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It's been a couple weeks since the breakfast with Will, I can't believe I only then connected that little Hollingsworth cafe was his families. It's kinda stupid I mean his last name is Hollingsworth..

"Earth to Stella!" Lauren yells as she waves her hand around

"Sorry, just zoning out" I say as we sit in the cafeteria

"What? on will" she says as she turns

He's sitting with Satan's daughter and her group of devils.

Of course he is

She's pretty and I'm just average.. am I even average? I'm probably the gum at the bottom of his shoe, so desperately trying to stick but failing.

God I'm depressing.

"So I was wondering, do you think nick and I should date? He asked me out on a date but I don't have an answer because I told him I needed time and the only reason I needed time was so I can get your opinion" Lauren spits and once she finishes she takes a big breath of air

"I love it!! No go find him and tell him before he thinks you don't like him!" I yell at her she instantly get lights up as she walks off and goes to find nick, he's probably using the washroom because he was at the table before.

I sit there eating my food while I get excited for my best friend, she found a person who is willing to spill his guts all over the floor. And he got her.

He doesn't even like you

I huff at my brain as I shove another piece of food in my mouth, the bell rings which means gym time.... with Will and sully

I grab my tray and throw it in the garbage as I walk out of the cafeteria, suddenly a hand places on my shoulder I turn and see sully

"Sully!" I say before smiling huge

"So you ready for our new unit of tag football?" He raises an eyebrow as he grins

"Yes, and I'm not going to hold back sully" I hold my head high when suddenly he bursts into laughter as he pats my back

"Shut up!" I stop at my locker to grab my gym bag

"Hurry before we're late stells and I know you hate being lateee" he holds his hands out while waving them

"Yes yes I know" I quickly pull my bag out and we continue making our way to the gym

"So can we talk?" Sully asks

"Yes?" My voice goes high pitch

"So the party, I'm sorry for kissing you and I hope it doesn't get in the way our friendship" he spits out

"Aw sully look at you, you actually care for a girl finally and it's fine it was both of our faults and our friendship is fine!" I try to wrap my arm around his shoulder but as I stand on my tippy toes he begins laughing and push my down so he can wrap his arm around my shoulder

"This works better stells" he laughs

"Yeah" it's not my fault my mother blessed me with shortness, a whooping 5'3

"Hey guys" will comes out of nowhere and comes in between sully and I as he wraps his arms around both of us as we are right in front of the gym doors

"I gotta go change, bye and sully we're late!" I yell at him before laughing as I enter the girls change room

I walk in slowly and hear girls talking

"We're getting back together, he told me himself. Like today did you see he sat with me instead of that filth Stella" Alexa says

"Yeah we know he was always in love with you" another one of her minion spits

"Yeah" another one says

Fuck. This.

I whip the door open and storm out of gym, I'm going home. My mother isn't even home anyways

I grab my jacket from my locker and continue my way home.

I call the school acting like my mother to tell them I wasn't going to be in afternoon so I don't get absences.

As I walk I slip my headphones in and drown in the music. When suddenly someone grabs my shoulder and spins me around

"Who are you?" my pulse rising as this guy holds onto my shoulder, I push him off and back up

"Sorry to scare you I was just running and I kind of lost my breath. Here" he says as he holds a book

My book


"Thank you!" I say as I take my book and throw it into my purse

"Yeah" he says as he turns around and walks in the opposite direction

He gave me the chills but it probably was just the wind, because he was a nice guy for picking my book up and passing it to me.


As I lay in my bed watching what ever was on tv and eat cake, cookies, ice cream, and my favourite pizza

*ding dong*

The doorbell rings, I walk to the door and swing the door open.. to my surprise there's no one. I look down and see a note

Who left this?

I step out onto my porch and look both ways..

No one.

I pick up the note and walk inside, I wait till I get to my bedroom so I can be in the comfort of my sad movies and ice cream.

I open the sides and begin reading

"I welcome the death of a former version of myself to be a better one.... with you"

The writing is in black but the last word is in red, should I be worried or be flattered?

The doorbell goes off making me jump, I throw the note in the drawer and begin making my way to the door, this time taking the time to look out the window..

"Sully" I say under my breath as I walk to the door

"Hey!" I say as I open the door

"Hey, where did you go at gym? We were waiting for you outside of the door and after about awhile Alexa said you never came in but we watched you walk in. Is everything okay?" He spits

"Uhh Yeah, I didn't feel good I was about to vomit as I walked in and so I just walked back out and left" I say having to lie on the spot

"Oh okay, and your okay now stells?" He says still standing outside making me realize I'm leaving him outside

"Come in" I say as I walk to the kitchen to grab more pizza

"My favourite pizza!" He yells as he grabs a slice but before he grabs it he looks at me and I nod

After about and hour of hanging out with sully he decides to go home because I was falling asleep while we watched the rest of the titanic and yes he watched it, and yes he was crying too! I saw it!

"Goodnight sully" I whisper before falling asleep

"Goodnight stells"

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