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Growing bored of TV and Jimin, Jungkook got up and grabbed his phone, texting G-Dragon.

G-Dragon-Hyung: sure, I was about to text to you anyway :)

Jungkook smiled as he put his phone in his pocket, running outside.
It was a good a thing he left too, because right as he left, Jin escaped J-Hope's clutches and started terrorising everyone else.

"Jin! Come back, your Princessitis might be contagious!" J-Hope yelled out as he chased after Jin, following the trail of sparkles.

One thing Jungkook did regret was forgetting to grab a coat. He'd managed to grab sunglasses, but he'd been wearing a jumper and assumed that'd be enough.

Nope, it wasn't...

Jungkook hugged himself as he walked down the street, staring at the clouds his breath made.

"Hey cutie." Someone said, wrapping his arm around Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook jumped, looking up at the person and almost punched them.

"Get away from me!" He yelled, quickly pulling away and clenching his hands into fists. The other person chuckled, removing their dark glasses.

"Relax, Kookie, it's only me." Jungkook's eyes widened as he relaxed.

"G-Dragon hyung? Are you wearing a wig?" G-Dragon nodded.

"When you're as big as me, you have to become the master of disguise. Sorry if I scared you." Jungkook shook his head as he let G-Dragon put his arm around his shoulder again.

"It's alright... Wait, what're you doing so close to our dorm? I thought you were at your dorm..." Jungkook frowned, looking up at G-Dragon.

"Well, when I said I was about to text you, I meant I was going to text you to get you to come outside." G-Dragon said as they started walking, pulling Jungkook closer so he didn't get cold. Jungkook wrapped his arm around G-Dragon's waist, grateful for this warmth.

"Why?" G-Dragon shrugged.

"So I could come see you..." He shrugged again before reaching into his pocket. "And give you this." He handed Jungkook a small bear.

"Aw, it's cute." Jungkook said, suddenly feeling guilty because he didn't have a present for G-Dragon and it never crossed his mind that he needed to buy one. G-Dragon lifted his arm, making the sleeve fall down and reveal a bracelet which was almost identical to the one around the bear's neck.

"I figured rings would be too obvious, so bracelets will do... Plus they're different colours so fans will hopefully take a little longer to figure it out." Jungkook took the bracelet off the bear and put it on, staring at it.

"Thank you~" He jumped up and hugged G-Dragon, wrapping his arms around his neck. G-Dragon chuckled as he balanced himself, returning the hug. He kissed Jungkook's cheek.

"Just promise me you'll stay with me forever, because those bracelets weren't cheap." Jungkook grinned and nodded.

"I promise." And just for good measure, he locked pinkies with G-Dragon.


"Hey, G-Dragon, this was left for you." Taeyang said, looking at the wrapped box standing in the middle of the room. G-Dragon came out of the bedroom and frowned.

"Who left it?" Taeyang shrugged.

"I don't know, ask Seunghyun, he's the one who found it..." Seunghyun appeared at the sound of his name, wondering if he was in trouble or not. "Seunghyun, who left the present?" Seunghyun shrugged.

"Some girl called Jimin." He said, scrunching up his nose. "She wasn't very pretty."

"Do you think it's dangerous?" G-Dragon asked as he inspected the large box. Taeyang and Seunghyun shrugged, stepping closer to look at it to.

"Open it." Seunghyun half-whispered, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Fine, but if it explodes and we all die, I blame you." Seunghyun nodded as G-Dragon pulled at the bow, untying it. He then carefully unwrapped the present, which G-Dragon had to admit was very neatly wrapped.

"What's in it?" Seunghyun whispered, moving closer as G-Dragon pulled the box open.

"SURPRISE!" Jungkook yelled, jumping out of the box and wrapping his arms around G-Dragon. Seunghyun yelped and fell backwards, making Taeyang laugh.

"Seunghyun... Your face..." Taeyang doubled over laughing while Seungri frowned.

"You jumped too!" He yelled back, wishing his heart wasn't beating so fast.

"I thought you might be in there..." G-Dragon said as Jungkook clung to him like a koala, wrapping his legs around his waist. He smiled at Jungkook, who had a bow wrapped in his hair and sticky tape in it as well.

"Really?" He nodded, carrying Jungkook to his room so they could have some privacy, away from the other two.

"Yeah, because Seunghyun said a girl called Jimin dropped it off, and the only time he calls a girl ugly is when they're actually a boy..." G-Dragon lay Jungkook on the bed and kissed him. "Was he in on the plan too?"

"Yup, we figured we'd have to have someone on the inside in on the plan, or the present would never make it into the dorm." Jungkook said as G-Dragon unbuttoned his shirt, scattering kisses across his chest. "And I wanted to give you a present, because you gave me one, but I couldn't think of anything. Then Jin hyung suggested I give myself as a present and then shoved me in a box with a bow in my hair."

"It's a very cute bow." G-Dragon said as he kissed Jungkook. "But if you're my gift... Does that mean I can do whatever I want with you?"

"I-I suppose-"

"I'm just going to leave before things get awkward." Daesung said, pulling the blankets off himself as he sat up in the bed across from G-Dragon and Jungkook. "I thought, you know, maybe you'd just kiss or talk or something, but no, you want to go all the way..."

Jungkook stared as Daesung got up and walked out, wondering if they swapped beds or something, because he was pretty sure Taeyang was in that bed once.

"If he's going, then so am I." Seunghyun said, also getting out from the blankets. Jungkook frowned slightly as the older man walked out, winking at him on his way past.

"D-Didn't Taeyang hyung sleep there?" Jungkook asked as he felt his cheeks go red. G-Dragon shrugged.

"Yeah, but they all like to sleep there... It's their thing."

"Y-You mean, they share a bed?" Jungkook asked, staring over at the small bed that was probably only big enough for a maximum of two people.

"You could say that..." G-Dragon said as he rolled over next to Jungkook, staring at the bed. "But not all at once... They take it in turns." Jungkook stared at the bed, catching on to what G-Dragon was subtly hinting at.

And then he had a sudden rush of deja vu.




NOTE: changed seungri to seunghyun because he doesn't even deserve a feature in a ff of this quality. but that's why seunghyun is teleporting

thanks for reading

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