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After supper my mother asked the boys if they wanted to sleepover, of course my mother sternly said only in the living room and told me I could stay downstairs until 1 am

"Which movie guys?" Brick asks

"How about a scary one" nick adds

"Yeah" sully says

"How about the conjuring!" Brick yells

"Brick, shhh and sure why not" I add

He put it on, we made two bowls of popcorn

Sully grabbed my arm and pulled me beside him, I laid my head on his shoulder and we watched the movie

"Hey, I know we're best friends and all but she's my girlfriend" Will adds

We all began laughing

"What? I'm being serious."

We continue laughing

"Chill man, she's my best friend" sully continues laughing

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes and sits down on the other side of me

I lay my legs on his laps and he places his hands on top of them.

"I think I might fall asleep soon" I whisper to sully

"Well goodnight there stells"

With that I fall asleep

I feel my body being held up bridal style and as we walk up the stairs I wrap my arms around his neck

"Thanks will" I state

"Anything for you" he kisses my forehead as he rests me on my bed and with that he shuts the door.


"Hey I wonder if she's up yet?" Brick states

"If I know my daughter, she's probably still sleeping" she giggles

"Probably" Will adds

I roll my eyes as I sit up and begin walking downstairs

"You know? Voice travels really easy" I raise my eyebrow

"Hey! I didn't say nothing" sully throws his hands up

"Hey sweetheart, so since tomorrow is your birthday I think it's best we go to dinner and after that you can do whatever these guys are doing for you" she smiles as she leaves and goes upstairs

"Oh and Stella I already ate so you guys can go out" she kisses me on my cheek as she heads up to her room.

I love my mom

"Let's go for breakfast, I'm starving stells" sully holds his tummy and I begin laughing

"Will?" I look toward him

"Let's go, how about my family's restaurant. You know best food and all" he winks

"Quit flexing dude" Brick chimes in

"Okay boys Let's go" I say as I walk out the door

"Oh and nick ask ren if she wants to come" I smile softly at him

He nods as we walk outside, "hey guys she's going to come with me and you guys fit into bricks suv" will says

I walk to the passenger seat

"Ooooo will and Stella" brick yells

"Ha. Ha so funny do you want me to come over there and-"

"No!" Brick yells

We all begin laughing

"Alone time?" I look at Will

"Why not huh" he grabs my thigh and I immediately begin laughing

"I love your laugh" will says loudly he freezes up and realizes he said it out loud

"I meant to say that in my head but since I said it out loud, I do love it" he turns his head and stares directly into my face.

"I love your dimples" I say as I begin singing along to the radio so that he couldn't say anything else

"Baby, baby, baby ooooooooooooo, thou-"

"Thought you'd always be mine!!!" Will finishes

As I stare at him I can't help but get lost in this moment, my thought is lost when suddenly we are hit by another car, my heart starts racing

It was a bad hit but it was a hit from one of those movies where someone tries to run you off the road

"What the hell!" Will spits as he looks in his rear view mirror

"Who is that?" My voice breaking

"I don't know but if he keeps hitting us I'm going to go and show him!" He spits

I grab onto his hand

"Just lost him" he stares at me for what seems like a minute but in reality it was a second, suddenly he starts speeding

This was exactly like the movies, fast and furious to be exact

He turns down an alley and starts speeding off, makes a right we finally make it out with a bunch of other traffic

"We got away" he huffs as he holds my thigh again

"Thank god, but who the hell was that??" I question

He pulls inside of the parking lot of his families restaurant, we slide out fast and walk over to the rest of the guys who were waiting on the car laughing and joking around.

"We almost got ran off the road!" He yells as he runs to them.

"Really man?" Nick walks from behind brick

I nod from afar as I stare at the back of his car which had a scratch from getting hit.

He's not going to like this...

They all turn my direction

"Don't tell me it's gone!" He yells

"No but there's a scratch" I yell back

He balls his fist so much that his knuckles turned white, as they stared at the scratch I turned around and saw someone from afar taking a picture inside of his car.

"Will?" I whisper yell

Who is that?

"What babe?" He questions

I pointed

But the guy speeds off the other direction

"What?" Brick asks

"That guy was taking pictures I saw, he saw me staring so he sped off" I say frantically

"Should we get the cops involved?" Nick asks

"No" Will sternly says

He already knows I don't want them involved so I nod in agreement, I don't want my mother to lose her job because she feels uncomfortable with leaving me alone.

"We gotta do something though" sully adds

"Let's have breakfast" I say before walking inside

I can feel them staring at me like I'm a mad woman which I guess I am since I'm acting like this is normal but if I make myself break down I will let that creeper win.

And I don't want that.

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