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Why couldn't Jungkook just notice Jimin? No matter what he did, Jungkook seemed determined to ignore him.

"J-Jimin~~" V moaned underneath him. He clenched the bedsheets as he came, clenching his eyes shut. Jimin pulled out, sighing as he sat up.

V lay there for a few moments before getting up and pulling off the dirty sheets from the bed. He paused as Jimin got up and walked out, wondering where he was going. He then heard the shower running and figured Jimin had decided to have a shower without him.

V pulled the briefs he'd discarded earlier on and continued to pull the dirtied sheets off the bed.

"V~~" a voice cooed in his ear as arms wrapped around him. It took all of V not to sigh when he realised who it was.

"Jungkook-" V was silenced by a pair of lips on his as Jungkook slowly pulled him on to the bed behind him.

Unlike most times, Jungkook didn't start attacking V immediately. He ran his fingers through V's hair, his tongue exploring V's mouth.

V wanted to remind Jungkook that he and Jimin were 'dating' and that someone could probably walk in at any minute, but it's a bit difficult to talk when someone's tongue is in your mouth.

"J-Jungkook, I-" V started once his mouth was free, but was cut off by a finger to his lips.

"Shh, V, it's no different from before. And I know you want me." Jungkook said before making V lie on the bed underneath him. "Because I'm so much better than that jamless Jimin, aren't I?"

V once again found it difficult to respond. Jungkook wasn't really making this conversation easy, though that may have been his intention. V wasn't really sure, all he knew was that he was going to be tired that night...


Suga sighed as he wandered around the house, wondering why he even bothered getting up. Jin and J-Hope were busy making out in the kitchen, Jungkook and V were doing God knows what in the bedroom, Jimin was in the shower and Namjoon probably had the sense to escape the dorm.

"Suga!" Jimin called out, making Suga sigh again. He walked over to the bathroom door and stood there.

"What?" The door opened a bit, revealing Jimin's head. His hair dripped down on to his head, getting in his eyes.

"Can you get my towel, I left it in the bedroom..." It took Suga a second for him to realise that Jimin had no idea what was going on between Jungkook and V. How dense was that kid? Suga sighed, not really wanting to break things to Jimin this way. "I can run butt naked through the house if you want..."

"I'll get the towel..." Suga said, making Jimin smile. "But you owe me."

"Okay." Suga turned slowly and began walking towards the dreaded bedroom. The closer he got to the bedroom, the louder the noises from inside became.

Suga turned the doorknob slowly, suddenly turning this into a challenge of getting in and out as quickly as possible without being noticed by the pair going at it.

Suga ran in, trying not to look at the beds as he grabbed the towel hanging off the bed and making a break for the door. His gaze touched the pair briefly before he shut the door, causing him to groan.

"My bed, really??"


"Move." Suga said as he stood over Jimin's bed. Jimin looked up at him, confusion written all over his face.


"I said, move. I can't sleep in my bed so I have to share with you." Suga said, continuing to stare emotionlessly down at Jimin.

"Why can't you sleep in your bed?" Jimin asked, looking over at what appeared to be a perfectly normal bed.

"No sheets. Now move, you owe me, remember?" Suga hadn't wanted to cash in this debt so early, but desperate times called for desperate measures and there was no way Suga was sleeping in his bed.

"Why can't you sleep in Namjoon's bed or something?" Jimin complained, gesturing over at the sleeping leader.

"Because he pushes me off the bed at night, trust me, I know. And I can't sleep with Jungkook because he seems to think I'm part of the mattress or something and lies all over me. Now move or I'll sleep on you." Jimin quickly moved across, letting Suga lie down next to him. "That's better."

Suga lied down and pulled the blanket over himself. He stared at Jimin through the darkness for a few moments.

"You know... In the dark, you almost look not ugly." Suga said, smiling as Jimin frowned.

"I'm better looking than you..." Suga shook his head.

"Nah, the only thing you've got going for you is these abs." Suga pulled up Jimin's shirt and ran his hand over the abs underneath. Jimin shivered at Suga's cold hand. "If you didn't have these, you'd be ugly."

"So what am I now, if I'm not ugly?" Suga smiled, pulling his hand away from Jimin's abs.

"Jamless." Jimin sighed and rolled over, crossing his arms as he sulked. "Aw, Jimin, don't be sad..." Suga said as he wrapped his arm around Jimin and whispered in his ear. "I'll still be your friend, even if you are jamless."

"I'm not jamless!" Jimin exclaimed, pushing Suga away.

"No Jimin very no fun." J-Hope said in his sleep.

"I am lots of fun!" Suga chuckled quietly, trying to hide his laughter behind his hand. "Stop laughing!" Jimin attempted to push Suga out of the bed, but Suga just clung to him.

"Could you two shut up?" V asked. All he wanted to do was sleep, not listen to Jimin and Suga argue.

"Fine, I'll come sleep with you, V." Suga said, getting up and walked over to V's bed. V sighed and moved over, not really caring as long as it meant he got sleep. "Oh, f-"

"Language!" Jin exclaimed, his motherly instincts kicking in even in his sleep as he threw his pillow in Suga's general direction. "There are children here!"

Yeah, maybe, but they certainly weren't innocent....

"What's the matter?" V asked as Suga hopped into his bed, muttering every cuss word under the sun.

"I stepped on a piece of Lego..." Suga said as he lay down, wrapping his arm around V.

"I didn't know we had Lego."

"We don't, that's the problem." Suga yawned. He'd been awake for too long, and it was starting to take its toll. "I'll find out what I broke in the morning, worst case scenario I'll just blame it on Namjoon."

"Okay, good night..." V lay awake for a few seconds as he waited for a reply before he realised Suga had fallen asleep. He closed his eyes, snuggling deeper into Suga's arms as he got some well deserved rest.

It'd been a long day...




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