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Will pov,

It's been a week, of searching for her I finally decided to tell the police two days ago and we all went searching for her, search parties were set up but we found nothing

Her mother flew home right as she heard the word, she never lost hope

And I won't either

"I'm going out again" I tell my mother as I head out the door slamming the door after exiting

"Hey man, we should go searching around the woods" Brick chimes in

I nodded

"If we find him I'm going to make him pay" I spit

"We all will" sully says

With that we all got in bricks suv and drove off, we came prepared for anything, so we suited up as we walked around the woods

"Stella!" Sully yells

I know she's out there still and I'll do whatever it takes

"Stella!" Nick yells

Lauren has been a wreck because first she lost her friend Lizzie and now Stella but I know she's out there.


Stella pov,

It's been a week of gross ass food, the only good thing about this is the water it tastes so good and I couldn't help but feel pain, pain for Lizzie and the pain in causing to all of the people who love me.

And will

The door opened and revealed the guy who posed as carter

"Here" he hands me a book

I sit there and as each picture passed I couldn't help but puke.

The first picture was the first day I was walking to school, the second was at my locker and even the insides were pictured, the next was when I was in my room sleeping, he took many of my house, suddenly I saw a picture of Will and I in the book but his face wasn't his it was this guys face, as the pictures kept flowing I couldn't bare it anymore this guy was sick. He had every picture I could think of

"So angel" he said in a voice I knew too well

Then it clicked

"Your that asshole from the Halloween party too"

"Batman" he winks as he comes closer kissing me on the cheek but I slapped him earning me a slap back.

"Babe chill, we only have a couple more days and we're leaving" he winks as he tightens the chains and with that he leaves me in the darkness.


Will pov,

We all came into a circle one we found nothing, no abandon house, nothing it was like she was never in this damn town.

Suddenly it hit my like a ton of bricks, Carter maybe he's seen her somewhere I mean he obviously has a crush on my girl since he helped her that day at the tracks

Moments replayed in my mind, that day Stella had a panic attack she said someone had helped her. Maybe it was this guy

"We gotta go to carters" I blurted out

Everyone was confused as they looked at me

"Why carter?" Brick asks

"Because maybe he's seen her I mean he's always been there when she needed help" I shrugged

We all hopped in our cars and drove to the other side of town where carter lived, his family were wealthy which they are gone for 9 months something about them having to stay in Italy because they needed help with business over there. So he's been alone, maybe he kidnapped her? He's always been a weirdo

"Carter has a nice ass house but really fucking creepy and it's secluded so maybe she's here?" Nick asks with fire behind his voice

We pulled up to the house and indeed it was creepy, the lights were all off like it looked like no one was here.

"Not it for knocking on the door!" Brick chimes in

He touched his nose

"Real manly brick" the boys and I begin laughing

I walk to the door and tried knocking but nothing for at least a minute so I tried what any would I twist the knob. To my surprise it was opened I looked back at the boys they were also shocked that it actually opened.

"Fuck" Brick mutter under is breath

"Scared?" Nick asks

"Okay hurry" sully adds

We all walked in and once we did it looked like the house was never touched. We ran around the whole house

No one was here

Like at all

"Come!" Brick yells

I ran to where him and sully were I scan down to the floor and looked around the room.

There was a bit of blood on the floor making me worried that she's gone

"It's old" nick says as he scans the room

Where the fuck was carter?

Suddenly we saw a flicker out the window we all stood there until we ran to the window making sure not to touch anything, the guest house was there with a tiny shed beside it.

"Worth a try" sully says before we all ran down the stairs and out to the back.

We tried to go in the room but it was locked so we smashed the window and unlocked it, making sure we wouldn't get cut.

As we scanned the room, I couldn't help but begin puking

It smelt disgusting in here

"What is that smell?" Nick cries out

We look for the flicker to turn on the light

It turned on revealing blood all along the floor leading to the freezer.

"Hell no" Brick chimes in

I made sure to push my jacket more up before touching the freezer

"1, 2, 3 open!" They all yelled I opened up revealing a body

We all ran and cringed

"What the fuck!" Nick yells

"We need to call the police like now!" Nick yells

"We just need to look around a little longer and then we call" I say sternly

They all nodded, I walked back to the freezer to see exactly who was in there, I opened it up covering my nose and see him


He looks like he's been here awhile meaning

The carter Stella was seeing definitely was not the carter that was stuffed in this freezer. Meaning someone that has her is a psychopath

Suddenly a door sprung open

We all turned to the noise and there the person was

"This is it" nick says

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