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"V, come here, your hair needs fixing." Jin said, pulling on V's arm to pull him closer. He fixed an imaginary bit of hair that was out of place before smiling at his handiwork. "There, all better."

"Thanks, Seokjin hyung." V said, smiling. Jin smiled back before pinching V's cheeks, cooing about his adorableness. Jin had decided that even thought V was dating Jimin, he'd continued to show skinship. Not because he was trying to steal V away from Jimin, but because he liked the stares he was receiving from J-Hope.

Sure, he was being a bad hyung by teasing his dongsaeng like this, but he just couldn't help it. Think of it as revenge for all the times J-Hope had been so annoying.

But, in all honesty, V was really cute and it was kind of hard for Jin to contain himself.

"Alright, everyone, get into pairs for the photoshoot." The photographer said, having finished setting up everything for the group.

"I want to go with V!" Jin said, holding on to V's arm possessively.

"No, I'm going with V!" Jimin exclaimed, wrapping his arm around V's waist and pulling him over to him.

"How about I just go with V and solve all the arguments." Suga said, wrapping his arm around V's neck from behind and resting his head on V's shoulders.

"No, V should go with me, we're obviously the best pair visually." Jungkook said, getting annoyed with all the people touching his V. How was the VKook supposed to happen if people kept trying to steal V away from him? Seriously!

"Guys, just calm down." Namjoon said, deciding to solve this argument like a leader should. "Jin hyung, go with J-Hope. Jungkook, go with Suga and Jimin go with V. I'll do the solo." Namjoon figured the real couple should probably be together, so he put V and Jimin together, in the hope of getting the VMin ship sailing.

Jin huffed and pouted as he walked over to the set with J-Hope. J-Hope frowned at him, feeling slightly hurt at the treatment he was receiving from his hyung. First he leaves him and begins hanging out with V, and then he acts like it's some big chore to do a photoshoot with him? What's gotten into him?

What he didn't realise was that Jin was celebrating on the inside. He'd been paired with his favourite dongsaeng, though as the oldest he couldn't have favourites so he'd never admit it. Plus he was trying to make J-Hope jealous, so he had to not act excited.

"Try not to be so happy..." J-Hope muttered as they stood in front of the camera, telling Jin he'd achieved what he wanted.

Still, a part of him felt guilty, what if all this was hurting J-Hope? He could be hurting his dongsaeng, and that would make him a bad hyung...

No, he would prevail. This was the only way.

Jin made himself smile, posing with J-Hope for the camera.

He would win, he would make sure of it.


"V, come here." Suga said from he was lazily sprawled on the couch. V looked over at him and smiled, walking over to him.

"Yeah?" Suga pat the spot next to him, his eyes half closed as he attempted to tell V to lie next to him. Luckily, V had had plenty of time to learn how to understand Suga-language.

"Your shoulder is comfy." Suga mumbled as he made himself comfortable on V, not really caring what V thought.

"Thanks, I guess." V said as he wrapped his arm around Suga in response, also making himself comfortable.

Jimin walked past and went into the kitchen, briefly looking at the pair. He frowned slightly on his way past, before getting distracted by Jungkook and deciding to go harass him.

Suga sighed as he closed his eyes, beginning to fall asleep. V watched him as his breathing slowed, staring at Suga's face. He smiled slightly at the quickness it took Suga to fall asleep before closing his own eyes, deciding there probably wasn't much else for him to do.

"Get off!" Jungkook yelled, frowning at Jimin as he slapped him away. Jimin frowned, trying to figure out what he had done. All he'd thought he'd done was ask Jungkook where the chocolate was.

Jungkook walked out of the kitchen, still carrying his drink bottle, and paused when he saw Suga and V sleeping on the couch. His hand clenched around his drink bottle as he glared at the pair, jealousy running through him.

He had to pick up his game, he had to make V want him. Not Suga, not Jimin, none of the members of BTS. It had to be him and only him.

Jungkook would make V his, even if it meant stealing him from Jimin.




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