Twenty- two

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"We gotta hangout more stells" sully says

I lean back and into the window as I stand in my driveway

"Yeah, it was fun.... beating your ass" with that I winked and walk back inside

"I let you win!" He yells before speeding off, more specifically before I can yell back

"Hey sweets, we leave in 20 so get ready" she smiles softly before disappearing into the kitchen

"Okay" I ran upstairs

Re did my hair,make up and dressed in different clothes

"Honey we gotta get going!" My mother yelled up the stairs

I grabbed lip gloss and lightly spread it over my lips, I ran out the door and down the stairs

"You look gorgeous honey" my mother smiles sweetly

We walk to her car, I opened the passenger seat and sat inside.

We drove over 15 minutes when finally we reached the restaurant. My mouth was wide open because the restaurant was one I haven't been too since I was young, and since my father was here.

"I love you so much" my mother says loudly

"And I love you" I smile softly

We sat down, ordered, and waited for our supper to come

The waiter was a boy, who was built, tan skin, and sandy brown hair

His name was Kyle

My mother went to the restroom leaving me sitting there alone, when suddenly Kyle walks up with our food

"Thanks, I haven't seen you in school?" I question

"I just moved here from Denver" he smiles softly

"Ohh getting enrolled soon?"

"Yeah, I think I might go to river lakeview high" he says

"I think you should go to brooks high, you know better school" I wink and with that he leaves but stops

"Happy Halloween—"

"Stella" I say happily

"Happy Halloween Stella, see you around" he winks and leaves

October 31st

A great day for me to be born. I can't believe I ended up being born on halloween like shitty luck.

"Ooo food" my mother mumbles under her breath as she walks past me

We ate, half and hour later we turned to the streets which filled with kids walking around in costumes.

"So I will be leaving you here" my mother grins

"What?" I question

She nods her head toward the window I turn and see sully, he waves as I stand up but before I leave I give mom my tightest hug and with that I leave outside

"Hey sully"

"We have stuff to do and before we can leave to the destination here" he throws me a bag

I open it and there's a costume inside, an angel costume

"I didn't choose it someone else did" he smiles

"So party? Who's throwing it" I chuckle

"I'd tell you but if I did I would have to kill you" he smirks as he winks

I got in the car, we stopped at nicks which ren was here, I ran inside so I could change and quickly head back out and into sully's car.


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