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"Come on, V, are you going to answer my questions or are you just going to sit there?" Namjoon asked, nudging V with his shoulder. V sat there, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish as he tried to figure out how to answer.

"Uhhh..." V looked around the room, as if in the vain hope that the answer to Namjoon's questions would jump out at him. "Um..."

"Are you, or are you not, dating Jimin?" V continued to stare around the room, avoiding Namjoon's gaze like he was avoiding answering his question.

"Maybe..." Namjoon sighed, shaking his head slightly as he gave up trying to get an answer out of V. He was probably just embarrassed or something.

"Whatever, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But just tell me one thing, are you happy?" V frowned and looked at Namjoon. "As your leader, it's my responsibility to make sure you are happy and healthy. Are you happy with Jimin?"

"Y-Yeah..." Of course V was happy, he had the attention of the one guy he liked, even if it was just so Jimin could gain the attention of Jungkook.

"Really? Are you 100% happy with Jimin?" V hesitated for a fraction of a second before nodding. Namjoon frowned slightly, noticing this hesitation. "Because I've never really seen you two do much outside of fanservice and whatever it is you two get up to in the bedroom. Out of all the people I expected to be in a relationship, I would've thought either Jimin and Jungkook, not Jimin and you."

"I-I'm happy." Though now, V wasn't so sure. Was he happy just being a distraction for Jimin? Was this what he wanted?

No, but it was the closest thing he was going to get to what he wanted, so he'd take it.


Jin frowned as he tried to detach himself from J-Hope, who was giving him his daily Princessitis checkup. J-Hope clung to his arm, refusing to let him go get dinner ready.

"What if you're contagious??" J-Hope said when Jin told him dinner needed making. "You could give us it!"

"You know, I'm pretty sure it's not contagious." Jin said, finally freeing his arm and walking off. "I think you're just tripping..."

"Yeah, well, you're tripping!" J-Hope responded, unable to think of anything better to do. He huffed as Jin walked off, looking around for something to do. "V! Where are you, V?"

Jin walked into the kitchen and started preparing dinner, sighing at the sounds coming from the bedroom. The VMin couple were at it again. Jin tried to suppress the strange jealousy bubbling up inside of him, reminding himself that they were dating.

There was one long and quite loud moan, V's, and then silence as the pair had obviously finished. A couple of minutes later, the shower started.

"Hey, Seokjin hyung, I figured out something." V said when he walked into the kitchen, a towel around his neck as he dried his hair. Jin turned to look at V as he opened the fridge.

"What did you find out?" Jin asked, making himself smile at V.

"I found that this..." V crouched down and searched through the fridge before grabbing out the chocolate. "...This is love..."

"I thought that was a Super Junior song." V sighed and rolled his eyes as he broke of a piece of chocolate and ate. "Oh, and don't overeat that, by the way. You'll make yourself sick."

"Don't worry, I won't." V said as he ate another piece.

"Plus dinner won't be too far off."

"You worry too much, hyung, I won't eat too much." V said as he broke off another piece. "Here, have some." V brought the piece of chocolate up to Jin's lips and fed it to him. His fingers briefly touched Jin's lips, making Jin's cheeks turn slightly pink.

As Jin turned away to continue preparing dinner, muttering thanks, he saw J-Hope standing in the other room, staring at them. He was frowning at Jin and V, obviously jealous. This caused Jin to smile.

He liked that look, he liked it a lot.




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