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"Did this bitch just slap me!" He yells

Will immediately grabbed my waist and pulled me behind him, this guy was no joke he looked like he could kill me right now.

Why did I let my anger get the best of me

"Come any closer and it'll be the last thing you do" will spits

The guy started running but a gunshot fired and everybody ducked

"Boys, boys, boys this is no place to handle beef, we handle this shit on the track." The guy whom I'm guessing is the leader of this place

Everybody scattered and went back to their own places that they were at in the first place

"Babe who was that?"

"His name is carson mellows, him and I have been enemies ever since his mother did my mother dirty by pitting something against her making her lose her job, luckily she turned that shit around and found the truth" he spits with fire

"Should I have not slapped him?" I say as I scrunch my nose

"Don't worry your safe, but don't ever do that again" he kisses my nose and hugs me tight before leaving to the tracks.

"So we were told to stay with you because you decided to have some balls and slap the only guy in here who would stab you" Brick chuckles

I gulped and sighed

"don't worry babes we got you" Brick says as he puffs out his chest

"Wow I feel so protected" I chuckle before sitting down on the hood of bricks suv

"So, sully and will are both racing? But at different times" I ask

"Yeah but sully will be first and then will, and if they place in the top 5 in the heat they advance to the next round until the finals which if you get 3rd place you get 5000 and if you get 2nd you get 10,000 and for the final big prize if you get first place you get 15,000" nick says

My jaw literally dropped to the floor, if this boy wins first place he gets fifteen grand! What the hell

"Wow" is all I can muster to say

"Yeah" nick nods his head

"First round!!!!" The announcer yells

I stand up, I started looking around to find will's car and as soon as I spot it I can't help but smile.

"Go!" A sound of a gunshot went and with that the cars went wild

"He's in the lead!" Brick yells

I can't help but feel joy

My boy...

"So can they hit cars like to throw them off?" I question

"Nope, strict rules against that" brick sternly says

"Good" I say

Suddenly will fell back, back and it looked like he was in 8th place right now making my heart fall to my stomach but I believe in him. He can do this

"Come on will" Brick said under his breath as he pressed his knuckles so tight that his fingers went white

"Come on my boy" I mutter under my breath

Suddenly at that moment it was like he knew what I said because he started getting faster and faster to the point he was in second place making me jump up and down.

"Let's go man!!" Nick yelled

It was the final leg of the race, he was getting closer and closer

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