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Jin sighed as he flicked through a magazine, staring at all the wedding dresses. He scrunched his nose up at them, staring disapprovingly at the lack of pink.

"What's the matter, Jinnie?" J-Hope asked as he wrapped his arms around Jin's neck, peering over his shoulder. Jin looked up at him, pouting slightly.

"I want to get married." He said, making J-Hope freeze. "But not in one of these dresses, my dress would need to be pink." J-Hope stood there for a moment as he tried to think of what to say.

"Uh... We can't..." He said hesitantly, worried about the potential threat of a grumpy Jin.

"Why not?" J-Hope paused again, choosing his words carefully.

"Because... it's not legal..." Jin frowned as he looked down at the magazine.

"Well then we'll go somewhere where it is legal."

"We can't. It costs too much." Jin huffed.

"Well then we'll save up, buy a boat and go travel the seas where laws don't exist and be married forever."

"We can't." Jin looked grumpily at J-Hope.

"Why not?"

"Because I get seasick." J-Hope said. "Plus we'd probably get attacked by saesang pirates... How about we just buy a puppy instead?"


"Suga, get up~" Jimin whined, shaking his sleeping hyung. Suga moaned, rolling over and pulling the blankets over his head. "Get. Up!"

"I can't." Suga mumbled.

"Why not?" There was no response before Suga grabbed Jimin and hugged him, making him lie with him.

"Because Jin is on his princess-period and it's scaring me and it's Sunday." Suga said, making Jimin frown.

"What does it being Sunday have anything to do with it?"

"Sunday is a day of rest, therefore, I shall rest." Suga replied, not even bothering to open his eyes.

"If you're going to rest, can you at least rest somewhere other than the couch?" Jungkook asked, standing in front of the two. Suga opened one eye to look at him and shake his head.

"No." Jungkook sighed.

"Why not?" A small smirk formed on Suga's lips.

"Bedroom's taken." Suga then closed his eyes again and Jungkook just shook his head, sitting on the floor in front of the couch and turned on the TV. Jimin rolled over in Suga's arms so he could watch too.

It was one in the afternoon and Suga was sleeping, though this was nothing new, Jimin was watching TV with the Golden Maknae Jungkook. Jin was cooking up a sugary storm while J-Hope helped him and V was...

V was underneath Namjoon.

"N-Namjoon~~" V moaned, throwing his head back against the pillow and scrunching his eyes shut as waves of pleasure ran through him. At the sound of his name, Namjoon came inside of V. This, in turn, threw V over the edge and caused him to cum too.

V lay there panting as Namjoon pulled out, smiling up at his hyung. Namjoon placed a tired kiss on V's lips before helping him up and carrying him to the bathroom. They didn't bother getting dressed because they were going to lose the clothes again soon and everyone else were doing other things.

Namjoon and V sat in the bath, Namjoon wrapping his arms around V as he leaned against him. V played with Namjoon's hands before turning to face him.

"I like you lots." He said, grinning. Namjoon smiled back, kissing the tip of his nose.

"I like you lots too." He replied, though he was pretty sure he liked him a bit more than lots.

"I like you more than Jimin and J-Hope combined." V said, making Namjoon laugh.

"Well that's good to know. Now turn around so I can wash your back." V nodded and did as he was told, smiling to himself.

He probably liked Namjoon a bit more than he said, but he wasn't going to say so just yet. He didn't want to risk ruining what he and Namjoon had.

Instead, he'd just see how things went.

Maybe he'd tell Namjoon how he felt with an aeroplane... Or roses... Well, he had plenty of ideas he could steal from Namjoon.

Namjoon kissed the back of his neck, making V's smile grow wider.

Or he could just stuff everything and do it now.

"Kim Namjoon hyung, I think I love you." V said, spinning around in the water so he could hug Namjoon. Namjoon laughed.

"I was wondering when you'd say that."




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