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"Happy birthday to you!!!" I groan as I roll around my bed

"Honey get up it's your birthday!! Your 17!!" She squeals

I smile

"I love you mother!!" I spring up as I rub my eyes

She sits down as she hands me a few presents, I can't help but smile at the wrapping. My mother wasn't the best at wrapping so each birthday she would get my aunt to wrap them but since she moved away I guess I'm back to mothers horrible wrapping.

But I love her so it doesn't matter

I unwrap the first present

"It's a beautiful bracelet mom!" I hug her

"Next one sweetie!"

I unwrap the other one, I stare down at the box as I open it a key was in it.


She smiles as she points towards downstairs

"This better not be a joke!" I yell as I run down the stairs

As I throw the door open, a white Honda Civic with a bow on it was parked infront of the house

"It's brand new! 2019 edition" She squeals

"Oh my god mom!!!" I yell as I run to her and hug her

"I love you so much" I whisper into her ear

"I love you too my dear"

I look back to the car and jump up and down

"Oh my god I gotta show wi-"

"Will?" She says as she winks

I nod

"Go on, but first brush your hair and get some clothes on dear" she laughs as she walks back inside the house

30 minutes passed

As I pull up to his house, I spot him walking out... my eyes trail to her

Why is she here.

At his house

I turn off the car, staring at Alexa and him talking

"What. The. Fuck" I spit

My blood is boiling right now, I could pull out her fake extensions


"See you tomorrow" Alexa yells as she gets back into her car and drives off

I turn my car back in and slowly drive in front of his house, I pull in his driveway and Immediately get out

"Hey!" He says

"Hi?" I question

Did he forget

"Moms car?"

"No. It's mine, I should go" I walk back to my car

"Sorry a lot is on my mind right now, hang later?" He asks

"Sure" I say with so much fire behind it

"Later babe" with that he walks back inside of his house

What the hell was that?

Suddenly my phone does off, sully's picture pops up

"Hey sully!" I say

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUU!!!" He yells almost killing my eardrums

"Geez sully you almost broke my ear drums but thank you, want to hangout?" I ask

"Yes, come to my house"

I pull out of will's driveway and head to sully's house, I've never been to his house but I know his address because he had sent it to me before when I was supposed to hangout with him.

I pull up to his house... actually mansion

It was so huge, bigger then will's house

I pulled in the long road and into the driveway which was a circle so people can get in and out easily, the middle has a fountain in it.

Sully walks out with a present in his hands

"Sully?" I question

"What?" He asks

I get out of my car and walk towards him

I cling to him as I hug him so tight I feel like I'm killing him but it's okay because he actually remembered my birthday.

"New car?"

I nod and smile so big I feel like my face got stuck

"It's gorgeous" he says

"It is"

"Here" he hands me a present

I open it, it's a gorgeous necklace.

"It's gorgeous... but sully" I look up at him

"Nope, don't ask me how much it was because I don't care how much it was... you have become one of my best friends and you can't guilt me about this." He stands his ground as he puffs his chest

"Fine, Thank you" I walk up to him closer and kiss his cheek

"Yeah, Yeah, But my birthday is in January so make it up to me with getting be a great present too" he winks as he grabs my shoulder and walks me inside his house.. mansion

"You have a nice house" I state

"Yeah great for p-" he stops mid sentence and stares at me


"Great for picnics" he smiles unsurely

"Picnics?" I begin laughing

"Maximus!" I hear a lady call him


"Maximus?" I whisper

"Shut up" he says before taking off

I follow him, revealing him and I'm guessing his mother

She looked exactly like him but gorgeous, her figure was amazing

"You must be Stella, I'm Mary Sullivan. Maximus's mother" Mary states

"Mom! Don't call me Maximus I like max" he says

"I carried you 9 months and had a 12 hour labour. I named you Maximus because it's a nice name so I'm going to call you whatever I like. Maximus" she says before kissing his cheek

Sully, max or Maximus rolls his eyes

He walks past me

"Maximus" i whisper

"We're going to my room, you guys leaving soon right?" He asks

"Yes sweetie" she yells as we walk up his nice staircase white were like a castle

"Stella we are going to use my car, but I want to show you something before I drop you off at home since your mother is taking you out for supper" he says

"Why can't I just use my car?"

"It's easier my way" he says


He opens his room, it's neat and not like a typical boy room which makes me shocked

"What? Shocked that some of us boys actually like clean rooms?" He laughs

I nod and I glance around his room

We sit down and begin playing video games

After about 30 minutes he sighs huge

"How are you so good!" He yells

"What? Shocked that girls can actually be amazing at video games?" I mimicked his voice

"Shush" he chuckles

"Okay well we should go" he grabs my hand and helps me up.

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