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Namjoon had decided it would be a good idea to watch a movie as a group on their spare afternoon, hoping to have a calm and quiet break.

V sat on the couch, in the middle, surrounded by everyone else. Jimin was on one side, his head rest on V's shoulder while his hands absentmindedly played with Suga's hair, who was lying across everyone on the couch while using Jimin's lap as a pillow.

Jungkook was on V's other side, his arm around V's waist as he also rested his head on V's shoulder. Occasionally he would turn his head and his breath would tickle V's neck, which was what he was trying to do because it amused him whenever V got all uncomfortable like that.
Jin and J-Hope sat on the floor, using V's legs as a backrest.

So basically, V was extremely uncomfortable as almost the whole group managed to touch him in some way. The only one who didn't was Namjoon, who was sitting on a chair next to the couch, trying not to look too lonely.

Eventually, V accidentally fell asleep, slumping forwards slightly. Namjoon noticed and sighed slightly, standing up.

"I'll put him in bed." He said as he tried to disentangle V from everyone. Suga grumbled as he was woken up, sitting up on the couch so he wasn't lying on V.

"You're sitting on me." Jimin said and Suga looked at him and smiled.

"I know." He laughed a little, while Jimin just shook his head.

"Sometimes, I really just want to punch you..." He said.

"And sometimes I just want to sleep all day." Suga shrugged. "But we can't always get what we want and some people have to make sacrifices."

"But you do sleep all day..."

"Exactly, that's why I said some people have to make sacrifices. I was talking about you. " Suga booped Jimin's nose. "And you wouldn't be able to punch me anyway, you love me too much."

"I do not!" Jimin attempted to push Suga off him, but Suga just grabbed Jimin's collar and brought him down with him.

"Well..." Suga said as Jimin landed on top of him. "This is cozy..."

"Could you two lovebirds get a room?" Jungkook asked, who'd sulkily been watching Jimin and Suga. He gently kicked the back of J-Hope's head. "You two too."

"We only have one room and currently V and Namjoon are occupying it." Suga said as Jimin scrambled off of him. He didn't bother getting up off the ground, choosing to lie there and stare at everyone.

"Well then use the bathroom or something." Jungkook huffed, shrugging. "I don't care, just go somewhere else."

"Aw, why? Is little Kookie lonely?" Jin asked, hopping up on the couch next to Jungkook. He probably sounded like he was teasing Jungkook, but he was genuinely asking.

"No, I just don't want to watch you guys making out. PDAs are gross."

"Yeah, Jungkook prefers things to be behind closed doors, beneath the sheets where nobody sees." Suga said, chuckling. Jimin looked at everyone, wondering what was going on. Seeing Jimin's blank expression, Jin realised it was probably a good idea not to say anything.

"Shut up!" Jungkook yelled, pushing Jin's hands away from him as he tried to get away from everyone.

He jumped up and stormed out, the front door slamming as he left the dorm.

"Well... Someone's on his period..." Suga said, staring at where Jungkook used to be.

"Jungkook has Princessitis too?" J-Hope's eyes widened as he looked at the group.

"Can you guys keep it down? V's asleep, and he needs the rest. I'm not sure if you noticed but he's been exhausted lately." Namjoon said as he returned, looking accusingly at Jimin. And he had every right to, lately Jimin and V's sessions had gotten more and more frequent, which was making V extremely tired given he also had to deal with Jungkook as well.

"We will be like mice." Suga said as he closed his eyes, apparently falling asleep on the floor.

"Good. Wait, where's Jungkook?" Namjoon looked around, frowning when he realised the maknae was missing.

"He went out to buy chocolate. He has Princessitis." J-Hope said, making Jin laugh quietly.

"He just got upset and ran out, Hopie, he doesn't have Princessitis. Just ignore, Suga." Jin said, placing a hand on J-Hope's arm.



"Stupid hyungs, stupid V, stupid hyungs, stupid V..." Jungkook muttered as he walked down the street, really wishing that in his anger he remembered to grab a coat.

But he wasn't going to go back, not right now anyway. No, he was just going to keep walking.

"Why doesn't V notice me?" Jungkook asked himself, wondering what he was doing wrong. No matter what he did, V always seemed to not notice him.

Jungkook's teeth chatter as he hugged himself, really wishing he'd brought a coat. Suddenly, something warm covered his shoulders.

He looked down and realised someone had put a coat on him. He then looked up and his eyes widened.

"We don't want someone cute like you catching a cold, now do we?" The man said, smiling. Jungkook's mouth opened and closed as he tried to figure out what to say before his brain decided the best thing to do would be faint.

And that's what he did.




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