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"So I'm guessing you go to Brooke's high" carter says as we walk back to where I was

"Yes, and I'm guessing you go to the rival school?" I say before laughing

"Yeah" he states

"Well thanks for walking me back but I don't think my friends are here" I say as I look around

"Their race probably passed by I mean it's been a long time" he says

"Well I guess I have to find a ride" I say before checking my phone...

Great. Just great it's dead

"I can drive you home" carter says before walking toward where ever he parked

"Actually?" I say

"Yeah I don't want to leave you stranded here" carter says and we walk to his car

His car was nice, it was a black bmw it was super nice

"Thank you carter" I say before hugging him again

We begin driving off, I tell him where I lived and he knew exactly where it was because he said his mother used to live on my street

We stop in front of my house, before unbuckling I stare at carter

"Thank you again carter. I'll see you around" I say before stepping out of his car

"Yeah! I'll be seeing you around!" He yells before driving off

I walk to my front porch, I turn back and he's gone already. I walk up each step and my body just hurts from all of that banging of the door. Which sucks because I think I'll have a few bruises.

I walk up the steps and there's another note with a white rose laid on top.

I hear a loud engine come flying down the street until it stops so abruptly in front of my house. I recognize the car it's will

Why is he here?

He left me stranded at the tracks, I'm mad at him right now.

"Where were you?" He comes storming in my front porch and before I can shut my door he puts his foot there keeping it open

"You left me!" I yell before opening it

"No I didn't? You left us!" He yells back

"What do you mean! I was in the washroom and I got locked, when I came back you guys weren't there so a friend helped me with a ride" I yell back at him

"What friend?" He asks

"Who cares what friend, at least he didn't leave me!" I yell back

"We didn't know where you went so we thought you just decided to leave, I was kind of hurt!" He yells back at me

"Okay well sorry but I was locked! In the washroom and carter wa-"

Shit. I didn't want to tell him who the person was

"Carter nickels?" He asks and I shrug

Because I honestly don't know.

"He was tall, built but not as nearly as me may I add and blonde hair?" He questions

"Yes, I got some mysterious vibes from him" I state before he takes a big huff and throws his arms in a cross

"What?" I ask as he just stands there

"He's always taking something that's mi-" he looks at me before looking away


"Nevermind" he says coldly before storming off and back into his car


He frustrates me so much.

But as he walks away I can't help but stare at his built body... walking away from me

"You! Ughh you!" I yell

He stops and turns around as he looks at me

"I what?"

"You frustrate me!!" I yell before slamming my door shut as I walk to my bedroom

Suddenly I hear my door open causing me to freak out, I look around my room frantically for something to use as a weapon

As I stand up I grab something from my desk without looking and head to the door, I peak my head out and begin walking when suddenly someone pops out from the corner causing me to hold up whatever I grabbed from my desk

"Your going to kill me with an eye lash curler? I should my shaking" he laughs and I look down to what I'm holding and in fact it's an eyelash curler.

Shit I thought I grabbed the scissors

"I- i um i, what are you doing?" I say as I walk back to my bedroom

"I came to, uh" he says as he scratches his head

"Well?" I stand there

"I came to apologize for being a dick" he says as his face comes inches from mine

"Well, I'm sorry too I guess"

"You should learn to lock your door butterfly, or else your going to have to find a way to kill someone with an eye lash curler" he chuckles and I throw the curler on my desk

"I meant to grab the scissors okay" I say

"Yeah, but really lock your door there's creeps out there" he says before turning away

"Yeah I know, I must've forgotten when I stormed away" I smile

"Well goodnight butterfly, and come lock the door" he says and I walk downstairs with him

We get to the door and before he leaves he turns and gives a little soft smile that would make any girl melt. I lock the door and he jingles the doorknob

"Good!" He yells and after a few seconds I hear his car turn on and listen to it as it gets very distant.

I walk to the kitchen and grab some juice


Did he forget something?

I walk to the door and open it, no one

Absolutely no one.

I step out on the porch to look both ways but nothing.

I look down and see another note

I walk back in frantically as I lock the door

I run to my kitchen and grab the biggest knife I can find as I hide upstairs in the comfort of my bedroom which also has a lock on it.

I breathe in and out fast as I open the note

  I can't even hold your hand,
          But I love you with a love
               That no one can understand

Love, me

What is going on? Is someone pulling a prank because this is the second note I've received, I don't really know how to feel. Should I feel scared that I have a stalker or should I feel fine and this person doesn't know how to show affection like a real person. I don't know.

I throw the note in the drawer and fall asleep with the knife on my nightstand.

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