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"Okay, so now we can answer questions..." Namjoon said as they stood on the stage, looking at all the fans in front of them. Hands shot up and the first person was chosen.

"Where's V Oppa?" The girl asked, and none of the members were surprised. They'd been expecting this question.

"He's not feeling well and is resting up." No one missed the accusing looks everyone flashed at Jimin.

"Is he alright?" The next fan asked.

"Yeah, he's just been working too hard." Another look at Jimin. "He just needs to rest up."

"He's not going to quit, is he?" Namjoon sighed, shaking his head.

"No, he's just tired. Are there any questions not about V?" A large majority of the hands went down.

"Is BTS fighting?" All the members looked at each other and then back at the fan, shaking their heads. "Then why are Jimin Oppa and Suga Oppa so distant?"

Everyone looked at Jimin and then at Suga, realising they were standing on opposite sides of the group when they normally stood next to each other. There also hadn't been any 'you're ugly' banter coming from either of them.

"We're not fighting, it's just the way we're standing..." Namjoon said with a shrug, but he was pretty sure that wasn't the case. Still, he wasn't going to tell the fans that.

"Does Jungkook Oppa have a girlfriend?" Jungkook's eyes widened as the attention was suddenly on him.

"N-No." He said quickly.

"Then how did you get that hickey?" Namjoon sighed, realising this was going to be a long day.


V yawned as he walked to the bedroom, hugging his fruit juicer to his chest. He'd gotten up to grab a drink, having slept all day, and Robo-Maid was sitting on the bench and he couldn't just ignore it.

"...I just want to go back to the way things were..." Someone sobbed from inside the bedroom. V paused at the door, not wanting to walk in on an argument.

"Well we can't, you made sure of that." The other person replied.

Wait... Why were Jimin and Suga fighting?

V stood in front of the door, deciding to listen despite the impoliteness of doing so.

"I can leave h-"

"No, you'd only make things worse. Do you really want to stuff up another thing?" Suga said coldly, making Jimin cry more. "Tears won't change anything."

"He won't even care, that was the deal." Suga laughed, shaking his head.

"You're so dense, he obviously likes you. Maybe you should try opening your eyes for once." Suga went to walk off but Jimin grabbed his sleeve, stopping him. "What?"

"I'm sorry..." Jimin let go of Suga's sleeve and wiped his eyes, trying to stop himself from crying.

"I know." Suga sighed. "But it doesn't change anything."

V heard Suga walking towards the door and quickly ran off, jumping on the couch and trying to act natural.

"V... Why are you lying on Namjoon?" Suga asked as he walked past, frowning at the pair. V suddenly realised why the couch had felt so uncomfortable and climbed off Namjoon.

"I'm sorry..." He said, looking guiltily at the floor.

"It's alright." Namjoon said as he rubbed his stomach, sitting up. "But you can make me food to say sorry, I'm hungry."

"Okay!" V jumped up and ran to the kitchen, rushing to make Namjoon something delicious.

"You know, if you don't want the whole dorm knowing, you shouldn't argue so loudly." Namjoon said once V was gone, looking up at Suga.

"Not my fault you were listening in." Suga sat down next to Namjoon, crossing his arms.

"Please get over this soon, fans are getting worried... They don't want another group falling apart." Suga nodded, sighing.

"I just wish he wasn't so dense..."


"I'm going out!" Jungkook yelled as he rushed to the door, only to find his path blocked by Jin.

"No, you're not. Not until you tell me who this mysterious stranger is." Jin said, crossing his arms and frowning at Jungkook. Jungkook sighed, slumping his shoulders.

"It's no one, hyung. It's just a friend."

"Do friends give you hickeys and jumpers and texts that make you blush?" Jin asked. "Well, the second two maybe, but not the first."

"Uh... Hyung, your best friend gave you a hickey once..."

"Kidoh was drunk and it meant nothing. And J-Hope isn't a friend so he doesn't count." Jungkook sighed.

"Fine, hyung, but if I tell you, you can't tell anyone else." Jin nodded, happy he'd finally gotten Jungkook to open up to him.

"I promise." Jungkook sighed and stepped in close, so he could whisper in Jin's ear.

"The person I keep visiting is..." Jungkook paused, preparing himself for the explosion. "G-Dragon hyung..."



NOTE: whabammo

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