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I wake up in the morning, sully sleeping on the couch in the living room like always these past couple of days. My mother comes back in two days, so sully will be good because she's staying for about 3 weeks before she leaves again.

It has been two days since I had a full conversation with Will because we both have been distant with eachother.

"Morning" sully mumbles as he wipes his eyes

"Morning" I softly say as I grab cereal and juice

He walks over and sits down across from me

"Thanks for staying this whole week, I really appreciate you" I say

"You keep thanking me and I keep telling you it's nothing, your my friend and I would do anything for you... besides murder" he chuckles before taking a bite of his cereal.

"Come on? Murder is nothing!" I say as I begin laughing along with him

"Okay we should get going" he stands up as I do and we walk outside

We arrive at school, the guys were where they usually are but no nick and ren? Where are they

Suddenly will pulls up in front of them in his usual spot, I begin panicking. I look up to sully who was smiling at the guys

"Hey sully I'm going to go to my locker and I need to use the bathroom so I'll see you in class" I say fast as I can before walking off into the school

The hallways weren't crowded yet but when I was about to turn the corner someone pulls me into a section, I look up and see those eyes stare right into mine

"I have to go" I say but he holds me tight

"I'm sorry, I was a little distracted during the whole restaurant thing. It's just-" he stops because the most annoying voice on this planet interrupts us

"Babe what are you doing with that troll?" Alexa states


"Sorry, I was just talking to Stella about class" he lies and with that I push pass him and walk to the washroom.

He's dating her again? Of course he would be.

"Hey stells" sully says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder

I wipe at my eyes so it wouldn't be noticeable that I had been tearing up a bit.

"Hey sully" I softly say suddenly I feel another arm wrap around my shoulder

I look up and see will. Why does he think his arm can be wrapped around me

I push his arm off me, before walking into class and sitting beside sully instead of Will.

I can't help but feel jealous I thought he liked me but I guess not.

Alexa will always be chosen over me

I need to move on

The rest of the day was quiet, I had skipped lunch with them and went to the library so I could actually work on something.

After school I heard everyone talking about a bonfire party, should I go? And who would I go with

"Hey" sully says

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