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Sully and I walk towards will, brick, nick and Lauren who were all waiting by will's mustang, of course him looking like a god as he leans on the hood of his car, his stare never breaking mine as we continue walking to his car.

"Hey" I say to the group

"Hey Stella" brick and nick say before going back to their conversation.

"Stella I thought we were meeting, only then will told me you were with sully. Thanks for telling me!" She yells and begins smiling as I roll my eyes.

"So how was your, ride" will says as he looks at both sully and I

"It was nice, but then sully didn't let me help pay for the stuff. Which is weird because I should be paying for it since I am the host" I say

"Yeah sully, she's the host I'm sure she's capable of paying it for herself." Will spits

"It's covered!" He yells before walking to nick, brick and Lauren who were in a deep conversation

"Hey, How was history" I say

"Boring" will says before staring at me

"Yeah, at least I got out of the class for one day" I smile

"Yeah" he says before standing up and hopping into his car

"Let's go get something to eat" he says as nick,brick and Lauren begin walking to the jeep because they all love his jeep even though they all have really nice cars... well except for Lauren and I, we don't even have a car yet.

I begin walking with the rest of them but will stops me.

"Butterfly your with me" I stop and turn around

I open the door of his car and sit inside.

"New jacket?" Will questions me I look down and realize I'm still wearing sully's jacket

"Damn, I guess I'll just give it to him at the restaurant" I say before buckling my seatbelt

"It's sully's huh" will says

"Yeah, he kinda dragged me out so it got cold and he decided to give me his jacket" I smile at Will.

"What a gentleman" will scoffs and begins driving out of the parking lot.

The whole ride I was just looking out the window because Will was being very hard to talk to, he closed off which he rarely does with me.

I mean he does with everyone else but not me ever since I've known him he never once was this quite

"Are you okay will?" I ask

"Yeah just thinking" he says coldly

"Talk to me" I say before looking at him with pleading eyes

"It's nothing" he says and I stop and continue looking out the window.

"I'm sorry" he says which stuns me because he has nothing to be sorry for, if he doesn't want to talk it's fine

"It's fine you don't have to talk to me" I smile

He nods and pulls into the restaurant well diner, the best diner though

I step out of his mustang, we all walk inside and take our usual spot since we all became friends. Well since Lauren and I been added to the group.

"Hey Stella" The cute waiter says, he was a family friend who graduated last year. He took off a year before he takes on his life in New York.

"Hey Ben!" I say before hugging him.

"Butterfly!" Will says as he waits for me to sit down

"I'll be at your table in a minute Stella" Ben says

I walk to the table and sit down

After about 30 minutes we set back to school.

As we sit in the car, we are more happier then before which makes me feel calm

"Do you have gym next?" He asks and I nod

"We have very similar classes damn" I say before smiling

"Yeah, weird" he says before looking back at the road

I go for the radio but when I do he does the same making our hands touch, I pull back and look at him embarrassingly and smile

"You can" he says

"No it's your car you can" I smile again

"Butterfly you can" he says and I nod as I turn the radio on

We pull up to the school, he pulls into his normal spot. I jump out and begin walking inside because I hate being late for class. I turn and yell bye before disappearing from them totally.

I get to my locker, opening it very fast as I grabbed my gym bad I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin to find Alexa

"Yes, devils spawn?" I question

"I just wanted to say, I'm getting him back so don't think you have a chance dumpster" Alexa spits before throwing juice all over my clothes, instantly I drop my gym bag and begin rolling my eyes.

After 2 minutes had past I'm still standing at my locker processing at what just happened with suddenly I hear sully call me

"Hey sully" I say as I turn toward him

"Geez Stells did you decide to take a swim?" He questions because smiling

"Yes sully I went for a swim and the water only touched the front of my body" I say before huffing

"I'm guessing Alexa" he says as he hands me his sweater

"Here throw this on until you change into your gym clothes" he says

"Thanks sully" I smile

"Hey somebody has to save you" he shrugs and smiles as he walks with me to gym

"Do you have gym?" I question

"Yes I do Stells. you, will and I have gym together the dream team" he says as he spreads his hands like a rainbow I immediately begin laughing as I nudge him

"The dream team huh" I say as I stare right at Will Who was coming in hot, in both ways..

"Hey Butterfly" he smiles softly showing a little dimple on his right cheek making me melt

"Hey will" I say before he notices my sweater

"So the evil witch of the west decided she was going to throw her ice cold drink all over me and Sully was nice enough to lend me his sweater until I changed into my gym clothes which I will have to wear for the rest of the day." I say but I don't know why I have to explain why I'm wearing sully's sweater

"Okay?" Will says as he raises an eyebrow

"Yeah I'm always saving her" sully says before smiling and putting his arm over my shoulder.

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