Twenty- three

5 3 0

December 1st,

Will and I have become more and more closer, with each date we have the more I fall for him.


I think I'm in love with this boy

"Dear!" My mother calls me from downstairs

"Yeah" I stare down the stairs

"Someone's at the door" she smiles

I run down the stairs and open the door to find will

"Will" I smile before hugging him

"Hey butterfly, so I was wondering would you want to go with me and the boys to a legal racing games? It's where we drive for money but it's all legal" he smiles widely


"Okay go get some clothes we're going to be gone all weekend" he winks

"But what about my mo-"

"I already asked her, so babe get some stuff and let's go we have to leave in 10" he kisses my cheek as he walks back to his car

I run upstairs, pack a bag and remember to bring my toothbrush and toothpaste

"Honey?" My mom peaks her head inside of the room

"Yeah mom?" I frantically walk around my room grabbing things I need

"Just remember to be safe okay?" She says

"Mom I know plus there's a bunch of guys I'll be safe no doubt" she begins laughing

"What?" I question

"I meant like safe safe" she whispers

My eyes widen and I could feel my cheeks begin to blush

"Mom! I'm not going to do that I'm not ready" I smile before zipping up my back pack

"Okay, Okay Honey was just making sure" she laughs as she pulls me into a hug

"I'll see you Sunday" I say before kissing her and running out the door

I sat down in his car


I nod and he begins driving

"So the boys will meet us there and it's about a 4 hour drive" he smiles

"Okay" I readjusted my seat so that I could be laying down and I pull out my tiny comfortable blanket

"Ready huh?" Will laughs as I reach for his hand he quickly grabs mine and intertwines them.

"I'm still a little tired"

"Okay well goodnight" he kisses my hand and let's me fall asleep.

"Babe" a soft voice is calling me

I look up to the sky as I hear will's name?


I begin yelling his name

And that's when I sprung up hitting something as I did

"Owww" I see will holding his forehead

"Gosh I'm sorry!" I say as I pull his head toward my lips and kiss it.

"Well we're here" he softly says before smiling

I look up and see the boys in the suv, they all flew out and ran to will's car

"Hey man, we're going to check in and oh you guys have your own room" he winks as he leaves

"Geee Thanks" I begin laughing

"Own bed huh" he chimes in

"Shush" I say as I put my finger on his lips to make him quiet.

"Okay babe lets go" he gets up pops the trunk and grabs out stuff

"I can grab a bag" I say

"No it's fine, you just walk your pretty self to the boys and get our key card" he says

I run to where sully was and he knew what exactly what I was coming for

"Here" he hands me the card

"Goodnight sully" I hug him before running back

"Okay I got it" i say as I stared down at the card but once I looked up he wasn't there, the stuff was but he wasn't

"Will?" I look around frantically

I begin running around the car, I ran back to the boys who were still in the lobby of the motel

"Guys will disappeared!" I yelled at them

They all came running

"Where would he go?" Nick asks

"I don't know nick, if I did don't you think I would've found him" I spit

"Feisty" Brick chimes in

I breathed in and out

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get angry"

"It's fine" nick nods his head before we all began wondering around trying to find will

I called his cell but it was no use because his cell was in the car

Suddenly I saw him appear out of nowhere

"Will!" I ran to him and jumped into his arms

"sorry, I swear I saw someone taking pictures and when I spotted it they took off running and then the person got in his car and took off west" he groans

"You scared me!" I yelled as I hit his arm

"Ouch" he rubbed his arm and then held me in his arms again.

"Let's go to bed" I say as we walk back to his car to grab our stuff

"You found him!" Brick comes yelling toward us

I nod and began smiling up at the boy I have hard feelings for

"Yeah well me and my girl are going to bed so goodnight boys" will says before grabbing our stuff, his phone and me

He unlocked the room with the keycard and inside he went, I stood there looking at our room. He turns around and confused look is plastered on his face


"Oh nothing" I smile before walking in and slipping off my shoes

"You okay?" He asks

I nod as I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him deeply.

"I'm tired so let's go to bed babe" I nod

I slip off my clothes, I turn around to see will laying in bed staring at me


"Oh nothing just you look really hot right now"

"Just right now?" I throw my hands to my hips as I raise my eyebrow

"No, I think you look hot all the time" he winks

I walk over to my bag and slip on my gown

"Come here" will holds his hands out, I lay on the bed and begin wiggling toward his body

"Goodnight Babe"


I kissed his forehead and fell asleep.

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