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It was BTS's first day off in a long time and they were making the most of it.

Suga was asleep, despite it being two in the afternoon, Namjoon was watching TV with the Golden Maknae Jungkook, Jin was cooking while J-Hope bothered him and V was...

V was underneath a slightly grumpy Jimin.

"J-Jimin~" V moaned, throwing his head back against the pillow as waves of pleasure ran through him. Jimin continued to thrust, hitting that spot that caused V to see stars.

V continued to moan, making Jimin thrust harder as they both climaxed.

Jimin released, filling V with his seed. V moaned something incomprehensible as he came, the sticky liquid flowing out his member.

Jimin pulled out, panting and sticky with sweat as he lay down next to V. The pair looked at each other, both panting, before staring at the ceiling.

"Thanks, V." Jimin said, looking back at V.

Jimin had gotten sick of watching Namjoon and Jungkook snuggle up together as they watched the TV, so he'd gone to where V was reading in his room.

V had known instantly what Jimin wanted and put his book down, sitting up and pulling his shirt off. It had then quickly escalated into a quick fυck.

There were no feelings (unless you counted Jimin's jealousy) so you couldn't really call it making love. Jimin and V were friends, nothing more, nothing less. V was just happy to help out his friend when he needed a distraction.

V smiled at Jimin and sat up slowly, staring at the dirtied bed sheets and then at Jimin's naked body.

"We should probably get cleaned..." He said and Jimin sat up as well, nodding. They quickly gathered clothes, throwing them on and then walked to the bathroom.

V stared at Jimin's abs as he undressed. Although he'd seen them a lot, V never got tired of staring at Jimin's abs.

Jimin started the shower and stood there as he waited for the water to heat up. This was like a tradition between Jimin and V- they fυcked, they had a shower together, they acted like nothing ever happened.

V often wondered if the other band members knew. They never said anything, and although their room wasn't necessarily close to where everyone usually hung out, V wasn't very quiet. Surely they must have heard him moaning. And noticed the constant need for new sheets.

"Are you going to stand there or hop in?" Jimin asked, drawing V out of his thoughts. V looked up and realised Jimin was already in the shower.

He quickly hopped in next to Jimin, the warm water streaming down his body. Jimin wet his hair as V grabbed the shampoo. Once Jimin's hair was wet, V began to massage the shampoo into it.

Jimin close his eyes, enjoying the feeling of V washing his hair. V's fingers massaged his scalp, bringing a different sort of pleasure to him.

V stared at Jimin's soft black hair, trying to force the feelings that had bubbled up back down.

When they had first debuted, V had thought he'd liked J-Hope. And he had. But J-Hope was infatuated with Jimin and it was obviously not going to go anywhere.

Then when Jimin came to him and they came to their friends-with-benefits agreement, V had agreed. He hadn't really thought the 'no feelings' part of it would ever be an issue.

But, of course, he was wrong. It wasn't the first time, and it most definitely wouldn't be the last.

Still, it made life difficult. It's a big ask, to be asked to fυck the person you have feelings for, but not to develop feelings. That's like telling a child to go play in a pile of its favourite lollies, but not to eat any. It's going to happen, and you know it will.

V rinsed the shampoo out of Jimin's hair and started on the conditioner, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"What's the matter?" Jimin asked as V's fingers ran through his hair, spreading the conditioner to the tips.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just tired..." V lied, forcing him to smile. As much as he hated lying, he kind of had to. The alternative was admitting his feelings and ruining whatever the relationship he had with Jimin was. And he didn't want that.

He would rather suppress his emotions and keep things the way they were than admit and lose what he had with Jimin, which although it it wasn't much, it was better than nothing.


"I wish they'd just tell us..." Jin sighed as he realise the moaning had stopped. J-Hope frowned and paused what he was doing to look at Jin.

"You who would tell us what?" He asked, staring at Jin.

"Jimin and V. I wish they'd just tell us they're dating. I don't know why they don't trust us..." J-Hope almost dropped the bowl in his hands.

Jimin... dating V?? No one had told him this!

"They're dating?" Jin frowned slightly as he looked at J-Hope, trying to figure out if that was a serious question or not.

"Haven't you heard the moans?" J-Hope shook his head, making Jin begin to question J-Hope's hearing.

Meanwhile, J-Hope was struggling to deal with the fact that Jimin was dating someone other than him. He placed the bowl on the bench, worried he might drop it.

Moaning meant sex, and sex meant a serious relationship.

How had all the BTS members not noticed this?? Or maybe they had and just hadn't said anything... Maybe J-Hope was the only dense one.

Or, maybe it was Jin that was wrong. Maybe Jin was hearing things.

J-Hope started to smile as he slowly tried to convince himself that this was the case.

His smile dropped suddenly. How could he be so stupid?

This was definitely not that case.




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