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As I lay in my living room eating ice cream I wait for sully to come over because he said he would, it was 4 o'clock and I guess he isn't coming anymore or maybe he forgot.

I don't really know so in this house alone I'm carrying the biggest knife I have around just in case


I walk to the door and open it, to my surprise it's Sully I look down and he has a bag full of stuff

"I didn't know what you'd like so I grabbed every piece of chocolate, ice cream and candy" he smiles really big as he walks in.

"Sully" I say in a voice I know he would get

"Hey, your my friend and I want you to have a good rest of your day after that weird thing at school" he says as he lays the bags on the counter.

"Thanks" I softly say

"Did you know Will is sitting outside in his car across the street?" He questions I scrunch up my eyebrows because I thought he had left

"No?" I say before walking to the window and I see his car sitting there.

"I'll be right back Sully" I yell as I walk outside

"Yeah!" He yells back

I wrap myself in the comfort of my jacket as I walk to his car, I begin knocking on his window which were tinted so I couldn't see anything but after a minute he rolls the window down

He rubs his eyes

"What are you doing?" I question

"Well that thing at school was really weird and I didn't want to leave you alone in that big house of yours and you didn't really want me inside so I stayed out here" he smiles

"Sleeping huh" I say before crossing my arms

"Sorry" he huffs in defeat

"I'm kidding, come inside" I say and he quickly rolls the windows up, I hear his loud footsteps walking closer to me

"Sully's here?" He asks

"Yeah he just got here" I say before walking inside

"Sully make 3 ice cream bowls!" I yell

"I already did" he laughs as he sits on the couch in front of the tv watching the movie I was

"Gross the notebook" will states before sitting down

"It's the best" sully yells before realizing what he just said

"Sully?" I say before laughing

We all begin laughing

"What can I say? I'm a romantic at heart just in real life I'm a heart breaker, I haven't found the girl yet" he says before taking a scoop of his ice cream.

I sit down beside Will

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Why do you keep asking me? It was your face that was scratched out not mine" I state

"True" he says before pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear

The rest of the night was peaceful, we watched about a billion of movies. They fell asleep before me so I decided to clean up.

I look at sully as he curls up on the couch, I quickly find a blanket and cover him. I look to Will who was the same so I find a blanket for him and slip it onto his body.

I walk to the door and lock it before turning off the light I place a bat beside the door just in case.

Before walking up to my room I take another look at Will and sully who were both still sound asleep.

I still take the knife up to my room.

I walk to my washroom and begin doing my normal bedtime routine, as soon as I walk out of my washroom I spot a large body on the love seat in my room. The blanket clings to his body as he shifts

"Will?" I whisper

"Yes butterfly?" He says back

"What ar-" he starts talking

"I want you to feel safe" he says before closing his eyes, I smile as I walk to my bed and fall asleep.

I wake up in the morning, I spin my body I rub my eyes before opening them. He's still sleeping on the love seat. I look at the clock which reads 6:45 am, I rub my eyes again before slipping out of my bed and walked downstairs. I look around for sully but his blanket is neatly folded on the edge of the couch with a note on top of it.

Had to go, my mother needed me.

Love, sully aka the best person in the world!

I begin smiling, I walk to the kitchen and when I do I see pancakes on a plate.

This is what he meant when he said he was the best person. I immediately begin smiling.

Ugh I love sully

I eat the pancakes, they tasted okay but not as good as will's but still he tried. I take a sip of my orange juice before walking to the washroom in my mothers room. I take a quick shower.

I push my door open as I scrummage through my drawers looking for something to wear

"Hey" will's soft voice fills the room I jump as I turn around

"I didn't mean to wake you, sorry" I say in a pleading voice

"It's okay, I should get up anyways it's almost time for school." He says

"Sully left this morning" I say as I take my clothes and walk into my bathroom

"He did!?" Will yells

"Yeah he left a note" I say as I throw my shirt over my head

"Okay, well I'm going to go downstairs to go eat" he yells back before I hear the bedroom door shut.

I quickly brush my teeth and walk downstairs. He's sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal because sully didn't make any for Will which is weird because he knew Will was here.

"You have" he stops talking and stands up to walk over to me

I stop and stare at him

"This" he says as he wipes something off with his finger by my mouth.

I look at his finger and see toothpaste on it, I smile as I look at the clock which reads 8 am meaning we have to leave

"We have to go" I say as I walk to grab my sweater.

"Right" he says

We drive to school, outside was sunny but the cold autumn breeze was hitting me making me shiver

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