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"Jungkook..." V sighed as his hands were pinned to the wall. He looked at the maknae, his tiredness evident on his face.

"Yes, V?" Jungkook said innocently, though they both knew he was far from innocent. This was evident from the way their packages pressed together and red marks were already appearing on V's neck.

For once, V would like to top. Even the maknae, who in basically every single fanfic was on bottom, managed to top V.
Maybe it was their lust...

"I'm too tired for this." V attempted to free his wrists from Jungkook's grasp and failed.

Sometimes, V wished Jungkook and Jimin would just hook up so he could have a break. But then that would have to involve V giving up Jimin to Jungkook.

Although this was probably inevitable, V didn't particularly want it to happen.

V's thoughts were abruptly cut as he moaned loudly, Jungkook grinding himself against V.

Contrary to the fans' belief, Jungkook was definitely no innocent maknae. Jin had not managed to protect him with his motherly powers.

As V opened his mouth to moan again, Jungkook quickly used this opportunity to get his tongue inside V's mouth.

V gave up fighting and relaxed, responding to Jungkook. Given he obviously had no choice in the matter, he might as well enjoy it and make it consensual.

Jungkook let go of V's wrists now that he knew there'd be no fighting back and began to unbutton V's shirt.

V felt guilty for making out with Jungkook and knowing full well where this was going to end up, but he still entangled his fingers in Jungkook's hair and pulled him closer.

Jungkook pulled away from V and began to leave a trail of wet kisses down V's neck. He nipped V's collarbone, sucking hard on it and making V moan.

V attempted to stifle his moans, knowing if someone heard they'd know something was up. Jimin was still practising so they'd know V wasn't with him.
Then questions would be asked...

Jungkook grabbed V by the waistband and pulled him to the bed. He sat down and pulled V on to him, kissing him deeply. V sat on Jungkook, straddling him. This was the closest V got to having any control and he'd take it.

The sound of quiet moans and lips crashing into each other filled the room as Jungkook and V messily kissed.


Jin stood outside the bedroom, frowning. He could hear the moans coming from inside and was trying to figure out who they belonged to. Part of him was scolding himself for being so noisy, but he had to find out.

He could recognise V's moans, he'd gotten good at recognising those, but the other one he wasn't so sure about.
He knew they definitely weren't Jimin's.

Which made Jin a little confused and jealous. Confused, because he wondered what happened to Jimin, and jealous, because he wanted it to be him in there with V, and then confused again because what the hell was Jin thinking?

V was his dongsaeng, and his three years younger dongsaeng at that. No way was that even legal.

Jin slowly walked away, wanting to go wash his mind clear of these thoughts. He frowned as he realised who was present.

Suga, J-Hope and Namjoon. That left Jimin, V and Jungkook absent.

Jin looked back at the door.

That meant the maknae was in there.

. . .

Wasn't the maknae supposed to be all innocent? And yet somehow he was causing those moans to escape V's lips...

'The universe is a strange place...' Jin thought as he walked out into the kitchen, deciding it was probably best if he went and distracted himself with something.

"Hey, hyung, make me something tasty..." Suga said as he sleepily made his way over to Jin. "I'm too tired to cook."

Jin smiled and nodded, glad someone was acting normal. Sometimes, Jin wondered if BTS was made up of escaped mental asylum patients. But then he'd think about it, and he'd stop wondering.
Because he was almost 99.99% certain they were.




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