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Jin frowned when he heard the front door open, instantly jumping up from where he was seated on the couch and rushing to the door.

"Young man, you have a lot of explaining to do." He said, crossing his arms as he tried to look grumpily at Jungkook. Inside, however, he was relieved Jungkook finally came home. "Where have you been? It's ten o'clock! I was so worried, I almost called the manager!"

"I'm sorry, hyung, I was with a friend. I just needed some time alone..." Jungkook said, trying to push past Jin.

"You should have called-"

"I left my phone." Jin frowned and sighed, stepping aside so Jungkook could walk past. "Look, I'm sorry I made you worry, but I'm back now."

"What friend were you with?" Jin asked as Jungkook attempted to walk off.

"Just a friend, no one you need to know." Jungkook said before walking off, ending the conversation. Jin sighed as he watched Jungkook walk off, wishing he wasn't such an overprotective hyung. It probably alienated him from the others...

He felt like a mum, with his child getting all defensive and secretive on him.

"It must just be that time in a child's life when they get rebellious..." He said to himself before shrugging and walking off.


J-Hope frowned as Jin's phone rang, watching as he quickly grabbed it and ran off.

"Oh, hi!" Jin said, smiling widely as he spoke to whoever was on the other side. "I'm good. What about you?... That's good... What? Now? No, I'm not busy... Sure, I'll be five minutes."

"Who was that?" J-Hope asked when Jin ran back into the room, pulling on a coat.

"Just a friend. I'll be out for a little, but I'll be home for dinner." Jin said, kissing J-Hope's cheek. "Don't miss me too much."

J-Hope watched as Jin ran outside, his frown deepening.

He felt bad for not trusting Jin and for feeling jealous, but he couldn't help that he was a naturally jealous person. As the jealousy bubbled up inside of him, he punched the wall, right next to Jimin who was walking out of the bathroom at the time. Jimin yelled out in surprise, not expecting a fist to come flying at him.

"Yah! What're you doing to my Jimin?" Suga yelled, suddenly appearing near them. He glared at J-Hope, looking at his fist.

"Your Jimin??" Jimin exclaimed, looking at Suga. Suga's face returned to its usual emotionless state as he looked at Jimin.

"Sorry, force of habit." Jimin bit his lip and looked down as he felt guilt he'd spent ages suppressing suddenly resurface.

"What?" J-Hope looked at the two of them, extremely confused at the sudden tension that had appeared. Had Suga and Jimin had a fight secretly?

"What's going on?" V asked, appearing behind Jimin, a towel wrapped around his waist. J-Hope shrugged as he realised both V and Jimin weren't actually wearing anything minus a towel.

He quickly looked away, reminding himself he had Jin now.

"I'm going to sleep." Suga said, walking off into the bedroom. Jungkook soon walked out, frowning.

"What's wrong with Suga?" J-Hope and V shrugged while Jimin just stood there, staring at the ground. Jungkook grabbed his coat and pulled it on. "Whatever. I'm going out, I'll be back later."

"And then there were three." J-Hope said, laughing slightly as he looked at the other two.

"I think I'm going to copy Suga hyung and sleep." V said as he moved past Jimin, rubbing his eye sleepily.
V walked into the bedroom, yawning sleepily.

"Get off me when you're naked!" Suga yelled from inside the bedroom.

"You two, be quiet, I'm sleeping! And V, put some clothes on, we don't want to see your junk." Namjoon yelled from his bed.

"How long have you been here, hyung?"

"Too long..." J-Hope suppressed a laugh as Jimin turned red, realising Namjoon had been there the whole time they'd been getting it on.

"Come on, Jimin, let's go watch a movie..."


J-Hope sighed as he stared blankly at the screen, trying to ignore the boy sleeping on him.

As much as he loved Jin and was happy, it was impossible to ignore the fact he still had feelings for Jimin. And Jimin wasn't making things easy by sleeping on him and looking sexy all the time.

Jimin sighed in his sleep and rolled over in his sleep, his head getting closer and closer to J-Hope's... Lower area...

J-Hope looked around uncomfortable, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to ignore Jimin.

Jin... Jin... Jin...

"Hey, let me take him." Suga said quietly, lifting Jimin off J-Hope. He carried Jimin into the bedroom, placing him gently down the bed.

He sighed as he looked down at Jimin's sleeping form, shaking his head.

"You idiot..."




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