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"Stella?" I hear from a distance

"Stella!" Someone comes running

I gain back my vision and see carter

"Carter?" I ask

He nods and smiles before helping me up from the floor

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"You forgot this in my car that day I drove you, I just found them while I was cleaning out my car. What happened?" He asked with concern in his voice

"I think I just had a panic attack I'm fine but thanks and thank you for bringing this to me it's an important bracelet." I tell him as he grabs me a glass of water

I felt too helpless to talk right now so I just made him look through every cabinet to find the glasses

I chuckle a little as finally he picks the right cabinet

"Thanks" I say as he hands me the glass of water

"Okay well I have to go, I start work soon" he says as he looks at his watch

"Okay well thanks again" I say before he walks out and shuts the door softly

I stand up from the couch, I need to breathe in and out before I have another panic attack


I walk to the door, but first I look out the window as relief fills me I open it up and swing my arms around him. In the comfort of his arm I finally felt this wave of calmness and with that I step back off of him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to do that it's just I felt unsafe and both of you came at the right time" I spit out before looking down at my feet

"Who?" He questions

"Just a friend, but thank you for coming I just need to feel safe I would've asked sully but-"

"I'm here" he sternly says before pulling me back into a tight hug

"So what exactly happened?" I take a big puff of air before sitting down and explaining everything that has happened since the beginning... it took awhile, lots of hand movements, standing, walking back and forth in the living room but I was finally done.. I exhaled loudly before taking a seat as I stared at him with fright in my eyes, his eyes were full of rage? At least I think they were

"Don't worry, I'll have a few of my boys out here during the nights and some nights I'll stay here." He sternly says as he pushed a few strands of my hair behind my ear

"Don't" I say

Confused came across his face but a hint of hurt as well

"I think It'd be better if sully stayed here the nights while my mother is out"


"Because you have a girlfriend" with that he backs down and nods as he gets up

"I texted a few of my boys and they should be here soon, your safe butterfly"  with that he walks out the door

My heart breaks a little, knowing I pushed him away but it was the right thing to do. I couldn't do this, he had a girlfriend.

Satan's daughter...

I hear a car pull up onto the road across my house, the person rolls down the windows to reveal his friends.

I close the curtain and put it back to its original form and walk into the kitchen, I sigh as I realize I'm here alone until sully gets here.

I lay on my couch as I watch titanic again.... for the one thousandth time...

As rose is desperately trying to find jack while the ship is sinking all I can think is, will. I'm desperately trying to make him fall for me but I'm the end it's just a sinking relationship... never going to happen, rose never got her happy ending so I won't either.

My eyes feel heavy, soon falling asleep.


He's standing there looking out the window with his hands in his pockets

What is he doing?

"Will?" I question

He turns around slowly as he turns his face reveals nothing. Just a blank space staring at me... except his eyes aren't there.. his body is there but his face is gone

I start to scream..

I'm knocked to the floor, panting on the cold floor I look at the ceiling and turn to my left where the tv is and see that Netflix has put a sign that says "are you still watching" I roll my eyes as I stand up from the floor.


I jump, my body filling with adrenaline. I can feel my heartbeat a mile per minute and I couldn't help but grasp to a knife that I laid close to me, I made my way to the window to peak through to see who is at the door. I peak through and see will


What is he doing here? I told him he shouldn't

I walk to the door and swing it open

"Woah! Chill there butterfly I came here in peace!" He yells as he throws his hands up

I look down and realize I'm still holding the knife, I begin blushing

"Sorry, I forgot to place it down" I can feel my face turn red

"I'm kidding, I know and by the way I told sully I would come instead" he winks as he walks in

"Why? I said you can't" I state

He whips his body toward me, his face inches from mine

"You said it'd be better if sully came, you never said I can't... case closed!" He chuckles as he throws his body on the couch and grabs the remote

I hear a disgust sigh from him

"Titanic... really" he says as he flips through the movies on Netflix

"It's actually one of the bests, no dumb movies!" I yell as I jump beside him

After about 5 minutes he finally decided on watching 21 jump street, something we both agreed on

Who doesn't like Channing Tatum? He was the definition of hot!

It was 45 minutes into the movie, I could feel my eyes turn heavy as I stare at the tv

I could feel will's eyes on me as I desperately tried to keep my eyes open, but soon sleep took over me.

"Goodnight" Will whispers soon after that I felt his lips on my forehead

But I was too tired to protest

Or did I want him too, I know he has a girlfriend and I would never but It's will.

My thoughts turned into a dream, a nice one this time.

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