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My mother finally arrived home a couple days ago, she was exhausted and all she ever did was sleep and eat.

My birthday was in 3 days, I couldn't wait because ren said she had a surprise as well did the boys.

"Darling" my mother yelled from downstairs

I rolled off my bed, I groaned as I walked down the stairs

"Yes mom?" I ask as I stare at her, my eyes traveled to what she was looking at and my eyes widen

"Shit" I say under my breath

"Sweetheart what happened here? Where's all of our family pictures" she questions

"They all broke because one night they all fell on the floor so I just threw them out and I meant to get more ones so I'm sorry but I'll go get frames right now.. Okay?"

She nods and turns around as she walks to the kitchen

"I'll make supper" she smiles sweetly before disappearing

I sighed in relief, I didn't want to tell my mother what's happening because if I did she would quit her job and I don't want her to quit what she loves.

"See you soon mom! Love you" I yell before walking out the door

I started walking down my long street, it's about a 20 minute walk to the store full of furniture and other nice things.

As I walked I admired the nice autumn colours, as I walked I kept looking up at the trees which orange, yellow and red ones kept falling, I caught one that fell right in front of me and crumpled it up in my hands and let it fall into the cool breeze.

Suddenly a car pulls up beside me

"Get in" a stern voice says

I turn and see will

"What do you want? We haven't talked in what? 3 days, it's been quiet without you so leave me alone" I bite back

"Stella!" He yells

I turn toward him astonished that he actually yelled at me? Or was it the fact that he actually used my name and not my nickname

I groaned and got in

"What do you want? I have things to do will"

"I'm sorry, for when Alexa pulled me out of there but I broke up with her." He says

I quickly snapped my head toward him and raised my eyebrow

"Actually?" I question

He nods and lays a hand on mine

"I- i don't think we should" I state

Even if I wanted him so bad I can't be his second choice. I am better then that.

"Why? We both know there's something here. You can't deny that butterfly" he smiled a smile that I thought was so genuine

I begin smiling frantically


"Stop, you and I both know this" he gestures his finger at the both of us "this is inevitable Stella Evelyn Jackson" he winked and with that I leaned in to kiss him

"Boy, you know how to sweet talk William Blake Hollingsworth" I say as our heads touch I open my eyes and stare deep into his.

"Only for you"


I jumped and looked at behind us, I immediately begin laughing. Will joins in he quickly turns the car back on, as we begin driving he rests his hand on my thigh.

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