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V frowned as he sat watching TV, suddenly realising he was by himself.

Not that he was complaining, it was just weird. Normally there was someone in the same room, someone touching him, someone doing something. But now there was no one.

Jin and J-Hope had occupied the bedroom, Jungkook had gone out to visit the person he kept visiting, Suga and Jimin were probably arguing somewhere and knowing Namjoon's luck, he was probably stuck in the bedroom.

And that just left V, his only company being the salesman attempting to convince him to buy whatever it was that the advertisement was about.

"...And for a limited time, we'll give you two for the price of one. That's right, two for the price of one! Call now to receive a special offer including an instructions kit and CD." The man said in his false cheery tone.

"I thought everything came with instructions..." V mumbled.

"We're so certain Fruit Crusher 2000 will work for you that we'll give you a one month refund guarantee. If you're not happy with your Fruit Crusher, just send it back and we'll replace it or your money back." V walked over to the house phone and called the number flashing on the screen.

"Hello? I would like to buy a Fruit Crusher 2000... Would I like it delivered to my house? Yes... My address?" Without really thinking about what could happen if a saesang got his personal details, V quickly made the purchase and sat back down, realising the advertisement had changed.

"It cooks, it cleans, is there anything the Robo-Maid can't do?"

"Love..." V stared at the 'Robo-Maid', which was definitely not a robot. It was just a self-cleaning fruit juicer.

"'Love me...'" The fruit juicer said.

"Well, I stand corrected..."


"Why are there so many fruit juicers in our house?" Namjoon asked as he looked around the kitchen at the many appliances. He then frowned at V, who was lying in a pile of them, hugging one to his chest.

"Because they were looking at me through the television, begging to be loved." He said, stroking the one in his hands. "Robo-Maid just wants to be loved..."

"V, fruit juicers can't talk." Namjoon said, making V sigh.

"I knew that... I was just joking..." V sighed again, indicating to Namjoon that he was definitely not joking.

"I think you need to sleep, the exhaustion is affecting your brain." Namjoon said as he helped V up, guiding him to the bedroom. V continued to hold the Robo-Maid to his chest. "Here, let me take that."

"No! I must stay with Robo-Maid, so it doesn't get lonely." Tears pricked V's eyes, caused by the tiredness that was finally catching up with him. "It's just so lonely..." Namjoon sighed, deciding it was best for everyone if V got to keep his Robo-Maid.

Thankfully, Jin and J-Hope had finished with the bedroom as Namjoon put V to bed, staring worriedly down at him. As soon as V's head hit the pillow, he fell asleep, hugging Robo-Maid to his chest.

Namjoon sighed, worried V was having a mental breakdown...


"Why was I sleeping with a fruit juicer?" V asked as he finally woke up, walking out to where everyone was sleeping.

"You refused to be separated from it. Did you have a good sleep?" V nodded, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Good, because you slept for a whole day." V almost dropped the Robo-Maid that was in his arms as his eyes widened.

"I what??" Namjoon nodded, handing V a phone. V looked down at the screen, scrolling through the many posts from worried fans. Most of them seemed to be under the assumption that V was dying or going insane.

"The dying and going insane thing might've been me..." J-Hope said, smiling guiltily. "I felt the fans needed to see a photo of you sleeping with a fruit juicer to, you know, make them think the old V is still there."

"What old V? There's no new V so how could there be an old V?" V asked, handing the phone back to Namjoon and sitting down on the couch, hugging Robo-Maid to his chest.

"Well, you've been acting a little down and tired lately, so the fans have been worrying..." J-Hope said, shrugging. "It's not that you've changed, you've just become less V-like..."

"That is basically what changing is, Hopie." Jin said, earning a frown from J-Hope. "What? If he's becoming less like himself then that means he's changing."

"Yeah, but you're not helping, Jin." V just sighed, staring at the two. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that to the fans you seem like you're changing, and they needed something to reassure them that you're not. But they didn't seem to take it the right way..."

"What do you mean?" V frowned, making Jin sigh.

"J-Hope worded the caption wrong and everyone assumed you were going crazy and the sleep was getting to you." Jin said.

"And what was the caption?"

"'V thinks fruit juicers are talking to him and want to be loved. Now he's sleeping with one and hasn't woke up since yesterday afternoon.' He posted it at about lunchtime today."

"And the fans thought I was going crazy because of that?" V asked and Suga pat his shoulder.

"I'm the one who's supposed to sleep all day, as soon as we step out of our roles, the fans automatically assume something's happening. And you may be weird, V, but you're not that weird."




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