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The past couple of days past like a breeze until finally today, today is the day of my big coming back to school party, I had everything ready. Chips for people, candy, and drinks non alcoholic. sully has the alcohol covered even though I should since I'm the host.

"S!" I hear Lauren as she runs over to me

"Yeah?" I ask her as she walks beside me, going to my first class.. English

"So my parents think I'm just sleeping over and not that it's a party so make sure I don't slip up okay?" She says before smiling

"Yes of course ren" I say before walking into class, I see sully and will in their usual spots I go to sit in my seat but I fall to the floor as the witch pushes me

"Really Alexa?" Will spits

"Come on I love a good cat fight but that's my girls spot" sully says eyeing my spot. She rolls her eyes as she stands up kicking me as she walks back to her usual spot.

"Geez" I say as I sit down in My spot

"Ready for the night?" sully asks as he grins devilishly

"Yes" I say before breaking into a huge smile

But my heart is racing because it's going to be a long, Long night and I have to make sure everything goes smoothly, also I have to make sure nothing in my house breaks.


The bell rings I immediately stand up as I rush out of the room I can't help but wait for will since we have next class together. That's until I see him and Alexa in a very, very intimate position in the class. Before he can turn his head in my direction I fly out of there and quickly get to history.


They do have history so I shouldn't be jealous since she had her claws in him first.. not saying I have claws in him since I don't claim people but I wish he could be with me.


Who am I kidding? Obviously I want him to be mine.


I roll my eyes in frustration as I sit in my usual spot for history, my eyes not wanting to look up as I feel my body react to him in my presence.

The clock seems like it's going extra slow for me today, it's like the longer I stare at it the more it's like "I'm going to take extra long today Stella! Just for you"

I roll my eyes in frustration as I huff

"You good?" I hear will whisper, I pull my body around and stare at him for a second before talking

"Yes" I sharply say before turning my body back to the front.

After a long hour the bell finally rings and I quickly rush out, realizing I don't even have a third period. Letting me have some space to list out possible stuff that can go wrong. As I sit in the library with my headphones in my ears I begin listing things

Alexa could start stuff with me..

One of the guys could start a fight resulting in my house being destroyed...

I could do something stupid like confess my feelings for him...

That's until I realize how stupid that is I scribble it out before anyone can see it.

How stupid can I be? He doesn't like me.. never will.

After writing more things down the bell rings making it lunch time now. I grab my stuff and begin walking to my locker, that's upstairs

I look at all the different faces, faces that I've never seen before because I was too into books or because I was gone for awhile..

I reach my locker, messing up my first try to open it but the second try I instantly fling it open throwing my binder and books inside. I grab my purse as I close the locker and head down to the cafeteria where everyone said they would be.

I quickly approach ren

"Hey ren" I smile softly

"Hey s!" She wraps her arms around me as she waits in line for food.

"I'm going to take a seat with nick, and brick" I begin wondering where sully or will are?

My questions are answered when suddenly will and sully waltz in with Alexa walking closely behind them... with her little rugrat best friend. I instantly huff

"I'm going, I'll see you guys after lunch. Oh and tell ren I had to leave to do work" I say to the guys in front of me. They nod as I step up from my seat and begin walking out... making sure will didn't see me.

I walk outside and take a big gulp of air, I exhale and rest my hand over my forehead.

Why does life have to be so complicated?

Before I know it, I'm walking home... it's an advantage when your mother isn't home because she won't have that disappointing face once you open the door.

I begin humming, as I watch birds fly from one tree to another.


I pull out my phone to find a text from Lauren

Where did you go?

I text home and slip my phone back in my purse as I continue walking. Nature is what I need, fresh air before the storm..

Once I arrive home I unlock my door, throw my shoes off, lay my jacket and purse on the rack, then walk upstairs to my room.

I plop on my bed as I stare out my window, which has a seating area so I can peacefully sit there and read.

I love reading

I smile as I fall asleep...

"Butterfly" someone in the distance calls, I tilt my head up looking at the time which is two thirty, schools not over yet..

"Will?" I huff before rolling out of bed.

I make my way out of my bedroom and into the hall, I walk over to the edge and stare down at him as he stares forward.

"What are you doing here?" I question him

"You weren't answering any of my texts so I decided to come" he smiles softly

"I was sleeping" I sigh

"Sorry, also may I state your door was unlocked! Meaning anyone could've came in and I don't know kidnapped you!" I immediately begin laughing

"I'm fine, I'm here aren't I" I say before walking down my steps

"Whatever" he huffs as he throws his keys on the counter

"Don't you have to pick up Liam soon?" I question

"No my mother said she can pick him up today" he shrugs and begins smiling

"I should call sully" I say before walking back upstairs

"Why?" Will asks before I can make it back up to my room

"He's decorating or whatever, not me. He's the handy man for today" I say before going into my room and texting him.

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