Chapter 24 - Back on Track

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Chapter 24

Back on Track

"I never thought we would get a big wall around finished. I'm exhausted," Meredith said laying down.

"At least now we have some form of shelter," Rimulus added.

"I can't believe you girls have these abilities! That was amazing!" Ernest said excitingly.

"You think that's amazing? You'd probably faint at what else we can do, that's nothing," Lynae said.

"Is Amelia going to be okay? She looked agitated while working," Ernest asked.

"Don't know; Rim, what are your thoughts on Amelia's condition? You know her better than us," Lynae asked.

"I'm worried. I know she just wants us to all think she's okay, but deep down I know she's struggling,"

"Do you think we should get Allura involved with her?"

"Honestly, I can't say. If it were up to me, I would ask for her if I were in her shoes, but I cannot speak on my lady's behalf," Rimulus said looking gloomy toward Amelia's direction.

"Maybe we do need her. I mean I don't need her, but Amelia might benefit from her to at least get her powers under control and to be able to handle them better," Lynae stated.

"It's getting dark, we should probably get some food," Ernest said.

"I'll come with you, Ernest. Lady Lynae, could you watch my lady and Lady Meredith?"

"I know Meredith won't, so yeah, be careful out there," Lynae said wishing them safe travels.

"We won't be gone long, I'll show Ernest the really good spots on where to get some fish and oysters." Rimulus said on where he was going to go.

While Ernest and Rimulus left, Lynae heard another voice speaking to her.

"You wish to speak with me?"

Only this time it wasn't Amelia speaking to her, it was Allura herself! Lynae was surprised but at the same time half expected her to hear because of the nature of her powers were identical to Amelia's.

"Yeah, Amelia's having trouble keeping control of her powers. It's taking a toll not only mentally but it's starting to show physically as well,"

"I'm actually finishing some business in Australis myself. I'll be at the aula in two days' time. Don't let her push it with her powers until I arrive. I already sensed what issues she's having and right now she needs to slow down."

Hesitantly, Lynae agreed with Allura even though she did not see eye to eye with her. She lost communication with Allura after that, and Meredith began waking up.

"What did I miss?" Meredith asked.

"The guys are getting some food. Mere, make sure Amelia isn't going overboard with the whole reconstruction project. Allura is on her way to help with Amelia."

"I thought we didn't want to see Allura again," Meredith said in concern.

"Yeah, I know, but she's the only one that can help Amelia with what she is facing now. I also need you to keep control over her. If she seems to get out of control, do what you need to do to keep her in check."

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