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"What's the matter, Hopie?" Jin asked as he sat next to J-Hope, wondering why he was looking so grumpy lately.

"It's nothing..." J-Hope said, staring at the TV. It really was nothing, it was just J-Hope overreacting.

"What is it?" Jin turned J-Hope's head so he was looking at him, looking concerned. J-Hope sighed and looked at his lap.

"It's nothing..." Jin pouted, trying to get J-Hope to answer. "I'm just a little jealous of all the time you're spending with that guy you talk to on the phone..."

"Who? Kidoh?" J-Hope shrugged, not really knowing who the guy was. "Oh, he's just my friend, you shouldn't be jealous."

"I know, it's just-" Jin moved so he was sitting on J-Hope's lap, making him unable to look away.

"Because you're the only one I want." Jin said, cupping J-Hope's face in his hands and kissing him. "You're mine, and I'm yours. No one else's."

J-Hope smiled, pulling Jin closer so he could kiss him more deeply.

The front door opened and closed as Jungkook walked in, throwing his coat on the couch and sitting down with a sigh.

"And what time do you call this?" Jin asked as he pulled away from J-Hope, frowning at Jungkook.

"Yeah, it's late." J-Hope said, resting his hands on Jin's hips.

"Says the two who're up making out on the couch." Jungkook retorted, adjusting his shirt slightly.

"Hey, what's that?" Jin asked, his motherly sense instantly noticing the mark Jungkook was trying to hide.

"Nothing." Jungkook got up quickly. "I'm going to bed." He rushed off, leaving Jin frowning.

"I will find out what it is, young man! And who it is!" He yelled as Jungkook disappeared into the room. He looked at J-Hope. "Normally Jungkook and Jimin don't have any marks on their necks.. It's just V..."

"Maybe that means Jungkook's found someone..." J-Hope suggested, trying to calm Jin's protectiveness down. "Or he and V just decided to spice things up a bit."

"But he's been gone all afternoon and it's almost midnight..." Jin said as he looked at the clock.

"Then we should go to bed too. And don't worry too much, if Jungkook has found someone else then it just means he can stop trying to steal V away and the VMin couple can stay happy forever without any evil Kookie coming in and destroying everything." Jin hopped up, letting J-Hope get up. He held Jin's hand as he led him to the bedroom.

"But what about Suga?"

"He's asleep most of the time so he probably doesn't even feel lonely." Suga's eyes shot open and he glared at J-Hope from his spot on the chair, which everyone had forgot he'd been sitting in.

"Swaeggy people have feelings too, you know." He muttered as the couple disappeared into the bedroom. He sighed, hugging the pillow to his chest as he stared at the floor.

"They're not saying you don't, they're just saying you sleep all day. Which you do." Namjoon said, appearing behind Suga, making him jump.

"Yah! How long have you been there?" Namjoon pulled a face, indicating he'd once again been scarred for life.

"Too long..." He said, shaking his head. "All I wanted was a drink, and then those two started making out on the couch and I didn't want to move in case I got caught and then next thing you know I'm stuck here..."

"You're just a magnet for people getting it on, aren't you?" Namjoon nodded before yawning.

"We should go to bed." Suga nodded and stood up. "Oh, and if you don't want people to think you're emotionless, stop acting so cold..." Namjoon wrapped his arm around Suga's shoulder as they walked to the bedroom.

"I have my reasons for my coldness." Suga said, staring at the ground.

"I know you do, but the others don't, and you have to remember that." Suga nodded slightly, sighing. "And you've got to stop sleeping your pain away, it won't change anything."

"Fine..." Suga sighed again, and Namjoon smiled.

"It'll get better, I promise..."


"J-Jimin, we have a fanmeet in half an hour." V said as Jimin pressed him against a wall, attacking his neck.

"I don't care." He said, pulling away briefly to pull V's shirt off. Once he'd pulled it off, he continued biting and sucking V's neck. For once, V didn't moan at Jimin's every touch, too tired to care about anything. He just stood there as Jimin did his thing.


What's wrong with V oppa? He looked so sad at the fanmeet. :(

Aw, Tae Oppa looked so tired at the fanmeet, I hope he's not overworking himself.

What's going on with BTS? They all seemed so distant!


Namjoon sighed as he scrolled through the social media, quickly stamping out the rumours of BTS breaking up. Everything else he didn't bother denying or agreeing too, because explaining why V was so tired was difficult and he didn't really know what was happening to BTS.

"I'm going out!" Jungkook called out, quickly running outside before Jin could stop him and interrogate him. Jin appeared near Namjoon, staring at the now closed door.

"One day, I'm going to follow him and find out who he's visiting." He said, crossing his arms.

"Don't. It'll just make him hate you..." Namjoon said, not looking up from his phone. Jin sighed and nodded, sitting down next to him.

"What're you doing?" He asked, peering over Namjoon's shoulder.

"Looking at all the posts about V and his tiredness, because that is literally all that's coming up if you search BTS. That and V and Jungkook's supposedly matching hickeys." He said, tilting the screen so Jin could see.

"I thought the makeup noonas took care of those..." Namjoon sighed and shrugged.

"Obviously not.. Who knows, maybe Big Hit wants to create some scandal or something and they told the noonas to purposefully not hide it." Jin shrugged.





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