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V sighed as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. His neck and collarbone was littered with red marks.

His makeup artist was going to kill him...

He really really hoped the fans never managed to see them, because it would just cause issues. How do you explain that you were sleeping to two of your band members to thousands of crazy and potentially possessive or homophobic people. Sure, some would be happy their 'OTP' had come to life but others would... Maybe not be so happy...

And V didn't want to endanger the other members lives due to his carelessness.

He put his shirt on and sighed, leaving the bathroom. It was difficult being V sometimes...


"V~ come here~" Jimin called out from the couch. V walked over to him, standing at the back of it and looking down at him. "Closer."

V leaned down over the couch and Jimin grabbed his collar, pulling him further over the couch. Once he was able to reach, Jimin tangled his fingers in V's hair and pulled him further down over the couch.

V was having difficulties breathing and the couch was hurting his stomach. But did that stop him from kissing back? Pfft, no.

Namjoon walked into the room and did a double take as he saw the sight in front of him.

V's ass was all that Namjoon could see of him... Not that he didn't mind, it was a nice ass.

Namjoon walked past into the kitchen, flicking V's backside with the towel that was around his neck, causing V to jump and yelp.

When V jumped, he fell off over the couch and landed on the floor, headfirst. He groaned as he struggled to sit up.

"Omo! Taehyunggie, are you alright?" Jimin exclaimed, jumping down next to V, who was now sitting upright.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." V smiled, a little woozily, as he rubbed his head. Jimin continued to fuss over him, making sure there weren't any major injuries.

It was times like these that V could almost pretend Jimin actually liked him, that he wasn't just using him. Having Jimin fuss over him was nice, the pain in his head, however, was not.

"I think you should lie down..." Jimin said after watching V rock slightly. V shook his head, causing the dizziness to return.

"Nah, I'm fine." He brushed Jimin off, who decided it was best if he ignored V. Picking him up, Jimin carried V to their bedroom.

He gently placed him on the bed, pulling the covers over him and smiling.

"Just lie there till you're feeling a bit better, you hit your head pretty hard..." V nodded and Jimin went to walk off, only to be stopped by a hand gripping his sleeve. He looked down at V, who was tightly holding on to Jimin's sleeve.

He looked ready to say something, but instead chose to sigh and drop the sleeve.

"Thank you, Jimin..." He said and Jimin smiled again, leaning down to kiss V's forehead.

"No problem. If you need anything, just call..." V nodded and Jimin left, leaving V in silence. He reached over and grabbed his phone, turning on his music. He disliked the silence, it gave him too much space to think about things. If he played music, sometimes if he concentrated hard enough, he wouldn't think at all. And that was nice...


"What's wrong with Taehyung?" Jin asked after he'd walked past their room. He'd gone out shopping to get some food with Jungkook and J-Hope.

After the chocolate incident, J-Hope hadn't let Jin out of his sight, just in case he started to show more signs of this 'disease', which J-Hope had called 'Princessitis'. A very terrible disease that occurred in males that had had princess overdoses.

Jin had somehow managed to get used to it. Well, kind of used to it. The constant check-ups he kept getting still weirded him out a bit.

"He was making out with Jimin over the couch and I whacked his butt with my towel. He fell off over the couch and hit his head..." Namjoon said, causing one person to turn red and two others to feel jealousy bubble up inside of them.

Jimin glared at Namjoon before quickly glancing at Jungkook. There was no way he could deny what'd happened, but if Jungkook found thought he was dating V then there'd never be anything between them.

Not that there seemed like there would be anyway. Jungkook was always ignoring Jimin, always choosing V or one of the other members over him... It really was just hopeless.

"So... You and V are a thing now?" Jin asked, breaking the silence. He was really hoping Jimin said yes, so that he could have a reason for not thinking or looking at V the way he did.

Jimin looked across the room and into the door where V was sleeping. He sighed and frowned.

What happens in the sheets, stays in the sheets. That had always been the rule. Nothing left the bedroom and no feelings were to ever form.

But... If he said yes, feelings didn't necessarily have to form... If he and V were dating, maybe Jungkook would get jealous.
Maybe Jungkook would notice him.

Jimin smiled and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Yeah... We are..." He'd have to talk to V about that later. But for now, he could just lie.

Worst case scenario, he'd just say he misread the signs V was giving him.

"Finally..." J-Hope said, laughing and patting Jimin's shoulder. "I was wondering when that was going to happen..."

Jimin continued to smile, Jungkook's jealous gaze not going unnoticed. Sure, Jimin knew the gaze was directed at him, that Jungkook wanted V for himself, but that wouldn't stop Jimin.

He'd show Jungkook. He'd show Jungkook that two can play the ignoring game...



NOTE: I still think VMon is the way to go... I mean, there's so much chemistry between them, don't you think?

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