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As I lay in my bed waiting for ren to come over, I begin thinking of what I should wear that's until I hear a light knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yell from my bed

Will slightly puts his head in and smiles before fully coming in.

"Well sully just put a whole bunch of valuable stuff and locked them in a storage room and I just wanted to make sure your head is still screwed on." He laughs

"Still on!" I say before jumping out of my bed and going into my closet

"I just don't know what to wear" I say as I grab another boring shirt

"Here" he comes walking and flips through clothes

I stare at him admiring his gorgeous jaw line and his nice scent as he reaches for a shirt at the top

"This" he states I look at it and it's a plain black tank top with thin straps.

I'm so confused is he serious

"And this of course" he says before laughing

He hands me a grey cardigan with a pair of white jeans. It's actually a nice cute outfit

"Thanks" I say as I turn my head and look up his face is inches away from mine, I could basically feel his breath flow on me.

"No problem butterfly" he walks back to the front of my door and waves bye before heading out.

I begin taking my clothes off to change, I slip on the black jeans and as I slip my shirt off someone walks in the door.

"Hey Stells I don't know where to keep this? Where should I put it?" Sully says and I don't think he realizes I don't have a shirt so I cling on to my chest as I yell frantically

"Sully! Get out" I yell and he glances up before covering his eyes and backing out.

"I'm sorry stells but maybe put a lock on the door" he says before shutting the door.

I throw my shirt and cardigan on as I walk outside my door I come face to face with sully as he smiles

"I'm sorry again stells" he says before walking away

I walk downstairs and My eyes widen with a nice party set up, I can't believe I'm throwing a party still. I hope my mother never finds out.

"S!" Lauren yells as she jumps in my arms, I notice she walked in with nick leaving me wondering if she and nick  have a thing.

I whisper in her ear and she smiles

"Yes kind of" She says as she holds her hands together.

After about a couple more hours, my house became flooded with people from my grade and some seniors also.

I was walking around the crowd to find at least someone I actually talk to when I'm stopped

"Hey um I was wondering where the washrooms are?" a cute but mysterious guy asks

"Yes, I'm Stella and I can show you just follow me" I say before walking toward the stairs

"Thanks and I'm—"

"What?" I say I don't think I caught what his name was because it's so loud

"It's carter!" He yells

I nod and he keeps following me upstairs, until we hit a corner where the washrooms were

"Here" I say before smiling

"Thanks Stella" he says before walking in.

I stride toward the stairs until I realize my bedroom was opened a tiny bit, as I walk toward the room I open it and I find two people I thought I would never.

Will and Satan's spawn Alexa

My blood boiling but with embarrassment too I can't believe I thought I had a chance with him at all. I know they dated for about a year until he decided they should break up because he was in love with her but still I can't believe my eyes. I'm brought out of thought when suddenly Will glances at me making him jump from where he is and pushed her off.

I leave the room not knowing what to do. Maybe I should just move on and find someone better then a guy who will go back to Satan's spawn.

I hate this night

"Stells!" Sully cheers before putting a drink in my hand. In the moment I didn't care what I was doing so I drank the whole drink not caring what would happen next

Shot after shot with sully became more fun

But I was flat out drunk

"That's enough for you stells" he swipes my drink away and throws it in the sink.

"I guess I drank a tiny bit too much" I begin laughing as I get closer to sully

"Yes you did" he rests his hand on my waist

Is this really going to happen?




Yes. Most definitely yes

As our lips touch I couldn't feel anything but the alcohol in our breath as we continue kissing  that's until our bodies are ripped apart. I look for the culprit who tore us apart to find will.

Of course he would ruin my fun

Of fucking course.

"What?" I say before shoving him

Leaving sully in the kitchen and stride toward the stairs

"Your drunk you are going to regret that in the morning butterfly" he states and I think he's true but my brain is telling me to protest

"Stop calling my butterfly, we aren't friends will and I was having fun with sully" I say before stepping on the stairs

Oh god

I fall backwards but will's there to catch me, picking me up bridal way as we get closer to the top I wiggle my way off and begin walking to my room.

"I'll get everyone out so don't worry" he says and I realize Satan was on my bed

"Burn my sheets while your at it" I say in my head but by the look of his face I'm pretty sure I said it out loud, causing me to laugh. I begin walking to my mothers room.

"We'll talk about it in the morning" he states and I shake my head before walking in my mothers room and locking it.


"Leave will" I say before falling on my mothers bed and into deep sleep.

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