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"You've been seeing G-Dragon sunbaenim!" Jin exclaimed, making Jungkook looked around nervously to see if anyone had heard. "Wait! Is he the one who have you the hickeys?"

"Shh, hyung, please!" Jungkook whispered, covering Jin's mouth with his hands. "Yes, G-Dragon is the one who gave me the hickeys, but don't tell anyone because I don't actually know what we are yet."

"Huh?" Jin said once he'd managed to get Jungkook's hands off of him.

"Well we never actually said if we were just sleeping buddies or if we were something... More. And I don't want to tell the others anything if this, whatever this is, ends tomorrow or something." Jin's eyes widened.

"You mean you've been sleeping with him, but you're not actually... Anything?" Jungkook crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at Jin.

"Hyung, if your idol gave you the chance to sleep with him or her, wouldn't you?"

"Uh... No, because I have J-Hope." Jungkook continued to stare at Jin, making him sigh. "Fine, maybe, if I didn't have J-Hope."

"Exactly. Now, I'm already running late so please, just let me go see G-Dragon hyung and we'll talk later. Okay?" Jin sighed and nodded, though every bit of his motherly instincts said no.

"Go, just don't be out too late. And we'll talk about it later." Jungkook smiled.

"Thank you, hyung!" He exclaimed, hugging Jin before running out, quickly pulling out his phone to tell G-Dragon that he was going to be late.


"How's my little Kookie?" G-Dragon asked once he'd opened the door to BigBang's dorm, smiling at the younger boy.

"I'm good." Jungkook said as G-Dragon hugged him, unable to suppress the smile forming on his lips.

"Everyone's gone out so we have the place to ourselves." G-Dragon led Jungkook into the dorm, sitting him on the couch. "And I was thinking we could maybe watch a movie, unless you want to do something else."

"A movie is good." Jungkook shrugged. G-Dragon kissed his cheek and then his lips, smiling widely.

"You're just too cute. I can't stop kissing you." He said, ruffling Jungkook's hair.

"I don't mind." G-Dragon chuckled, kissing him again. The movie was quickly forgotten as G-Dragon kissed him more deeply, placing his hands on Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around G-Dragon's neck, his legs crossing over his lap.

"So should we move this to the bedroom?" G-Dragon asked and Jungkook nodded. G-Dragon smiled, picking Jungkook up bridal style and carrying Jungkook to the one room he'd come to know quite well.

G-Dragon lay Jungkook down on his bed and crawled over to him, unbuttoning his shirt. He showered Jungkook's face and neck with kisses as he pulled his shirt off, running his hands across the now bare skin.

"You do realise I never left..." Taeyang said, sitting up on the bed across from G-Dragon. Jungkook yelped, hiding under G-Dragon. He shoved his face into G-Dragon's chest, trying to hide his red face.

"Aw, you've ruined the mood!" G-Dragon said, seemingly unfazed by Taeyang's sudden appearance. He chuckled as he looked down at where Jungkook was hiding.

"Well you should've stayed in the lounge room." Taeyang said as he stood up.

"And had sex on the couch?" Taeyang shrugged, pulling his shirt on. Jungkook peeked out from underneath G-Dragon, his gaze flicking down to Taeyang's abs.

"It wouldn't be the first time someone's done that..." He said before walking out. "You can continue now, if you want."

"Yah! Stop staring at Taeyang like that!" G-Dragon exclaimed when he realised where Jungkook was looking. "You've got me, you don't need to look at anyone else."

"Sorry, hyung." Jungkook said, making G-Dragon smile.

"Aw, I couldn't stay mad at you, you're just too cute." G-Dragon said as he kissed him.

Taeyang chuckled as he walking into the kitchen, shaking his head at the couple in the bedroom.


"G-Dragon hyung..." Jungkook said as he lay in G-Dragon's arms, running his fingers lazily across G-Dragon's chest.

"Yeah, Kookie?" G-Dragon looked down at Jungkook, playing with his hair.

"What are we?" G-Dragon frowned slightly.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook sat up slightly so he could look at G-Dragon properly.

"Like, what are we... Are we fυck buddies or..." Jungkook began to fidget as his cheeks turned bright red. "Because I know Jimin and V sleep together because Jimin was trying to forget me and also get my attention. So, I don't know if that's what I am to you or what..."

"Well... Unless I am very much mistaken..." G-Dragon said, lifting Jungkook's chin so he was looking at him. "We're dating."

"Really?" G-Dragon smiled and nodded, pulling Jungkook in for a kiss.

"Well I wouldn't just have sex with anyone, now would I?"




NOTE: G-Dragon and all of Big Bang are going to be so out of character, I apologise

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