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NOTE: This chapter contains a lot of small little snippets and kind of time-skips. I like to think of this chapter not as 'Twenty-One' but as 'How To Prove Your Love To Kim Taehyung, with Kim Namjoon'.

V was awoken to the smell of pancakes the next morning. He sat up in bed and looked around, frowning as he tried to figure out why the smell was so strong.

He looked at the bedside table and saw a plate of heart shaped pancakes with a cup of some juice and a flower. He grinned as he realised Namjoon had made them for him.

"He spent all morning making those, you know?" Suga said as he got up sleepily from a mass of blankets. "He ran here all panicked because he didn't know what to do and Jin suggested that."

V couldn't keep the massive smile off his face as he ate the pancakes.

"The pancakes were delicious." V said when Namjoon walked in and took the now empty plate. "But anyone can make pancakes, Jimin could've made pancakes for me and it wouldn't have proven anything."

"I'm not going to give up, you do realise this, right?" Namjoon asked as he handed V the glass of juice he'd forgotten.

"I know..." V smiled as he drank the juice. As much as it was a pain to come up with ways to prove himself, Namjoon was happy that V was smiling. At least he was getting some happiness out of it.


"Hey, V, look!" Jin exclaimed as they walked through the park, disguised so no fangirls or boys recognised them. V looked up at where Jin was pointing and smiled.

'VMon is love' Some plane had written in the sky. Although any fangirl or boy probably could've have done that, V had a feeling they hadn't. The fact that Jin had pointed it out was also another give-away that Namjoon was probably behind it.

V got out his phone and called Namjoon, staring up at the writing in the sky.

"Although it's touching you spent all that money on the plane, Jimin also could've done that." V said as he held back a laugh, slightly enjoying tormenting Namjoon. Jin face-palmed, wondering what was wrong with his dongsaeng.

"I swear, I will run down the streets screaming 'I love Kim Taehyung' if I have to..." V just smiled, making Namjoon sigh. "I'm going to have to do that, aren't I?"


"I LOVE KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!!!!!!" Namjoon yelled as he ran down the streets, much to the amusement of V and any fangirls and boys who happened to be in the area.

Within seconds, the small VMon moment was posted by anyone who managed to film it.

Namjoon stood at one end of the street, panting slightly as he looked back at where V was standing. Somehow, he knew that that probably wasn't enough and so he turned around... And continued running.


Namjoon's phone rang in his pocket and he quickly answered it.

"Sorry, Namjoonie hyung, but that could easily be mistaken for a dare~" Namjoon had a feeling that V was just doing that for the hell of it, but if it made him happy then Namjoon would keep doing it until V was finally satisfied.


There was a strange smell in the bedroom when V woke, making him frown and scrunch up his nose. He opened his eyes slowly, and almost laughed when he realised what was making the smell.

Roses. Roses filled the room.

They were scattered across the floor, every bed, every surface... V almost didn't want to move, in case he broke one or was stabbed by a thorn.

"Are roses your thing?" Namjoon asked from where he was lying on his bed, the only spot not covered in roses. V looked up at him.

"What if I get stabbed?"

"You won't, I dethorned every single one of them." V looked around the room in amazement.

"Really?" Namjoon laughed as he climbed off his bed and over to V's, clearing a space for him to sit down.

"No, but I had to pay extra to get them thornless." He looked around the room. "Does this prove anything?"

"Uh... It proves you have a lot of money to waste..."


When V came home from practise, his bed was covered in teddies.

"I'm sorry, Namjoonie hyung, but this proves about as much as the roses!" V yelled out, trying not to laugh at all the teddies.

"Kim Taehyung, I am running out of ways to prove how I feel about you. I don't know if I love you because you haven't given me a chance to find out yet but I know I definitely like and will not use you." Namjoon said, appearing near the door. "And I swear, if you don't hurry up and accept my attempts to prove myself, I will come over there and kiss you."

V stood there, his old box grin which had gone missing for a bit returning.

"I'm sorry, Namjoonie hyung, but it's just not working." True to his word, Namjoon walked over there and kissed V, pulling him close.

V wrapped his arms around Namjoon, kissing him back.

"And that... is what I've been after this whole time." V said when they pulled away. "Something you could give me that Jimin couldn't. You're really stupid, hyung, you ignored all my hints."

"All you ever said was 'Jimin could do that', 'Jimin could do this'." V smiled and nodded.

"And what's the one thing Jimin couldn't give me?" Namjoon shrugged, though he obviously knew the answer now. "A kiss!"

V kissed Namjoon before hugging him tightly.

"I didn't really need all these teddies, though, because I've got one right here."




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