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Namjoon had been sleeping when Jimin rushed into the bedroom, waking him up. He smiled as he listened to Suga and Jimin make up, thankful that finally happened.

He contemplated getting up, but then decided not to given all the commotion occurring outside the bedroom. He could hear the words 'G-Dragon, 'Jungkook' and 'dating' being squealed a lot, and figured he'd find out the cause of all the fanboying later. He had a feeling that it had something to do with G-Dragon and Jungkook dating...

He was glad he didn't bother pulling the blankets off himself when he heard someone walk into the bedroom, sniffing. The person sat down on their bed, making a noise that sounded suspiciously like a muffled sob. Namjoon lay there, trying to figure out which of the group members was crying.

"It's just you and me now, Robo-Maid." V said, his voice shaky as he tried not to cry. Namjoon debated with himself on whether or not he should get up and comfort V, but decided to stay and find out why V was upset first.

"Everyone's dating someone now..." V said. He laughed shakily, sniffing. "It's funny how... one second everyone is obsessing over you and then the next, they're all dating each other. It's actually not that funny, it's actually quite lonely."

V sighed, realising he had reached that point of loneliness where one talks to fruit juicers.

"Even Namjoon is out, probably with someone..." V turned the fruit juicer in his hands, staring at it. Namjoon continued to lie under his blankets, trying to figure out when would be the best time to get up.

"Everyone was just using me..." V chucked the fruit juicer on the floor. "Even the salesman who gave me you... And, you know what, right now, I just want to be used."

Without giving Namjoon a chance to comfort him, V got up and walked out, wiping his eyes as he attempted to make it look like he wasn't crying. He probably failed, but everyone was too engrossed in each other to even notice.

Namjoon continued to lie there for a few moments before throwing the blankets off him and sitting up. He walked out to the lounge room, where the three couples sat, and looked at them. No wonder V was so depressed, none of them were bothering to hide the fact that they were all hopelessly in love with each other.

"Where's V?" Namjoon asked, drawing their attention to him. They all stared blankly at him before Jin spoke up, being the most observant of the six.

"He said he was going to have a bath, he didn't look too happy..." Jin said. "But he said he was fine when I asked him what was wrong." Jin shrugged, looking at the other five, who hadn't even realised V had been in the room.

"Cool." Namjoon turned around and walked to the bathroom. He figured V had slept with enough of the group to not care if Namjoon walked in when he was in the bath.

When he walked in, V was bent over, his face underwater as he yelled, trying to silence it.

He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, not expecting anyone to walk in on him. V looked up and realised it was Namjoon, quickly trying to wipe away the tears that were causing red streaks down his face.

"H-Hyung, I'm in the bath..." V said, hiccuping.

"I know, but you're also extremely upset, to the point of talking to a fruit juicer. And if there's one thing I've learnt during my time as leader of BTS, it's to not trust heartbroken people around bathtubs." Namjoon said as he sat against the bathtub, looking at the opposite wall so he didn't make V uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there's the I Need U MV for one... But that's fictional." Namjoon shrugged. "Then there's also Suga hyung..."

"What did Suga hyung do?" V asked, looking at Namjoon.

"Tried to drown himself. In a bathtub." Namjoon looked over his shoulder at V. "There is a reason he sleeps so much, you know."


"Because it was his coping mechanism. So was Jimin's... obsession with Jungkook and player-like tendencies." V frowned and Namjoon realised he had no idea what he was getting at. "They used to date."

"What??" V exclaimed, moving in the bathtub slightly so he could look at Namjoon properly and see if he was being serious. "Why didn't I know about this?"

"Because Suga hyung was very closeted and didn't want anyone knowing about it. Jimin felt bad for not telling you guys but he also didn't want to make Suga hyung hate him-"

"Wait, then how do you know about it?" V frowned.

"Because I walked in on Suga hyung basically doing what you were doing... Just with less screaming..." Namjoon shrugged. "I guess it's all better now, though. Suga hyung is happy again.. and awake."

"Yeah." V said, though he didn't sound very happy about it all. "Jimin and Suga hyung both looked very happy..." Namjoon nudged V's shoulder, making him look at him.

"Happy up, I know just the cure for a broken heart."

"What?" V sniffed, wiping his cheeks, though it was pretty ineffective given his hands were as wet as his cheeks.

"Chocolate and ice cream, though Jin hyung has warned me not to eat it in large quantities, it makes you sick."


"How long were they even dating for?" V asked as he and Namjoon walked down the street to get ice cream. Namjoon shrugged as he looked around, wondering if he should've warn darker glasses.

"I dunno... They broke up not long after Just One Day..."

"Really?? How did we not know about it?" Namjoon shrugged again, still looking around paranoidly for any people that might recognise them.

"Suga hyung is good at keeping secrets." They walked into the shop, only to accidentally bump into someone. "Oh! Sorry!" The girl they'd bumped into's eyes instantly widened as her jaw dropped and she pointed at the pair in front of her.

"V Oppa! Rap Monster Oppa!" She exclaimed and Namjoon groaned on the inside as he forced himself to smile. "Omo! I love you guys so much!"

"Thank you..." The girl looked at the two, smiling widely as she realised she could go to school tomorrow and tell her friends she saw BTS. But then a thought appeared in her head.

"Can I get a selca?" Her friends wouldn't believe her if she didn't have proof. Namjoon tried not to sigh as he nodded, making the girl squeal and pull out her phone. "Thank you, Oppas!"


Omo, V's eyes are so red!

At least V is up again!

VMon is love. VMon is life.

Does Jin know RapMon is out with V?

V sighed as he scrolled through his phone, realising that selca probably wasn't a good idea. Almost instantly it had been uploaded on to the internet and the fans had noticed his red eyes.

Hopefully he'd be able to brush it off as tiredness...

In the meantime, he'd just lie there... And try to ignore the moans coming from the bedroom and the bathroom.




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