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It was Tuesday, school ended about an hour ago. I'm sitting here waiting for ren to pick me up so we can go shopping at the mall.


I sit up from the couch and walk over to my door as I fling it open I see will standing there.

"Will?" I question

"Sorry just came here to tell you ren couldn't make it because her and nick have an important meeting. So she sent me" he smiles big

"Oh okay" I say before letting him in

"So I was wondering, do you want to go eat at a restaurant?" He asks

"Sure" I say but then he suddenly smiles huge

"The thing is.." he says and i tilt my head

"What?" I ask

"It's out in North Carolina" he says, my jaw drops out because that's a two hour drive because we live in Wilmington.

"2 hours in a car with you? And then 2 more after that? Hmmm let me think" I put my hand to my chin

I begin smiling

"Okay" I throw my hands up

"Okay get ready, we leave in 20" he says before sitting down on the couch

"Okay" I say before running upstairs to get ready and fast.

I slip on black jeans paired with a red tank top and to top it off with a grey fuzzy cardigan. For shoes I slip on white toms. I throw my hair up in a loose ponytail

"Ready" I yell down as I run down the stairs he waits for me at the bottom and as I reach the bottom I trip over my own feet and fall into his arms

"Sorry, I'm such a clutz" I say as I look up, he's staring at me already leaving me with butterflies in my stomach.

"Aren't we always falling?" He says as he lets me go

"Huh?" I say not fully understanding what he meant by that.

"Nothing" he simply says

"Shall we go?"

He nods in agreement and leads me out the door with him.

The long 2 hour drive was something else, we bickered about the most random stuff like how he can hate the best food in the world... pizza like who doesn't like pizza? It's literally the best comfort food.

"So you ready to see the restaurant?" He asks

"Yes" I simply say as we turn onto a bright road full of gorgeous lights hanging from trees.

He stops the car, turns off the ignition and opens the door for me. I stand up and look at the restaurant, it's literally the best restaurant the one I've been wanting to go ever since I became friends with sully and the guys.

We were talking about what restaurant we always wanted to go and I said that this was the one, because my parents fell in love in this very restaurant.

My father was the best...

"You remembered?" I ask

"Of course, it was all you would talk about since we became friends" he says

We haven't been friends for a long time but him remembering this from long ago is making my heart melt.

"This is the best! My par-" he stops me

"This is where your parents first fell in love with eachother... I listen butterfly" he says as he leads me to the door

"I can't believe you remembered" I say as I hug him before going inside

The restaurant was gorgeous, every wall had a picture of every couple that ever came in here and ended up marrying eachother... my parents should be here somewhere.

As he waits in line I start to look at the wall of photos, every picture I passed was not my parents making me wonder where their picture was. But I guess we have like walls full of pictures I have to look to find them.

"The table is ready" will says

I nod and follow him to a cute little table by the window, this table is probably the best one out of every one in here because of the light shingling through the window and it's in the middle of it.

"It's gorgeous" I squeal

Throughout the whole night I couldn't help but stand up and keep looking through the walls to check if I see my parents.

But as for Will he kept getting texts or calls which he was very busy so he barely realized I wasn't at the table.

As I run my finger over the wall I stop as I realize this is the picture.... my parents!

"Found them!" I yell

I stop and look around as everyone stares at me, I give a nod of sorry to everyone before looking back at the picture. I take a picture of it and walk back to the table.

"Sorry" he says as he walks up with the phone to his ear and steps outside

The bill was paid, so I got up and walked out and started walking around waiting for him to get off the phone and drive home.

I pick my phone up and call sully

"Hey stells!" He says

"Hey sully? Can you sleepover tonight" I ask

"Of course, I said I would until your mother gets back"

"Okay thanks" I sigh a little

"How is the mall with ren?" He asks

I'm a tiny bit confused because I thought he would tell them but I guess not.

"Fun" I say before telling him I had to go

I walk back to the front of the restaurant where he is standing, he notices me and stands up quickly

"Where'd you go?" He asks

"I had to make a phone call" I smile before we begin walking to his car

There was zero talking as we walked to his car and the rest of the ride back to Wilmington was awkward because none of us talked. About 30 minutes in I blasted the music to drown my thoughts before I exploded.

We finally make a stop in front of my house, I turn to him

"Thanks for today" I smile before getting out

"Aren't I staying again?" He questions

"No sully is coming so you can go wherever you were needed while we were out" I smile softly before walking to my door.

The car quickly speeds out of my driveway and down the street.

I roll my eyes as I walk inside locking the door behind me.

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