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V hugged Robo-Maid to his chest as he stared at the TV, trying to ignore the quietness of the dorm.
All of the couples had gone out, and Namjoon was somewhere, which meant V was alone.

He sighed, turning the TV up to try and mask the quietness.

"And for a limited time only, we'll also give you a pink coloured one." V was about to get up and grab the phone when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Namjoon sitting down next to him.

"You don't need that." He said, looking at V. "We don't need to dorm filled with useless appliances again."

"But's not useless, and I do need that." Namjoon sighed and looked at the TV before frowning.

"V... it's a bra..."

"Yeah, but I've been feeling a bit unsupported lately and the woman on the TV said it offers support and comfort. And it's cheaper than other leading labels, with the same amount of quality." Namjoon ran a hand down his face, wondering if V had been getting enough sleep.

"You don't need support, you've got nothing to support!" V pouted, looking back at the screen. It was too late now anyway, the advertisement had changed. "Don't be too upset, here, have some of the ice cream you never ate yesterday."

Namjoon scooped some of the ice cream out of the tub he'd had in his lap and fed it to V, watching as his expression slowly went from the pouty one to a more happy face. He didn't look as happy as he used to, but still happier.

"All better?" He asked as he fed V another scoopful of ice cream. V nodded, happy someone was finally paying him some attention.

He was like a puppy, he needed attention or he got depressed.

"Now, if you're ever feeling like you need support, don't call up some bra company. Just come find me. Okay?" V nodded, making Namjoon smile. "Good, now let's eat ice cream till we get a brainfreeze."


V sat crosslegged on his bed, staring out the door where Jimin and Suga were kissing. Jealousy ran through him, causing tears to sting his eyes as he realised he wasn't quite over Jimin yet.

Sure, he was happy Suga and Jimin were back together and they'd made up, but he liked Jimin, and he wasn't used to basically being ignored by him. It almost made him miss the days when Jungkook hadn't met G-Dragon and Jimin still felt he had a chance with Jungkook and was using V. Almost.

V sniffed as he wiped the tears away, not wanting anyone to walk in and see him.

But, because life seemed to be against V at the moment, someone did walk in and see him. Namjoon did.

Namjoon walked in and sat down next to V, silently handing him a box of tissues and chocolate. He sat there, still not saying anything, as V wiped his tears away and blew his nose.

"You shouldn't cry over him." He said eventually, looking at V. "He doesn't like you in that way..."

"I know..." V said, nodding his head as he stared at his lap. Namjoon lifted his chin, making him look at him.

"But, there's someone right here who does, and he won't make you cry." Namjoon said before kissing V's cheek. V's eyes widened as he stared at Namjoon.

"Y-You like me?" Namjoon nodded.

"And I have for a while now... It killed me to listen to you and Jimin or Jungkook or whoever you were with get it on..." Namjoon sighed. "It was horrible."

"But if you liked me, then why didn't you say anything?" Namjoon frowned at him.

"And what? Try and break up whatever it was you had with Jimin? You were happy, V, and that was all I really wanted." He shrugged. "As long as you were happy and okay with it, then I'd just suck it up and deal with it."

V sat there, silently for a few minutes, before frowning.

"How do I know you don't just want to use me?" He asked. "Because for a while now, anyone who's ever shown me affection has just used me and/or left me."

"Well I won't." A smile slowly formed on V's lips.

"Prove it." Namjoon frowned, slightly worried about V's smile.


"I said, prove it. I want you, Kim Namjoon hyung, to prove that you really do like me and you won't leave me."




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