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It's been a few weeks, Halloween has taken its place all over this town... which was in about 3 weeks great

Meaning my 17th birthday was in 3 weeks.. great

"So what are you planning for your birthday?" Lauren asks as she rests her head on her hands

"I don't know, honestly I just want to lay in bed eat a whole bunch of junk and watch movies with my best friend" I say before shoving a piece of chicken in my mouth

"That would be great, but what about a party?" She questions

"My mother is going to be home, I can't plus it's Halloween there's going to be plenty of Halloween parties so let's just go to one of them and maybe I'll think about throwing a party later" I sigh before staring at sully and will who were approaching at us very fast

"Where's nick?" I ask Lauren

"He's sick, my poor baby I have to bring him soup after school" she says as she holds her head high

"Hey girls" sully says before sitting beside me

Will taking the spot that's right in front of me and beside ren

"Hey butterfly and Lauren" he softly smiles before looking at Lauren

"Sooo I heard your birthday was approaching" sully says with a tone that I know isn't good

"What sully" I say before looking at him

"Oh nothing just you know.... planning" he chuckles and side ways hugs me

"I kind of just want to go to a Halloween party, you know?" I say

Will frantically shakes his head no

"Nope, well since I can't keep secrets I'm going to tell you that I'm throwing your Halloween birthday party at my house" he warmly says before eating a French fry from Lauren's plate

"Thanks but no" I say before eating another chicken

"It's happening, done deal. Bye!" Will stands up and so does sully

They walk so fast I won't even have time to run to get them.

"I guess that answers all of my questions" she huffs and smiles

"I guess so" I sigh before standing up and throwing my food in the garbage

"Well s I'll see you after school, we are in need of a serious talk" she holds both my hands in hers before letting them go as she walks off in the opposite direction.


I make my way to the gym, going into the change rooms and setting my stuff where they need to be, I throw my gym clothes on that I had washed last night and quickly go outside but not before I grab my stuff and lock them in my locker.

Don't know when the devil spawn does something to fuck me over

"Hey Stells" Sully says as he walks beside me

"Hey sully" I say before following our class outside

"You know today will and I aren't on the same team as you, so watch out" he whispers before taking off into the field

"You should watch out max Sullivan!" I yell, he quickly turns his head and shakes it

Meaning I shouldn't have used his real name max, because he hates it of course.

But I love calling him by it sometimes just to annoy him

"Hey" will stands beside me, I look up and stare at him for a second before saying anything

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