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It was finally the end of the day for the first day of school and I'm actually finally happy, I quickly walk to my locker so that I can get out of here as fast as I can, so that I can walk and listen to music. Peacefully

I slam my locker shut and begin walking through the halls when suddenly I hear footsteps closely behind me so I turn but no one.

I need to stop watching scary movies while my mother is gone on business.


I quickly walk outside and slip in my earphones as I stare ahead I see someone looking at me but quickly disappeared once I get closer I stop and look around... no one

I zip up my jacket and begin walking faster and once I turn a corner and into an alley I look back for a second when suddenly I hit something hard which makes me fall to the ground.

"Ow" I say before rubbing my knees

I look up to find will

Will is staring back at me as he holds out his hand for me

"Thanks will" I say as I stand up

"Butterfly you need to watch where you are going before you end up hurting yourself" he smiles softly

"What are you doing in an alley anyways you don't live around here" I say before observing my surroundings

"I was picking up my little brother from his fathers" he says as I rub the dirt off of my knees

"It's kind of cold for shorts, why are you walking?" He questions

"Well will I don't have a car so no choice but to walk plus it's peaceful until I felt someone following me, that's why I ran into your car because I turned and didn't know your car was here" I say embarrassingly

I could feel my cheeks reddening as he stares at me

"Get in Butterfly" he softly says before opening his passenger door

We sit in his car waiting for his little brother, when suddenly he comes running out with his backpack in his hands.

"Hey will!!" He yells as he frantically waves

"Hey bugger!" He says as he opens he door and climbs out so that he can slip in the back

"Can't I sit in the front?" He says until he realizes me in the front seat

"No, you can't sit in the front until you are at least 12 Liam" will states

"Fine, oh and hi I'm Liam!" He squeals before holding out his little hand I grab his little soft hands and shake it


"Butterfly, her name is butterfly" he chuckles

"No it's not it's Stella" I say as he smiles cutely at me

I turn back and we drive off, after about 10 minutes we stop at a house. Which clearly isn't mine and to be honest I thought he was going a different way to my house because we missed the turn but I guess not

"Where are we?" I question

"Home!" Liam yells from the back leaving me stunned

"Why are we are your house?" I whisper

"Oh I'm dropping him off at my moms and we are going out" he says as he slips out leaving me shocked and confused in the passenger seat of his mustang.

After about 5 minutes he flies out of the house and jumps in

"Ready to go?" He says

"Sure?" I say very unsure of it

He sets the car in drive and begins driving, he would glance at me a few times during the drive, I look around and see his group of friends standing around with their cars making me very confused

"Hey it's ren!" I say as she stands beside nick

He pulls up beside them and hops out

"What are we doing?" I ask

"Street racing, our group does this about once every month. Just us though we do it for fun and adrenaline" he says as he walks to sully

"Adrenaline? Are you serious right now" I say as I sit in his car before hopping out and walking to ren and nick

"Adrenaline are you guys serious!" I slap nick on his arm

"Chill Stella damn, And Yes it's a very amazing rush when you go at high speeds and then drift at a corner making my whole body tingle with this-"

"Death it makes your body tingle with the fact that you guys can die" I spit as I huff

Will walks over and pulls me towards him, I look up at him with curiosity

"Yes?" I say as I stare into his green eyes

"Your riding with me" he says as if I knew that I was.

"Hell to the no, I'm not going to die" I say frantically

"Come on it's not that bad.... your chance of dying is like 9 out of 10 times getting in the car" he says with a smirk before he breaks out in laughter

"Oh my god will!" I yell as I smack his chest

"It's fun, come on" he says with pleading eyes he then holds his hand out I sigh and grab onto his hand tightly

"If I die, I'm haunting you" I say before getting into the passenger seat of his car

He does a cross with his body and stares right at me

The boys were all lined up, I see ren in the passenger seat of nick's car I wave at her before I feel someone checking my buckles

"Yes?" I say as I question will

"Just checking" he throws his hands up

"I know how to put a seat belt on will"

The boys nod at each other before a horn is heard and we speed off, i throw my right hand on the side of the car as my left hand holds onto the top of his car. I turn and see will laughing at me. The car is so fast I feel like I left my heart at the starting line, suddenly he begins drifting because of the sharp turn.

"Ahhhhh!" I begin yelling as I smile at my body having this feeling of amazement

This. Is. The. Best!

The feeling nick was talking about.

We get to the stop line and will jumps out as he throws his hands in the air

"I win! Again damn I'm good" he says with nobody around but me, that's until the rest of them come

Each sighing as they stand out of their cars

"Whatever man" brick says

After about 30 minutes of sitting around a fire I begin not feeling too good, I actually feel sick

"Will?" I whisper

"Yes butterfly?" He questions

"I don't feel good" I say as I hold my head from the major banging going on up there

"I'll take you home" he says before standing up

"Well goodnight, I have to take this sick butterfly home" he smiles

Everyone nods, I wave bye to ren who was clearly busy with nick to notice I was leaving making me smile my best friend has a little crush on nick.

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