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As I walk to my second class of the day I feel eyes on me, I look around but nothing.. gosh why am I so paranoid lately, must be those stupid movies I've been watching.

"Hey best friend!" Lauren yells as she shuts her locker door.

"Hey ren" I softly say before opening up my locker

"So I heard from a little birdy.... THAT YOU ARE THROWING A PARTY!" She yells before slapping me on the arm for not telling her.

I throw my hands up in defeat

"Sorry! I was just thinking about it and when I asked sully he said I should and I guess he got the word out... which is weird because I literally just told him." I smile but then again sully, will, brick, and nick are all the hottest guys in school which is weird because I don't get why they're friends with me, well we have only been friends for about 10 months.

"He's fast" Lauren scrunches up her eyebrows and begins smiling.

"No kidding" I laugh as I shut my locker door

"What class you have now?" She asks

"History" I say with a disgust face, I hate this morning

"Damn I have English" she pouts before walking in the opposite direction of me. Before fully walking away she yells that we will meet at lunch.

I begin walking to mrs browns class, which this class is going to be the death of me. Seriously.

"What's up butterfly" I begin smiling as I hear will

"Just the fact that I'm going to have a class that's going to be the death of me" I stare right into his eyes

"What class?" He chuckles

"History" I say as I roll my eyes

"Hey at least you will have me butterfly" he says before throwing his arm over my shoulder as we walk to the class that will be the death of both of us.

"Does-" I'm interrupted by the mrs brown

"Stella the principal would like to see you, so your excused for this class" she softly says, I look up at Will and roll my eyes

"See you later"

"Goodluck butterfly" he says before taking a seat at a desk in the back.

I begin walking to the office when suddenly I am grabbed and pulled, I begin panicking.. I kick the person

"Ow stells" the person says and I immediately roll my eyes

"Geez sully never do that to a girl" I say before calming down

"Sorry, but let's go we have stuff to do" he nods toward the doors.

"What?" I question

"Well you see, the principal doesn't really need to see you. It was me" he smiles devilishly

"Oh my gosh sully!" I slap his arm

"Okay hurry, oh and you got excused for third too" he says and we walk outside

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