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I start walking to school, the leaves turning yellow, red and brown making the walk more magical.

I love autumn

"Hey" I turn around and see Lauren

"Hey ren" I say before she begins smiling

"What?" I question

"Well nick and I we-" she says before I stop her as I hold on to her hand

"Did you lose your virginity!!" I yell before holding both hands

She nods and I begin jumping

"Tell me?? Was it good or was it bad? Do you love him?" I say before a car pulls up beside us and I know exactly who's car it is

"Hey nick" I say as he rolls down the window

"get in girls I can drive you" he says and I head for the back seat

"Hey babe" she lightly says as I slid into the back seat which was full of leather.

We arrive at school and as always the guys are all standing by the ledge waiting for everyone to arrive

"Hey man" nick says to brick

I stand at the back looking around when suddenly sully appears in front of me

"Hey sully" I say before walking up the steps

"It's 10 minutes before class early bird" he says as he grabs my hand

"Let her go" we all turn and see will looking at sully and I

Sully let's go real fast

"Sully let's go" I say before we walk inside the school

Why was will acting like that? It's not like he was hurting me.

"Hey can I ask a question?" I ask sully

"Yeah of course" he says as we walk down the hallway

"Well I've been ge-" I'm cut off by Will who gets in between us and wraps his arms around our shoulders

"You were saying?" Sully asks

"Never mind" I smile before looking up at will

Class went by so fast, people keep staring at me which is making me feel uneasy.

I finally reach my locker for second class but everyone is around it, I squeeze by people and when I reach my locker I see a white rose and a picture of Will and I, but his face is scratched out. My hand immediately goes to my mouth as I stare at my locker.

"Hey what's wro-" I turn and see will

I push pass everyone and run to the washroom, the door flings open and I run cold water as I pat my face.

"Are you okay?" Lauren says as she walks in

"Yeah it's just who would do that?" I fall into her arms as we hug

Suddenly I hear talking outside of the door

"I'm going in, she might need me" will says

"But it's a girls washroom" sully tells him

"I don't care I'm going in" Will spits and the door opens

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, But Are you? The person who's face is scratched out is yours" I say before he pulls me into his arms

"Yeah I'm okay, I threw the stuff out" he rubs my back as we continue hugging

"I want to go home" I say before pushing off of him, I look up and I see disappointment in his face for a second but he quickly recovers

"I'll take you" he says and we all walk out of the washroom.

"Ren I'm fine just go to class" I say and she kisses my forehead before leaving

"And you too sully" I say before hugging him tightly

"I'll start the car" will says as he leaves sully and I

"I'm here, and when does your mom come back?" He asks

My mother doesn't come back for another week

"In a week" I state

"Okay well, I'll come over everyday until she does come back. See you after school" he says before kissing me on the forehead

"Okay" I say, sully is literally the best person I could have in my life.

I walk to the parking lot, I scan the lot but will's car isn't here? Where did he go. I'll just walk home.

I really don't want to be here.

I look back before walking down the steps and begin walking home. 

As I walk home it suddenly starts raining.

Great. Just my luck

I try to cover myself with using my backpack but I'm still getting soak, suddenly a car starts driving by me slowly making my heart beat faster and faster until I realize it's just carter.

"Gosh you scared me!" I yell as his window rolls down

"Sorry, I didn't know if it was you or no. Why are you walking in the rain?" He questions

"Just walking home, didn't really feel good" I lie

"I can give you a ride" he says before opening the door, I jump in and tie my hair into a bun so it won't drip all over his car.

I stare at him as he stares at me.

I begin smiling softly

"Thanks carter you saved me" i say before looking forward as he begins driving

"Anything for y- my friends" he says as he drives faster

We make small talk the whole ride, he finally comes to a stop in front of my house. I turn to him before getting out

"Thank you so much carter" I place my hand on his hand before I run inside.

As I run up my porch I stop as he drives off fastly, when suddenly will's black mustang comes roaring down the street. I roll my eyes as I unlock the door

I walk in and lock it.

I run upstairs and quickly change, he begins knocking and ringing the door. I walk to my mothers room to go out into the balcony

"What do you want?" I yell down

As I hold my umbrella he appears

"Where did you go?" He yells back

"What do you mean where did I go? You left!" I yell

"I didn't, I told you I'd go warm up the car which was in front of the school because I was coming in for a second to grab something in my locker because I had an appointment." He yells back

"You didn't tell me that! So I left and walked home" I lie just in case he gets mad about this whole carter thing again. Well it's not a total lie I actually did walk for awhile until carter picked me up.

"I did, you must've not heard me but I did Stella!" He yells I roll my eyes before walking back inside.

Sully is coming over after school anyways. I'll be fine

*just let me in* Will texts

*just go home, I'll be fine* I text back, I hear his car turn on and leave.

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