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"Seokjin hyung, what're you doing?" V asked as Jin wandered aimlessly around the kitchen.

"I'm trying to find something... But I've forgotten what I was looking for..." Jin frowned, scratching his head. He grabbed a strawberry and bit into it, staring blankly at the fridge.

"How did you manage that?" Jin shrugged. The truth was, he'd been a bit distracted. But he couldn't say that to V, there were too many explanations involved.

"Dunno... Hey V, eat one of these. They're tasty..." Jin said, picking up one of the strawberries. He fed it to V, smiling at him as he watched him eat it.

"Yeah, they're tasty..." V frowned, wondering what was going on with his hyung.

"Oh! I should get some chocolate! Chocolate and strawberries are tasty!" Jin suddenly rushed out of the kitchen, leaving a very confused V. He suddenly returned, grabbing V's hand and pulling him out of the kitchen. "Come shopping with me!"

J-Hope watched as Jin and V ran out of the dorm, frowning as he realised he'd been replaced as Jin's shopping buddy. He kicked the edge of the couch, causing Suga to jump awake and fall off it.

"Hey! What was that for??" Suga exclaimed as he stood up, frowning at J-Hope.

"What're you two fighting about?" Jimin asked as he walked into the living room. Jungkook looked up from where he was sitting on the floor in front of the TV.

"Put a shirt on, Jimin!" J-Hope yelled, turning around and covering his hands with his eyes.

"What? I was resting and you two were being too loud, so I had to come out. Plus I needed a drink." Suga sat back down on the couch. Unlike the other two, he didn't look away from Jimin. Instead he sat there, apparently frowning at the topless boy. "Where's V?"

"He went with Jin to the shops." J-Hope said, a hint of jealousy entering his voice.

Ever since Jimin had come out and said he was dating V, J-Hope had given up on there ever being anything between them. It was about when he gave up on Jimin that he'd begun to notice Jin.

And then Jin had started paying more attention to V than him and was always either avoiding him or just acting like he didn't want to be with him.

"Oh..." was all Jimin said, sounding less concerned about all this than J-Hope did. He shrugged and walked into the kitchen. The sound of a tap running followed as he poured himself a drink. Suga closed his eyes again, lying down on the couch and falling back asleep at a speed only he could achieve.

Jungkook slowly returned his attention back to the TV. J-Hope stood there, staring at nothing in particular for a few moments before sighing and walking out of the room. Maybe some time alone would make things better...


"V, here." Jin said as he fed V a chocolate coated strawberry. He smiled when he saw J-Hope's reaction through the corner of his eye. "Ah, you have a bit of chocolate on your lip." Jin quickly wiped away the chocolate on the corner of V's lip, causing more jealousy to fill J-Hope.

J-Hope frowned as he attempted to distract himself with a book, trying desperately to ignore the pair eating strawberries.

"I have to go, hyung, Jimin said he wanted to speak to me." V said once he'd finished eating the strawberry Jin had fed him. "Sorry..."

"It's alright." Jin smiled. V smiled and left, leaving Jin alone. J-Hope stood up and walked over to the sink, pouring himself a glass of water. Jin was humming something quietly as he dipped more of the strawberries in the melted chocolate. He suddenly remembered something he was going to tell V and looked up. "Oh, V-" He went to go after V, but discovered he was suddenly blocked by an arm on either side of him.

Jin turned and faced J-Hope, who was frowning at him as he stopped him from moving.

"What do you want, J-Hope?" Jin asked, trying not to seem too happy that his plan was obviously succeeding. It also seemed that it had been a good thing that he'd forgotten to tell V, because J-Hope needed that little thing to push him over.

"You." J-Hope said before his lips crashed into Jin's. Jin continued to smile as he pulled away, placing a finger on J-Hope's lips.

"Ah, ah, ah... First, you have to try one of my delicious strawberries which I slaved away at all afternoon." Jin said, picking up on of the strawberries and feeding it to J-Hope. "Good?"

"Yep, of course it is." J-Hope said, making Jin smile more.

"Good. That means we can continue and I won't kill you." Jin said as he leaned in and licked the chocolate off the side of J-Hope's lips. He wrapped his fingers in J-Hope's hair as they started kissing again.

Suga walked into the kitchen and sighed, wondering why he'd even bothered getting up.

"Get a room, you two." He said before walking back out, not wanting to see any more of the couple making out.

"We do have a room, it's called the kitchen." Suga sighed again as he walked back out into the living room and sat on the couch, closing his eyes. It was impossible to escape the intercourse in this house, someone was almost always doing someone. At least this time it wasn't V...

"You know your head is in my lap, right?" Jungkook asked, staring down at the head in his lap. He'd been watching TV when Suga randomly lied down on him and closed his eyes, seemingly not noticing him.

"Yeah..." Suga said, still not opening his eyes.

"Are you going to move?"





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