your father quickly straightened up.

You suddenly realized you screwed up big. You had blurted out whatever shit that came into your mouth in the name of a comeback but now your sister was in trouble. You looked at your sister who was boiling with anger. You looked at her apologetically.

“If you just wanted to snitch, you could have done it more directly, you cunning bitch.”

Jackson and Jungkook shifted closer to your dad because as they were getting quite uncomfortable with the atmosphere. Your dad did not mind them shifting closer either. He realized shit was about to go down. He had never seen his daughters raise their voices at anyone like this.

“Of course I am the bitch.” You snorted sarcastically. “I was the bitch who let you stay in my house, when you were practically out on the streets. Oh but excuse me, I wasn't the bitch who tried to steal her sister's boyfriend.”

“You..Did.Not.Just.Bring.That.Up.” Your sister said stressing each and every word. You both had forgot all the other insignificant presence in the room by now.

“Oh.Yes.I.Did.” You said mocking your sister's actions. “This is what you have always done. Going after the things I like….. going after the boys I like. You remember Mark, right? In high school. You knew I liked him. And what did you do? You went and dated him right in front of me.”

“I'm sorry but Mark liked me. It's not my fault he didn't like you and asked me out instead. And don't try to be so innocent. I know you were the one who snitched about us to our parents. And because of you, we had to break up.”

“Will you just fucking stop calling me a snitch. I never snitched abou-”

“And then there was Namjoon.” Your sister cut you off.

“What about Namjoon?” You asked confused. So was Jungkook and Jackson who were clinging on to your father but trying not to be obvious at the same time.

“Oh you knew I liked Namjoon?” Your sister stated.

“What?! You liked Namjoon?” You were shocked.

“Of course and you stole him away from me. He never even considered me as a woman. He liked you from the very beginning. But you were so stupid that you didn't notice that and went and dated Jackson, hurting Namjoon.”

“Y/N and Jackson…” Your father looked subjectively at Jackson who avoided eye contact and shifted a little away from him.

“So you are telling me that you stole Jackson away from me because you liked Namjoon.” Your voice had become a little weak due to the lump forming in the back of your throat.

“No. Do you think I'm that petty? You didn't deserve Jackson. And when I saw that, I took him away from you to give him things he deserved. After all that's what I have always done. You were always too weak to protect the things you liked and when they, eventually, ended up in my hands, you started whining about me being the evil sister. Maybe if you had given Jackson what he deserved, maybe if you didn't try to be such a crowd pleaser, maybe he would still be with you. Right, Jackson?”

You looked at Jackson who had his head lowered.

“How can you still, after all that you have done, make it look like it's my fault?” Your voice was getting too weak. Everybody in the room understood that you had reached your limit.

“aaaahhhh” you sister suddenly shrieked.

“Aaahhh, eomma” You too, shrieked as your mother pulled you and your sister by the hair

“You rotten bitches, is this the manners that I have taught you? Shouting like monkeys in front of guests. Apologize right now.”

“I am sorryy” Your sister and you said quickly.

That night, none of you slept peacefully.

You quickly got up and went outside to catch some fresh air.
You could feel the cold wind hit your face but then you realized they were just your tears.

You suddenly felt something rustle behind you. When you turned back, you were pulled into a warm embrace.

You cried into his chest. The only thing you could say was “Why is everyone so mean, Jungkook? What did I do to her? Why is she so mean?”

After a while you both sat down on a nearby rock. He kept looking at your red, swollen eyes and realized he had never seen you cry before.

“You know, she's actually right. I never could protect the things I liked. In that case, my sister was brave enough. She said she wanted to go to Seoul and be a singer. Though my parents didn't agree and they still don't support her, still she does what makes her happy. But me? I was too scared about going against them. I was scared if I'll make them sad. I wanted to compose music, you know. But I was too scared to protect that dream of mine. Maybe if I had protected it, I would still be happy, even if I lived on the streets.......Maybe that's why she hates me so much. I got all of my parent's love and support. She hated me because I was the daughter who got everything. But little does she know, I only got them because I gave up my wishes and dreams.”

“But you could compose some now. It's not too late, you know.”

You looked at his radiating face for a moment, then said “But Jungkook, some things would end up much better if they were started earlier.”

"Following your happiness isn't one of them."

You looked at Jungkook for a while and then nodded.

“.....Aaah....It's fine now. I have everything figured out. I promised myself when Jackson left that I won't be the same old me ever again. You don't have to worry. Let's go sleep. We have to leave early tomorrow, right?” You said wiping your tears with the back of your hand.

That night was a bit different for both, you and Jungkook.

For the first time, you both felt like you knew each other a little more than the night before.

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