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I open my eyes, I'm guessing he's a friends addict too because it was still playing meaning Will was up late like really late, suddenly I feel the warmth of his body behind me as his arm wraps around me, this feels so good but so wrong at the same time


Loud knocks make me jump and fall to the floor once again, I take a big breath

"You okay?" Will says in a hush tone

I nod, he quickly grabs a bat that was beside the couch and begins walking to the door

"I know you guys are in there! Open up" sully yells

The both of us rest our shoulders and walk to the door normally

"Hey sully" I wrap my arms around his neck to my surprise I see nick, brick and ren all behind him holding breakfast

"We come baring breakfast!" Brick chimes in as he holds the bag up and smiles a smile that I can look at forever because it looked... it looked so, so genuine something I wanted to feel. I look at Will who's already staring at me, and with that I smile as everyone begins walking in but still he never breaks contact

"I love that smile" ren pulls me back to reality and I hold her in a tight hug

"I love you!!!" I yell as I begin laughing

We all walked to the kitchen, sully already grabbed plates and forks making me smile because he knew where everything was already.

"We need to talk" I look up the Will who was staring down at me making my heart jump a little.

I nod

I guess we do need to talk, him in the same bed I mean couch as me is pretty tough going to tell his girlfriend.. well if he does tell Alexa. I almost barf saying her name.

As I watch the boys scarf down their breakfast, I turn to ren who was eating slow and neatly. I laughed because us girls are always the ones to be more mature and content.

After I was done eating my breakfast, I looked up to Will who was hovering me as he smiled I couldn't help but smile too.

"Can we talk now?" He spits ruining the moment

Because all I feel now is guilt.

I nod as I stiffly moved across the living room, to the stairs as I watched his back moving up the stairs I couldn't help but fall into a spell of just staring at the way his muscles in his back and the way his shoulders move when he walks.

He stops at my room, he lets me in first and after he walks in he shuts the door.

"What did you want to talk about?" I say as I sit down on my bed

"Well" he stops and stares at me before looking down at his hands

"Well I think I'm going to bre-" he stops because the sound of the doorbell breaks the stare between us and makes me jump

"It's fine, it's probably someone else" he reassures me as he wipes away my hair and pulls it behind my ear

"I should probably go see who it is" I say as I walk out the door and make my way downstairs, I can feel his steps close to mine as we walk and once we do I hear a voice that I did not like.

"Babe!" She squeals

She jumps on Will and begins kissing him, he lightly pushes her off.

"What? What are you doing here" he asks the devil

"I've been looking for you everywhere! We have to go come on!" She grabs his hand and pulls him outside, he quickly turns around and mouths sorry

I roll my eyes and walk to sully who was staring at Will and Alexa with disgust, I burst into laughter at the face he was making

"That's my favourite face!" I say

"It's gross, he doesn't even like her. He's got his eyes on someone special" he winks at me making my heart skip a beat


No. Never.

"Yeah I'm sure" I laugh again

"He's too tangled up in all of that" I make weird motions with my hands as I stared at sully

"He wanted to break up with her last night but she wasn't answering his texts and he went to her house but she wasn't there." Sully adds

"Okay well we all should do something today!" I yell making sure this conversation sully and I just had was over.

Completely over.

"There's a fair an hour out of town!" Brick jumps up making everyone laugh at the face he was making as he sprung out.

We all looked at eachother before we all answered


Soon after ren and I ran upstairs to get in comfy clothes and warm ones too.

We all got in bricks black suv, an eight seat while everyone was running to the suv I quickly got to the passenger side and called shot gun.

"No way!" Sully replies

I begin laughing as I sat in and locked the door

While I sat there I stuck out my tongue at sully who began rolling his eyes.

After about 30 minutes brick and nick began complaining about being hungry so we stopped at a gas station and grabbed something to eat.

"So should we ask will to come? Or do you think he's too busy with Satan's spawn?" Sully chuckles

"I think he would be mad if we didn't, but we're already here so maybe text him about it and if he says yes then he can drive here" I say before walking back outside with my juice and candy

"Hey!" Sully comes running beside me


"I'm sorry"

"About What Sully you didn't do anything?" I lied to him

He nods before we jump into the suv and begin our way to the fair

We finally make it to the fair, we all split up. Nick and ren together, brick sully and I were together

After many rides I couldn't take it anymore so I stopped and walked to get a lemonade

"Hey" someone softly says behind me

I turn around and see carter

"Carter?" I smile

"Hey, me and my friends are here also camping though. What about you?" He asks before looking around

"Just the usual friends I hangout with, so I just wanted to thank you again for helping me the other day."

"Hey, gotta save the girl right?" He laughs a cute one too

"I guess so" i look around for sully and brick but they are nowhere to be found

"Hey I should get going, so I'll see you around" I state before hugging him and turning the other way.

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