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V was laying in bed when Jin visited him. At first, he'd thought Jin was Jimin so he rolled over and feigned sleep, not wanting to have sex. He was way too tired.

First, they'd been practising for the most part of the day, and then Jungkook used up what little energy reserves V did have left. He just couldn't catch a break.

"Taehyung, I know you're awake." Jin said as he sat down on the bed, placing his hand on V's leg. "I saw your eyes open before you rolled over..."

"What do you want, hyung?" V asked as he rolled back over, Jin quickly withdrawing his hand before it landed in an awkward spot.

"I want to know what's happening with you, Jimin and Jungkook." He said, making V gulp. He'd kind of expected this to happen, I mean, he hadn't really been that quiet.

"Nothing, nothing's happening..." Jin frowned, obviously not believing V.

"I can hear your moans... Almost every night." V stared at Jin, trying to figure out how to convince Jin that nothing was really going on.

"Seriously, hyung, nothing is going on. I swear." Jin smirked and leaned down closer to V.

"So... If nothing is going on, no one is going to mind if I do this?" Jin asked, his lips brushing against V's lips. He then closed the gap, kissing V.

When Jin had decided to confront V about Jungkook and Jimin, he'd never planned on kissing him. He had planned on being mature and calm, like a hyung should be.

But of course hormones got in the way and made Jin kiss V. It probably didn't help that V's pyjamas consisted of a pair of boxers and that really didn't leave much to the imagination.

Jin pulled away suddenly, his cheeks turning pink.

"I'm sorry." He got up abruptly and ran out, leaving V chuckling.

"Silly hyung..." He said as he licked his lips, still able to taste Jin's.

Kissing Jin was... Interesting. It wasn't the same as when Jimin or Jungkook kissed him, they were usually full of lust and hormones. But then, V didn't have any feelings for Jin, so that kind of affected it.

Jin was good looking and all, but he just wasn't V's type. V needed someone with... Less jams and more abs. Yeah, that's what he needed.

He needed Jimin...


"Hyung, what's the matter?" J-Hope asked as he watched Jin scurry around the kitchen, muttering things under his breath.

"Nothing, nothing..." Jin said as he grabbed out a block of chocolate.

Chocolate... That's what he needed. Chocolate would calm his nerves and raging hormones.

"Hyung... Why are you demolishing that chocolate bar? And more to the point, why aren't you sharing?" J-Hope asked, walking over and breaking off the end block of the bit hanging out of Jin's mouth.

Jin stared at J-Hope as he ate the piece of chocolate, quickly shoving more into his mouth.

'They're my dongsaeng! Stop thinking that way, Seokjin!' Jin forced himself not to slam his head into something in an effort to cleanse his brain of the thoughts running through his head.

What was with the sudden rush of hormones?

Oh god... What if... Jin was experiencing those hormones. The ones that heightened his sexual drive.

Jin shoved more chocolate into his mouth, attempting to drown the potential truth in the sugary goodness.

"Hyung, you're going to be sick if you keep eating that..." J-Hope said, attempting to steal the chocolate from Jin.

Jin was a grown man, he was past the age for hormones... Wasn't he?
Maybe he was just lonely. That's it, he was lonely.

He needed a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. Or someone. Anyone.

"Hyung, stop! You're-"

"I think I'm going to be sick..." Jin rushed off to the bathroom to empty his stomach. J-Hope sighed and shook his head before following him.
Someone needed to hold Jin's hair back while he vomited. Maybe not literally, but morally.

Vomiting was never fun and you always needed someone to hold your hair back. Even if your hair was too short...

"J-Hope, I have something very important to tell you." Jin said once his stomach decided to stop hurling its contents into the bowl.

"Yes, hyung?" J-Hope asked, rubbing Jin's back as he tried to ignore the sickening smell of vomit.

"Chocolate... Does not taste as good coming up as it does going down... I recommend you don't stuff your face silly with chocolate. It's not fun." Jin said and J-Hope smiled.

"I'll try not to, hyung." Jin smiled weakly back before standing up and flushing the toilet. "What caused this sudden chocolate craving?"

"Hormones..." Jin muttered as he walked over to the sink and began to brush his teeth. J-Hope stared at him shock, rendered speechless for a few moments.

"You're on your period?!?!"




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