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V sat in bed, his hands running across the new sheets. He'd often heard that clean sheets were one of the best feelings, but not to V. This was probably because he'd been so overexposed to them, having to get new ones practically every single night.

After they'd had their shower, Jimin had gone out to watch TV with Jin while V decided to rest up. They had a busy schedule the next day and he had a feeling he was going to need the sleep.

He lay in his bed, hugging his pillow to his chest as he closed his eyes. When he shut them, all he could see was Jimin. Awake or asleep, V couldn't escape Jimin.

"I thought I was supposed to be the one who always slept..." Suga said as he walked into their room, smiling at V. He walked over and sat on the bed opposite V, crossing his legs and leaning against the wall.

"I'm not sleeping..." V mumbled, making Suga laugh.

"Then what are you doing?" V opened one eye to look at Suga.

"Resting." Suga let out a noise that sounded like a laugh and shook his head.

"What's the matter, V?" He asked and V didn't reply, choosing to stare at the floor instead. Suga got up and sat on V's bed, looking down at the younger member fondly. "Is it to do with Jimin?"

"No..." V said, beginning to fidget. Suga shook his head and began to stroke V's hair comfortingly (the way a mother does to a troubled child).

"I know you're lying, but if you don't want to talk about it then I won't make you..." He said.

"Thanks." Suga lied down next to V so he could look at him.

"But if you ever want to talk about it, just remember that I'm here, okay?" V nodded and Suga kissed his forehead, smiling. He then wrapped his arms around V, slowly comforting him until he fell into a dreamless sleep. Suga smiled fondly at the younger boy before falling asleep as well, still hugging V.


Yawning, Jungkook walked into their bedroom. Jin had told him to go get Suga and V for dinner, who had both disappeared into the bedroom.

Jungkook frowned as he stared at the two sleeping bodies. He tolerated Jimin sleeping with V because he knew it was an attempt to forget him, but Suga? No. Suga wasn't trying to forget anything, he wasn't using V for anything.

Come on, everyone knew VKook was the one true ship. Not TaeGi.

"Get up you two!" He shouted, grumpy throwing a slipper at them. V stirred slightly, but Suga (being the master of sleep) didn't even move. "I said get up!"

"Make me." Suga said in his sleep, a slight smirk forming on his lips. Jungkook threw another slipper at him, but it still had no effect.

"If you don't get up, I'll tell Namjoonie hyung that you love him." Suga shot up in the bed, his eyes wide. Jungkook smirked and crossed his arms.

"You wouldn't dare!" Jungkook left the room, calling out for Namjoon. "Jungkoook!"

Suga rushed out, leaving V by himself. V had two options- he could stay in bed and miss dinner, but that would just make Jin worry, or he could go out there and spend another awkward dinner with Jimin.

"Taehyung?" V sighed as he heard the motherly voice at the door. He rolled over on to his back and looked at Jin.

"Seokjin hyung, what is love?" He asked, feeling very melodramatic. Jin frowned slightly.

"An EXO song?" V shook his head and sat up, stretching.

"Nevermind..." He said before walking past a very confused Jin. Jin watched as V walked off to where everyone else was, frowning.

What had brought that on?

"Maybe V and Jimin are going through a rough patch..." Jin shrugged before following V.


"Alright everyone, we should get ready for bed now..." Jin said once the movie they'd been watching had ended. He looked at the younger members and frowned slightly.

Yoongi was asleep, his head in V's lap, Jungkook was leaning against Jimin, who was leaning against Jungkook, and J-Hope and Namjoon were both sitting on the floor.

V and Jimin must've been going through a rough patch. But then, they always acted like that. It confused Jin, because they seemed to have a sex a lot, but outside of fan service and friendly skinship they didn't show any sign of affection.

Was this because they were worried the other members wouldn't accept them? But then V had no issues letting the whole dorm hear his moans...

Jin shrugged to himself, it was their business, not his. But still, he couldn't help but wonder what was going on between those two.
He just hoped it was nothing bad. He cared for his dongsaeng and didn't want them hurting without him knowing.

That would make him a bad hyung.




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