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"Everyone, we need to partner up." Namjoon said, looking down at the challenge card in his hand. For a Bangtan Bomb, they decided to a three-legged race, among other things.

"I'm with V!" Jungkook instantly said, grabbing V's arm.

"No, I'm with V!" Jimin said, grabbing V's other arm and frowned at Jungkook as if he was offended Jungkook would try and steal V from him.

"No, I want to be with V." Suga said, pushing Jimin so he fell to the ground and detaching Jungkook's hand from V's arm. He took V's hand in his and held it firmly, frowning at the other two.

V stood there in confusion, wondering why everyone was suddenly fighting over him. One second it was Jin, then he was making out with J-Hope, then it was everyone else and most of then started making out with him... Or doing more...

"No, I'm with V!" Jungkook exclaimed, pulling V towards him.

"I think you'll find I'm with V." Jimin said, pulling V towards him. V felt like a rag doll, being pulled everywhere.

"Guys, guys, I'm the one holding his hand." Suga pointed out, gesturing at the hand he'd managed to keep a grip on this whole time.

Namjoon, realising this was going to escalate into an argument and could get messy, quickly stepped in.

"Guys, Jungkook can go with V, Jimin you can go with Suga." He said, making Jungkook smile and poke his tongue out at the other two. He held onto V's hand, as if he was afraid one of the others might still try to steal him away.

"We can be the ugly team..." Suga said as he grabbed the rope to tie his and Jimin's legs together.

"Hey, I'm not ugly!" Jimin exclaimed, watching as Suga tied their ankles together.

"Yeah you are. How many times do I have to tell you, this is all you have going for you right now?" Suga lifted up Jimin's shirt, probably causing millions of fangirls to die from a sudden ab overload.

"Shaddup..." Jimin muttered as he pulled his shirt back down, his cheeks turning pink slightly.

"Aw, don't get so upset, I still love you." Suga chuckled, pinching Jimin's cheeks.

"I don't want your love." Jimin said, pushing Suga's hands away as he watched V and Jungkook get ready. Many fangirls watching would have picked up on this glance and immediately assumed JiKook was real, and for once they were right.

V watched Jungkook as he tied their legs together, trying not to react to every accidental touch of his skin. Jungkook stood back up and smiled, holding V's hand. V smiled his famous box smile back, trying to seem excited about this race.
The fans worried when he wasn't weird and lively, and he didn't want them worrying.

"Alright, so basically all you have to do is run to the other side of the room." Namjoon said, reading the prompt card. "There is apparently a prize for the winner and a penalty for the loser."

The competitive side of everyone started to show at the sound of a prize.

"We're going to win for sure!" Jungkook said enthusiastically, and V nodded.

"Ugly team for the win!" Suga yelled out, even though he really couldn't be bothered doing a three-legged race. He just said it to rile Jimin up.

"I am not ugly!" Jimin exclaimed, making Suga chuckle as he got the reaction he wanted.

"Now, you see here, Jimin, this is the handsome team. This is what handsome looks like." He said as he pointed at Jin and J-Hope. "And this is the cute, lively team. This is what cute looks like." He pointed at V and Jungkook. "Now... where does that leave us?"

"The sexy team?" Jimin said, slightly unsure.

"For us to be the sexy team, we would have to be sexy... And the only thing remotely sexy about us is our chests." A lightbulb practically flashed above Suga's head. "Ah! I have an idea!"

"What?" Suga grabbed Jimin's shirt and pulled it over his head so it covered his face but revealed his chest. He then did the same to himself.

"Now we're the sexy team." He said, attempting to wrap an arm around Jimin's shoulder, though his vision was severely impaired by the shirt covering his face.

"No, now you're just the idiot team..." Namjoon muttered, looking down at the card as he sighed. "Anyway, let's just start. Everyone line up." The three teams got into a line at one end of the room, Suga and Jimin having the common sense to pull their shirts down. "Ready, set, GO!"

The three teams immediately started moving, the 2Seok team getting ahead quickly due to their coordination. The VKook team wasn't far behind, but V was causing them to fall behind a little. The Yoonmin team, however, were losing by a lot.

"Move your left foot. No, your left foot." Jimin said as he tried to coordinate the two of them.

"I am! This is my left foot!" Suga said as he tried to walk.

"Fine then, move the other one!" Suga moved the other one, and the pair managed to move forward a few steps.

"Hey, we're doing it!" Suga said happily before Jimin lost his balance, falling to the ground and bringing Suga with him. Suga landed on top of Jimin, and winked at him, making Jimin blush. "Hey there, handsome."

"Hey Jimin, Suga, are you alright?" Jin asked, rushing to the pair. He untied their ankle, letting them get off each other. Suga sighed in relief as he stood up, walking over to the edge of the room.

"Phew, I'm tired..." He said before lying down on the ground and closing his eyes. It was only then that Jimin realised what he'd said to him.

"Hey! You said I was ugly!" A small smirk formed on Suga's lips as he pretended to sleep, ignoring Jimin. "Pabo..."




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